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123 results for offices
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 German  English

Hauptbüro {n}; Zentrale {f} [adm.] [listen] main office

Hauptbüros {pl}; Zentralen {pl} main offices

Hauptpostamt {n} general post office /GPO/

Hauptpostämter {pl} general post offices

Hauptverwaltung {f}; Hauptgeschäftsstelle {f}; Hauptniederlassung {f}; Zentrale {f} [adm.] [econ.] [listen] principal place of business; head office /HO/

Hauptverwaltungen {pl}; Hauptgeschäftsstellen {pl}; Hauptniederlassungen {pl}; Zentralen {pl} principal places of business; head offices

Informationsbüro {n} information bureau; information office

Informationsbüros {pl} information bureaus; information offices

Kanzlei {f} (an einem Gericht) court office

Kanzleien {pl} court offices

Kartenausgabestelle {f}; Fahrkartenausgabe {f} ticket office

Kartenausgabestellen {pl}; Fahrkartenausgaben {pl} ticket offices

Kommandantur {f} commandant's office

Kommandanturen {pl} commandant's offices

Kommandantur {f} einer Garnison garrison headquarters

Konstruktionsbüro {n} drafting office; draughting office [Br.]

Konstruktionsbüros {pl} drafting offices; draughting offices

Kontaktbüro {n} lobbying office

Kontaktbüros {pl} lobbying offices

Kontor {n} [obs.]; Handelskontor {n} office; business office [listen]

Kontore {pl}; Handelskontore {pl} offices; business offices

Koordinationsstelle {f} coordination office

Koordinationsstellen {pl} coordination offices

Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstelle {f}; Kfz-Zulassungsstelle {f} [auto] vehicle registration office; department of motor vehicles /DMV/ [Am.]

Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstellen {pl}; Kfz-Zulassungsstellen {pl} vehicle registration offices; departments of motor vehicles

Kulturamt {n} [adm.] cultural office

Kulturämter {pl} cultural offices

Kulturbüro {n} culture office; cultural office

Kulturbüros {pl} culture offices; cultural offices

Lebensmittelverteilungsstelle {f} food distribution office; food allocation authority

Lebensmittelverteilungsstellen {pl} food distribution offices; food allocation authorities

Maklerbüro {n}; Maklerfirma {f} broker's office; brokerage office; real-estate agency; land agency; broker company

Maklerbüros {pl}; Maklerfirmen {pl} broker's offices; brokerage offices; real-estate agencies; land agencies; broker companies

Markscheiderei {f} [min.] mine-surveying office

Markscheidereien {pl} mine-surveying offices

Notariat {n} notary's office

Notariate {pl} notary's offices

Paketausgabestelle {f}; Paketausgabe {f} parcel issuing office

Paketausgabestellen {pl}; Paketausgaben {pl} parcel issuing offices

Patentamt {n} [adm.] Patent Office; Patent and Trademark Office [Am.]

Patentämter {pl} Patent Offices; Patent and Trademark Offices

Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt /DPMA/ German Patent and Trademark Office

Europäisches Patentamt /EPA/ European Patent Office /EPO/

Präsident des Patentamts President of the Patent Office; Comptroller General [Br.]; Commissioner of Patents [Am.]

Patentanwaltsbüro {n} patent attorney's office [Am.]

Patentanwaltsbüros {pl} patent attorney's offices

Pfarramt {n} (katholisch, evangelisch); Pastorat {n} [Norddt.] (evangelisch) [relig.] [adm.] pastoral office; parish priesthood (Catholic); pastorship (Protestant); pastorate (Protestant); pastorate [Am.] (Catholic, Protestant)

Pfarrämter {pl}; Pastorate {pl} pastoral offices; parish priesthoods; pastorships; pastorates; pastorates

Pfarrbüro {n}; Parrkanzlei {f} [relig.] parish office

Pfarrbüros {pl}; Parrkanzleien {pl} parish offices

Planungsbüro {n} planning office [Br.]; planning and design firm [Am.]

Planungsbüros {pl} planning offices; planning and design firms

Polizeikommissariat {n}; Kommissariat {n} CID office

Polizeikommissariate {pl}; Kommissariate {pl} CID offices

Portierloge {f}; Portiersloge {f}; Pförtnerloge {f} [Dt.] porter's lodge; porter's office

Portierlogen {pl}; Portierslogen {pl}; Pförtnerlogen {pl} porter's lodges; porter's offices

Postamt {n}; Post {f} [listen] [listen] post office /PO/

Postämter {pl} post offices

zur Post gehen to go to the post office

Postverteilzentrum {n} postal sorting office

Postverteilzentren {pl} postal sorting offices

Briefverteilzentrum {n}; Briefzentrum {n} [Dt.] letter sorting office

Paketverteilzentrum {n}; Paketzentrum {n} parcel sorting office

Pressebüro {n} [mil.] office of information [Am.]

