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5 Ergebnisse für Cinemas | Cinemas
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Autokino {n} drive-in cinema; Drive in [Am.]

Autokinos {pl} drive-in cinemas

Freilichtkino {n} open-air cinema [Br.]; open-air movie theater [Am.]

Freilichtkinos {pl} open-air cinemas; open-air movie theaters

Kino {n}; Lichtspielhaus {n} [veraltet]; Lichtspieltheater {n} [veraltet]; Filmtheater {n} [veraltet]; Filmbühne {f} [veraltet]; Cinéma {n} [Schw.] [veraltet] [anhören] cinema [Br.]; movies; motion-picture theatre [Br.]; motion-picture theater [Am.]; movie theater [Am.]; bioscope [South Africa] [dated] [anhören]

Kinos {pl}; Lichtspielhäuser {pl}; Lichtspieltheater {pl}; Filmtheater {pl}; Filmbühnen {pl}; Cinémas {pl} cinemas; motion-picture theaters; motion-picture theaters; movie theaters; bioscopes

Filmkunstkino {n}; Programmkino {n} art-house cinema; repertory cinema

das älteste bespielte Kino des Landes the country's oldest cinema [Br.]/movie theater [Am.] which is still used for performances

ins Kino gehen to go to the cinema [Br.]/movie theatre [Am.]; to go the flicks [Br.] [coll.]/pictures [Br.] [dated]/movies [Am.]

ins Kino kommen; in die Kinos kommen (Film) to come to cinema screens [Br.] / movie screens [Am.]; to hit cinema screens [Br.] / movie screens [Am.]; to hit the screen; to be released theatrically (of a film)

in die heimischen Kinos kommen (Film) to come to our screens (of a film)

Ich bin mit meiner Freundin ins Kino gegangen. I took my girl-friend to the flicks/movies.

Demnächst in Ihrem Kino. Coming shortly to your screens.

Was läuft im Kino?; Was spielen sie im Kino? What's on at the cinema? [Br.]; What's on at the movies? [Am.]

Sexkino {n}; Pornokino {n} adult movie theater; porn cinema [Br.]; porn movie theater [Am.]

Sexkinos {pl}; Pornokinos {pl} adult movie theaters; porn cinemas; porn movie theaters

schwierige Lage {f}; Notlage {f}; Bedrängnis {f}; Bredouille {f} [geh.] dire straits

in arger Bedrängnis / in Nöten sein to be in dire straits

Die Krise hat die Branche in eine schwierige Lage / in die Bredouille gebracht. The crisis has pushed the industry into dire straits.

Die Großkinos haben die kleinen in Bedrängnis gebracht. The big cinemas have pushed the smaller theatres into dire straights.
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