Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

eruption; breaking-forth; outburst (of a volcano); blow out (of a well); backbreak (quarrying mining); explosion [listen] Ausbruch {m} [geol.]

eruptions; breaking-forths; outbursts; blow outs; backbreaks; explosions Ausbrüche {pl}

phreatic eruption phreatischer Ausbruch

sudden excavation plötzlicher Ausbruch

subaerial eruption subaerischer Ausbruch

subglacial eruption subglazialer Ausbruch

subrecent eruption subrezenter Ausbruch

supramarine eruption übermeerischer Ausbruch

eruption thunderstorm; volcanic eruption storm Eruptionsgewitter {n}

eruption thunderstorms; volcanic eruption storms Eruptionsgewitter {pl}

eruption column; eruption plume Eruptionssäule {f}

eruption columns; eruption plumes Eruptionssäulen {pl}

eruption forms Ausbrechformen {pl} [techn.]

eruption techniques Ausbrechtechnik {f} [techn.]

cutaneous eruption; eruption exanthema; exanthema Hautausschlag {m}; Ausschlag {m}; Eruption {f}; Exanthem {n} [med.] [listen]

acneform drug eruption akneartiges Arzneimittelexanthem

rash [listen] flüchtiger Hautausschlag {m}; Vorexanthem {n}; Rash {m}

drug eruption; drug rash Arzneimittelausschlag {m}; Arzneimittelexanthem {n}

vaccination rash; vaccine rash; postvaccinal exanthema Impfexanthem

pustular eruption Pustelausschlag {m}

nappy rash [Br.]; diaper rash [Am.] Windelausschlag {m}

to erupt einen Ausschlag bekommen

volcanic outbreak; volcanic outburst; volcanic eruption Vulkanausbruch {m}; vulkanischer Ausbruch {m}; vulkanische Eruption {f}

volcanic outbreaks; volcanic outbursts; volcanic eruptions Vulkanausbrüche {pl}; vulkanische Ausbrüche {pl}; vulkanische Eruptionen {pl}

Vesuvian eruptions vesuvianische Eruptionen

Strombolian eruptions strombolianische Eruptionen

Plinian eruptions plinianische Eruptionen

paroxysmal eruptions; paroxysmal eruptive episode; paroxysmal explosive volcanic activity sich langsam aufbauende Vulkanausbrüche; paroxysmale Vulkanausbrüche; Paroxysmus des Vulkans

tropical sweat rash; heat rash; wildfire rash; summer rash; summer eruption; prickly heat; red gum; miliaria; sudamina Frieselausschlag {m}; Schweißfrieseln {pl}; Schweißbläschen {pl}; Miliaria {f} [med.]

lava eruption Lavaausbruch {m} [geol.]

lava eruptions Lavaausbrüche {pl}

teething; dentition; dentification; odontiasis; cutting/eruption of the teeth Zahnen {n}; Zahnung {f}; Zahndurchbruch {m}; Dentition {f} [med.]

gas eruption; gas blow-out; blast of gas; outburst of gas Gasausbruch {m} [geol.]

gas eruptions; gas blow-outs; blasts of gas; outbursts of gas Gasausbrüche {pl}

linear eruption Lineareruption {f} [geol.]

linear eruptions Lineareruptionen {pl}

lichen; eczema Hautflechte {f}; Flechte {f}; Ekzem {n} [med.]

lichens; eczemas Hautflechten {pl}; Flechten {pl}; Ekzeme {pl}

atopic dermatitis /AD/; atopic eczema atopisches Ekzem; atopische Dermatitis; Asthmaekzem {n}

itching eruption of the skin; prurigo juckende Hautflechte; juckende Dermatose {f}; Prurigo {f}

creeping eruption of the skin; serpigo kriechende Hautflechte; kriechende Flechte