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840 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Walm
Tipp: Mustersuche: Wort*

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Alm, Beluga-Wal, Halm, Kalt-Warm-Beutel, Kalt-Warm-Kompresse, Malm, Salm, Shepherd-Wal, Wal, Wald, Wald-Bergminze, Wald-Moschusspitzmäuse, Wald-Springkraut, Wald-Test, Wald-Vergissmeinnicht, Wald-Wolfowitz-Test, Wald..., Wale, Wall, Walz, warm
Ähnliche Wörter:
Malm, balm, calm, front--wall, hole-in-the-wall, in-wall, off-the-wall, palm, rope-walk, sleep-walk, thin-wall, wale, walk, walk-on, walk-ons, walk-up, walk-ups, wall, wall-eye, wall-eyed, wall-iron

A-Hörnchen und B-Hörnchen (Walt Disney-Figuren) [lit.] Chip 'n Dale (Walt Disney characters)

Abdichtwand {f} seal wall

Abputzen {n} (einer Wand); Putzausbesserung {f} (an einer Wand) [constr.] resurfacing (of a wall)

Aktivierungsübung {f} (zu Beginn des Unterrichts) warm-up activity; bell-ringer [coll.]

Al Katzone {m} (Walt Disney-Figur) [lit.] Fat Cat (Walt Disney character)

Anwärmdauer {f} warm-up time; heating time

Anwärmdrehzahl {f} [mach.] warm-up speed

Arterienwand {f} [anat.] artery wall

Atlantikwall {m} [mil.] [hist.] Atlantic Wall (Nazi defensive works against invasion from England)

Aufschlagen {n} der Fluke (eines Wals) [zool.] lobtailing (of a whale)

Augenhöhlenboden {m} [anat.] orbital floor; floor of the orbit; inferior wall of the orbit

Aurelianische Mauer {f} [hist.] Aurelian Wall

Ausguckplattform {f} auf dem Dach neuenglischer Küstenhäuser; Witwensteg {m} [arch.] roofwalk; widow's walk; widow's watch (USA)

Auslegeware {f} [textil.] fitted carpeting [Br.]; fitted carpet [Br.]; wall-to-wall carpeting [Am.]

Ausschauhalten {n}; Herausstrecken des Kopfes (eines Wals) [zool.] spyhopping; headrise (of a whale)

Balsamharz {n}; Balsam {m} [bot.] balsamic resin; balm

Bauchdecke {f}; Bauchwand {f} [anat.] abdominal wall

Bauchdeckenspannung {f} [med.] tension of the abdominal wall

Bauchdeckenstraffung {f}; Bauchstraffung {f} [med.] abdominal wall surgery; tummy tuck [coll.]

Bauchwandhernie {f}; Bauchwandbruch {m}; Bauchhernie {f} abdominal wall hernia

Baum der Reisenden {m} (Ravenala madagascariensis) [bot.] traveller's tree; traveller's palm

Bauöffnungsmaß {n} wall opening dimensions

Beluga {m}; Beluga-Wal {m}; Weißwal {m}; Weißer Delfin {m}; Meereskanarie; Meereskanarienvogel (Delphinapterus leucas) [zool.] beluga whale; beluga; Belukha; white whale; sea canary

Bismarckpalme {f} (Bismarckia nobilis) [bot.] Bismarck palm

Blas {m} (eines Wals) [zool.] blow (of a whale); spout (of a whale) [anhören] [anhören]

Bregenzerwald {m}; Bregenzer Wald {m} [geogr.] Bregenz Forest

Breitwandbauweise {f} wide wall design

Carnaubapalme {f} (Copernicia prunifera) [bot.] carnauba palm; carnaubeira palm

Dach {n}; Decke {f}; Hangendes {n}; Firste {f} [min.] [anhören] [anhören] hanging roof; roof; hanging wall; top wall [anhören]

Daisy Duck (Walt Disney-Figur) [lit.] Daisy Duck (Walt Disney character)

Daniel Düsentrieb {m} (Walt Disney-Figur) [lit.] Gyro Gearloose (Walt Disney character)

äußere Dichtungswand {f} [constr.] retention wall; reception wall

Dichtwandbau {m} [constr.] cut-off wall construction

Dichtwandbaustoff {m} [constr.] cut-off wall construction material

Dichtwandkopf {m} [constr.] diaphragm wall head (cut-off wall)

Dichtwandumschließung {f} [constr.] cut-off wall containment

Dicky, Dacky und Ducky (Walt Disney-Figuren) [lit.] April, May and June (Walt Disney characters)

Donald Duck (Walt Disney-Figur) [lit.] Donald Duck (Walt Disney character)

Doppelsamen {pl} (Diplotaxis) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] wall-rockets (botanical genus)

Dorette "Oma" Duck (Walt Disney-Figur) [lit.] Elvira "Grandma Duck" Coot (Walt Disney character)

Dummi Duck (Walt Disney-Figur) [lit.] Kildare Coot (Walt Disney character)

Dussel Duck (Walt Disney-Figur) [lit.] Fethry Duck (Walt Disney character)

Eckwandständer {m} angular wall base

Einlaufzeit {f} (zum Anwärmen) [electr.] warm-up time

Einpressanlage {f}; Verpressanlage {f}; Injektionsanlage {f} (Dichtwandbau) [constr.] grouting equipment (cut-off wall construction)

Einpressschlauch {m}; Verpressschlauch {m}; Injektionsschlauch {m} (Dichtwandbau) [constr.] grouting hose (cut-off wall construction)

Einsingen {n} warm-up (before singing)

das Fähnlein Fieselschweif (Pfadfinder bei Walt Disney) [lit.] the Junior Woodchucks (Walt Disney scouts)

dunkler Fleck (eines Wals oder Delfins) [zool.] cape (of a whale or dolphin) [anhören]

Flossenrohrwand {f} [mach.] membrane wall

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