Pressebüros {pl} offices of information

Pressestelle {f}; Presseabteilung {f} press office

Pressestellen {pl}; Presseabteilungen {pl} press offices

Prüfungssekretariat {n}; Prüfungsbüro {n} [Dt.] [Schw.]; Prüfungsreferat {n} [Ös.] [stud.] [adm.] examinations office

Prüfungssekretariate {pl}; Prüfungsbüros {pl}; Prüfungsreferate {pl} examinations offices

Redaktion {f} [listen] editorial office; editorial staff

Redaktionen {pl} editorial offices

Zeitungsredaktion {f} editorial office of a newspaper

Regierungsamt {n}; Regierungsstelle {f} government office

Regierungsämter {pl}; Regierungsstellen {pl} government offices

Registratur {f} [adm.] registry; records office

Registraturen {pl} registries; records offices

Altregistratur {f} ancient records

Zentralregistratur {f} main registry

Schreibstube {f} [adm.] orderly office

Schreibstuben {pl} orderly offices

Schreibstube {f}; Schreibgemach {n} [veraltet] typing room; office [listen]

Schreibstuben {pl}; Schreibgemächer {pl} typing room; offices

klösterliche Schreibstube [hist.] scriptorium

Schuldnerberatungsstelle {f} debtor advisory office

Schuldnerberatungsstellen {pl} debtor advisory offices

Sekretariat {n} [listen] office; secretary's office; secretariat [listen] [listen]

Sekretariate {pl} offices; secretary's offices; secretariats

Sitzmöbel {pl} seating

Bürositzmöbel {pl} offices seating

eine breite Palette an Sitzmöbel a wide range of seating

Sozialamt {n}; Fürsorgeamt {n} [veraltet] (als lokale Dienststelle) [adm.] social welfare office; social welfare centre [Br.] / center [Am.]

Sozialämter {pl}; Fürsorgeämter {pl} social welfare offices; social welfare centres / centers

Sprechzimmer {n}; Arztsprechzimmer {n} [med.] consulting room [Br.]; doctor's office [Am.]

Sprechzimmer {pl}; Arztsprechzimmer {pl} consulting rooms; doctor's offices

Sprechzimmer {n} parlour; parlour office

Sprechzimmer {pl} parlours; parlour offices

Staatsarchiv {n} public record office

Staatsarchive {pl} public record offices

Standesamt {n} [Dt.] [Ös.]; Zivilstandsamt {n} [Schw.] [adm.] (Civil) Register Office [Br.]; (Civil) Registry Office [Br.] [coll.]; Office of Vital Records [Am.]; Office of the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages [Austr.]

Standesämter {pl}; Zivilstandsämter {pl} Register Offices; registry offices; Offices of Vital Records; Offices of the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages

Straßenmeisterei {f}; Straßenerhaltungsdienst {m}; Straßendienst {m} [auto] [adm.] highway agency; office of road maintenance; road maintenance department

Straßenmeistereien {pl}; Straßenerhaltungsdienste {pl}; Straßendienste {pl} highway agencies; offices of road maintenance; road maintenance departments

Taxizentrale {f} taxi office; taxi company

Taxizentralen {pl} taxi offices; taxi companies

Telegrafenamt {n}; Telegraphenamt {n}; Fernschreib-Wählvermittlungsamt {n} [adm.]; Wählvermittlungsamt {f}; Fernschreibvermittlungsamt {n}; Fernschreibvermittlung {f}; Telexvermittlung {f} [telco.] [hist.] telegraph office; telegraph switching exchange; telegraph exchange; teleprinter exchange; telex exchange

Telegrafenämter {pl}; Telegraphenämter {pl}; Fernschreib-Wählvermittlungsämter {pl}; Wählvermittlungsämter {pl}; Fernschreibvermittlungsämter {pl}; Fernschreibvermittlungen {pl}; Telexvermittlungen {pl} telegraph offices; telegraph switching exchanges; telegraph exchanges; teleprinter exchanges; telex exchanges

Theaterkasse {f}; Theaterkassa {f} [Ös.] theatre box office [Br.]; theater box office [Am.]

Theaterkassen {pl}; Theaterkassa {pl} theatre box offices; theater box offices

Überwachungsstelle {f} monitoring point; monitoring body; monitoring center [Am.]; supervising office

Überwachungsstellen {pl} monitoring points; monitoring bodies; monitoring centers; supervising offices

Vereinsbüro {n} club office

Vereinsbüros {pl} club offices

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