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4 similar results for omniscient
Tip: If you don't have umlaut keys, use: ä = ae, ö = oe, ü = ue, ß = ss

 German  English

Erzählt wird aus der Ich-Perspektive Sinclairs sowie von einem allwissenden Erzähler, wobei die Ich-Perspektive die Identifikation mit dem Helden fördern soll. [G] The stories are told both from Sinclair's own personal perspective and by an omniscient narrator; the use of the first-person singular serves to promote the reader's sense of identification with the hero.

Geschildert wird aus der Sicht des Helden, um die Identifikation zu erleichtern, oder aus der eines allwissenden Erzählers. [G] The stories are told from the heros' perspective to facilitate the readers' identification with them, or else from the perspective of an omniscient narrator.

Stilistische Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Autoren sind deutlich erkennbar, mal berichtet beispielsweise ein Ich-Erzähler, mal ein allwissender. [G] There are clear stylistic differences between the individual writers. Sometimes there is a first-person narrator, for example, and sometimes there is an omniscient narrator.

Viele Filmemacher verzichteten auf den bislang üblichen scheinbar allwissenden Autoren-Kommentar und ließen die Betroffenen in Gesprächen, Interviews und Statements selber zu Wort kommen. [G] Many films dispensed with the previously usual apparently omniscient author's commentary and let those affected speak for themselves in conversations, interviews and statements.

The example sentences [G] were kindly provided by the Goethe Institute.
Sentences marked by [EU] derived from DGT Multilingual Translation Memory. The European Commission retains ownership of the copyright in the original data.
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