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324 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Kanti
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Ähnliche Wörter:
Anti-Aliasing, Anti-Atom-Bewegung, Anti-Atombewegung, Anti-Doping-Agentur, Anti-G-Anzug, Anti-Hahnengrill, Anti-Inflationspolitik, Anti-Korruptionsgesetz, Anti-Korruptionsgesetze, Anti-Quark, Anti-Rutschbelag, Anti-Subventionsverfahren, Anti-Trendelenburg-Lagerung, Anti-Viren-Programm, Anti-Viren-Programme, Fermi-Kante, Kante, Konti, anti..., kantig
Ähnliche Wörter:
Anti-Catholicism, anti, anti--capitalist, anti--capitalistic, anti-American, anti-Americanism, anti-Brexiteer, anti-Brexiteers, anti-Chinese, anti-Enlightenment, anti-European, anti-German, anti-Israel, anti-Israeli, anti-Japanese, anti-Russian, anti-Semite, anti-Semites, anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism, anti-Serbian

Abhebesicherung {f}; Absturzsicherung {f} anti-derail device

Abscheider {m} [techn.] anti-entrainment ball

Abtreibungsgegner {m}; Abtreibungsgegnerin {f} anti-abortionist; pro-life activist

Amerikafeindlichkeit {f}; Antiamerikanismus {m} [pol.] anti-Americanism

Antiarrhythmikum {n} [med.] anti-arrhythmic

Antidiskriminierung {f} anti-discrimination

Antidumping-Vorschriften {pl} anti-dumping provisions

Antiepileptikum {n} [med.] [pharm.] anti-epileptic

Antifaschismus {m} [pol.] anti-fascism

Anti-G-Anzug {m}; Druckanzug {m} (Luft- und Raumfahrt) anti-g suit; g-suit; pressure garment; pressure garment assembly /PGA/ (aerospace)

Anti-Hahnengrill {m} (Geflügelhaltung) [agr.] male-restrictor grille/grill; male restriction grille/grill; female-only grille/grill; FO grille/grill (poultry rearing)

Anti-Inflationspolitik {f} anti-inflationary policy

Antikapitalismus {m} [pol.] [econ.] anti-capitalism

Antikatholizismus {m} Anti-Catholicism

Antikriegs... [pol.] anti-war ...

Antinatalismus {m} [soc.] [phil.] antinatalism; anti-natalism

Antirassismus {m} anti-racism [Br.]; antiracism [Am.]

Antiraucher... anti-smoking

Anti-Rutschbelag {m} anti-slip covering

Anti-Aliasing {n}; Kantenglättung {f} [comp.] anti-aliasing; antialiasing; dejagging

Anti-Atombewegung {f}; Anti-Atom-Bewegung {f}; Antiatomkraft-Bewegung {f} anti-nuclear movement

Anti-Subventionsverfahren {n} anti-subsidy procedure

Antivirensoftware {f}; Antivirus-Software {f} [comp.] anti-virus software

Aufsitzschutzdraht {m} (Geflügelhaltung) [agr.] anti-roost wire (poultry rearing)

Aufsteigesicherung {f} anti-derail device

Außenkante {f}; Kante {f} eines Pfeilers (Klettern) [sport] outside corner of a pillar; arete [Am.] (Klettern)

Beintieflagerung {f}; Beintieflage {f}; Oberkörperhochlagerung {f}; Anti-Trendelenburg-Lagerung {f} [med.] head-up position; reverse Tendelenburg position

Beitrittsgegner {m} anti-marketeer

Bestimmungen {pl} zur Verhinderung von Steuerumgehung [fin.] anti-avoidance legislation; anti-avoidance rules

Blendschutz... [auto] anti-dazzle; antiglare [Am.] {adj}

Blockierschutz... anti-lock

Blockierschutzbremsen {pl} anti-lock brakes

Brotanschnitt {m}; Anschnitt {m}; Brotende {n}; Abschnitt {m}; Knust {m} [Nordwestdt.]; Knüstchen {n} [Nordwestdt.]; Kante {f} [Nordwestdt.]; Kanten {m} [Ostdt.]; Knäppchen {n} [Westfalen]; Krüstchen {n} [Mittelwestdt.]; Ranft {m} [Sachsen]; Renftel {n} [Sachsen]; Rämpftla {n} [Ostmitteldt.]; Knetzla {n} [Bayr.]; Scherzel {n} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Knäuschen {n} [Südwestdt.]; Riebele {n} [BW]; Murggel {f} [Schw.]; Mürggeli {n} [Schw.]; Zipfel {m} [Südtirol] (Anschnitt oder Endstück des Brotlaibs) [cook.] [anhören] [anhören] end crust; end piece; end bit; heel; outsider [Sc.] (of a loaf of bread) [anhören]

Claymore-Mine {f} (Schützenmine) [mil.] Claymore mine (anti-personnel mine)

Mittel {n} gegen Diabetes; Antidiabetikum {n} [pharm.] anti-diabetic agent; anti-diabetic drug; antidiabetic; diabetes drug [coll.]

Diebstahlwarnanlage {f} anti-theft alarm

Anti-Doping-Agentur {f} Anti-doping agency

Drachenzähne {pl}; Höckerlinie {f} (Panzersperre) [mil.] dragon's teeth (anti-tank barrier)

Dumpingabgabe {f} anti-dumping duty

Dumpingverbotsgesetz {n} [jur.] Anti-dumping Act

Einklemmschutz {m} pinch protection; pinching protection; anti-pinch protection; anti-trap protection

Entspiegelung {f} (einer Brille usw.) anti-reflection coating; anti-reflective coating (of eyeglasses)

Entspiegelungsbeschichtung {f}; Antireflexionsbeschichtung {f} (Optik) anti-reflection coating; anti-reflective coating (optics)

Erheblichkeitsschwelle {f} (Kartellrecht) [jur.] relevance threshold (anti-trust law)

Ethikotheologie {f} (Kant) [phil.] ethicotheology (Kant)

Fermi-Niveau {n}; Fermi-Grenze {f}; Fermi-Kante {f} (Kerntechnik) Fermi level (nuclear engineering)

ein Fernsehgegner sein {v} to be anti-television; to be anti-TV

Fortschrittsfeindlichkeit {f} anti-progressiveness; backwardness

Fraßhemmung {f} (Insektenvertilgungsmittel) anti-feeding effect (insecticide)

Freibord {n} (Abstand zwischen Wasserspiegel und Kante eines Bauwerks) (Wasserbau) freeboard (distance between the water level and the edge of a structure) (water engineering)

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