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140 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Ancile
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Anteile, Antike
Ähnliche Wörter:
Ankole-Watusi, Nile, Uncle!, agile, ancilla, angle, angle-stable, anise, ankle, ankle-biter, ankle-biters, ankle-deep, ankle-high, anvil, anvils, awhile, decile, docile, ensile, facile, fixed-angle

fantasielos; phantasielos {adj} fanciless

Sie ist fantasielos. She has no imagination.

Altbulgarisch {n} [ling.] ancient Bulgarian

Altertümlichkeit {f} ancientness

Altgriechisch {n} [ling.] ancient Greek

Altkirchenslawisch {n}; Altslawisch {n} [ling.] Old Church Slavic; Old Church Slavonic; ancient Church Slavonic; ancient Slavic; ancient Slavonic

Altorientalistik {f} [stud.] Ancient Oriental studies

Altpolnisch {n} [ling.] ancient Polish

Altrussisch {n} [ling.] ancient Russian

Altstadt {f}; historischer Stadtkern {m} old town; historical town centre [Br.]; historical town center [Am.]; ancient town centre [Br.]; ancient town center [Am.]

Alttschechisch {n} [ling.] ancient Czech

Anschlussdeckung {f} (Versicherung) ancillary cover

Baunebengewerke {pl} related trades; ancillary trades

unter Denkmalschutz stehen {vi} to be listed for preservation; to be a listed building/a protected tree; to be scheduled/classified as an ancient monument; to be under/subject of a preservation order [Br.]; to be listed on a historic register [Am.]

Dienstmagd {f}; Dienerin {f} ancilla

Doris {f} (altgriechische Landschaft) [geogr.] [hist.] Doris (ancient Green region)

Dreiruderer {m}; Trireme {f}; Triere {f} (antikes Kriegsschiff) [naut.] [hist.] trireme (ancient warship)

Echnaton (König im ägyptischen Altertum) [pol.] [hist.] Akhenaton; Akhenaten (King of ancient Egypt)

Einruderer {f}; Monoreme {f}; Monere {f} (antikes Kriegsschiff) [naut.] [hist.] monoreme (ancient warship)

Folgesachen {pl} (bei einer Scheidung) [jur.] ancillary matters (in a divorce)

Gräzist {m} hellenist; researcher of ancient Greek culture

Heliopolis {n} (ehemaligie altägyptische Stadt) [hist.] Heliopolis (former city of ancient Egypt)

Hilfe {f}; Einstiegshilfe {f} [anhören] ancilla

Hilfstätigkeit {f} ancillary activity

Himation {n} (drapierter Überwurf im antiken Griechenland) [textil.] [hist.] himation (draped cloak in ancient Greece)

Kleinmaterial {n} incidental articles; incidentals; ancillary articles; ancillary items; ancillary products

Hilfs- und Nebengeschäfte im Kreditgewerbe ancillary credit business

Lohnnebenkosten {pl} [econ.] ancillary wage costs; employee oncosts [Br.]

Lohnnebenleistungen {pl} ancillary pay

Milet {n} (antike Stadt) [geogr.] [hist.] Miletus (ancient city)

(kaufmännisches) Nebengeschäft {n} [econ.] ancillary business, side-line; sideline; byline

Nebengewerke {pl} related trades; ancillary trades

Obolus {m}; Obulus {m} (alte griechische Münze) obolus; obulus; obol (ancient Green coin)

Orakeldekret {n} (altägyptische Gerichtsbarkeit) [hist.] oracular decree (ancient Egyptian jurisdiction)

Pompeji {n} (antike Stadt in Italien) [geogr.] [hist.] Pompeii (ancient town in Italy)

Präastronautik {f} ancient astronautics

Probenmaterial {n} ancillary sample

Scheidungsfolgesachen {pl}; Scheidungsfolgen {pl} [jur.] ancillary divorce matters

Tympanon {n} (antike Rahmentrommel) [mus.] tympanon; tympanum (ancient frame drum)

Ur... original; primitive; ancient; ur- [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Zulieferindustrie {f}; Zuliefererindustrie {f} ancillary industry; supplying industry

Zusatzausrüstung {f}; Zusatzgeräte {pl}; Zusatzeinrichtungen {pl} auxiliary equipment; accessory equipment; ancillary equipment

Zusatzspeisung {f} ancillary feed

Zweiruderer {m}; Bireme {f} (antikes Kriegsschiff) [naut.] [hist.] bireme (ancient warship)

alt; altertümlich; ehemalig {adj} [anhören] [anhören] ancient [anhören]

alt {adv} [anhören] anciently

altbulgarisch {adj} [art] [lit.] [mus.] [relig.] [soc.] ancient Bulgarian

altgriechisch; hellenisch {adj} [art] [lit.] [soc.] [hist.] ancient Greek; Hellenic

altkirchenslawisch; altslawisch {adj} [ling.] Old Church Slavic; Old Church Slavonic; ancient Church Slavonic; ancient Slavic; ancient Slavonic

altpolnisch {adj} [art] [lit.] [mus.] [relig.] [soc.] ancient Polish

altrömisch {adj} [art] [lit.] [soc.] [hist.] ancient Roman

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