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18 similar results for OAT Syndrom
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Muttermal {n}; Geburtsmal {n} [selten]; Mal {n}; Nävus {m} (Naevus) [anat.] [listen] birthmark; mole; naevus; nevus [Am.]; spiloma [listen]

achromatischer Nävus; amelanotischer Nävus; hypomelanotischer Naevus; Ito-Syndrom (Naevus achromicus / Naevus achromians / Naevus depigmentosus) achromic naevus; amelanotic naevus; Ito naevus

Spinnenmal; Spinnwebennävus; Spinnennävus; (Naevus araneus / Naevus arachnoideus / Naevus stellatus) spider naevus; arachnoid naevus; spider angioma; stellate naevus

Naevus comedonicus follicular naevus

Naevus morus mulberry mark; strawberry mark

behaarter Nävus; Haarnävus {m} (Naevus pilosus) hairy naevus; pilose naevus

Lymphnävus {m} (Naevus lymphaticus) lymphatic naevus

Pignmentnävus {m}; braunes Pigmentmal {n}; Leberfleck {m} (Naevus pigmentosus) pigmented naevus; pigmented mole; liver spot

partieller angiektatischer Riesenwuchs {m}; angioosteohypertrophisches Syndrom {n} (Naevus osteohypertrophicus) Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome; angioosteohypertrophy

Spilus {m}; Kiebitzei-Nävus {m} (Naevus spilus) naevus spilus

Sternennävus {m} (Naevus stellaris) stellar naevus

Talgdrüsennävus {m} (Naevus sebaceus) sebaceous naevus; organoid nevus

Warzennävus {m} (Naevus verrucosus) verrucous naevus; epidermal naevus; linear naevus

warzenförmiger Nävus; melanozytärer papillomatöser Naevus {m}; molluskoider Naevuszellnaevus {m} (Naevus papillomatosus) naevus papillomatosus

Naevus spongiosus albus white sponge naevus of the mucosa; congential leucokeratosis mucosae oris

Sklerose {f}; Verhärtung {f}; Verkalkung {f} [ugs.] (von Geweben/Organen) [med.] sclerosis; hardening (of tissues/organs)

Arteriosklerose {f}; vaskuläre Sklerose {f}; Arterienverkalkung {f}; Schlagaderverkalkung {f} arteriosclerosis; arteriosclerotic vascular disease /ASVD/; vascular sclerosis

Aortensklerose {f} aortic sclerosis

Bulbärsklerose {f} bulbar sclerosis

Sklerose der Gehörknöchelchen; Verknöcherung der Gehörknöchelchen; Otosklerose otosclerosis; otospongiosis

Sklerose der Haut; Sklerem (Sclerema) sclerosis of the skin; sclerema

Sklerose der Hirnwindungen; Sklerogyrie atrophic scarring of the cerebral convulsions; sclerogyria

Sklerose des Nervengewebes; Nervengewebeverkalkung; Neuroklerose neurosclerosis

Sklerose durch Faservermehrung; Inosklerose inosclerosis

Sklerose mit Eiteransammlung; Pyosklerose pyosclerosis

allgemeine Sklerose; generalisierte Sklerose general sclerosis

amyotrophische Lateralsklerose {f} /ALS/; amyotrophe Lateralsklerose {f}; myatrophe Lateralsklerose {f}; Lou-Gehrig-Syndrom {n} amyotrophic lateral sclerosis /ALS/; myotrophic lateral sclerosis; motor neurone disease /MND/; Charcot's disease; Charcot's syndrome; Lou Gehrig's disease [Am.]

familiäre zentrolobuläre Sklerose familial centrolobular sclerosis; Pllizaeus-Merzbacher disease

konzentrische Sklerose; Leucoencephalitis periaxialis; Baló'sche Krankheit (Enzephalomyelitis periaxialis concentrica) Baló's concentric sclerosis; Baló's disease; concentric periaxial leucoencephalitis; demyelinating encephalopathy

Mönckeberg'sche Mediasklerose; Mönckeberg-Sklerose; Mediaverkalkung {f} Mönckeberg's arteriosclerosis; medial ateriosclerosis

multiple Sklerose /MS/ multiple sclerosis /MS/; polysclerosis; multilocular sclerosis; disseminated sclerosis; diffuse sclerosis; cerebrospinal sclerosis; insular sclerosis

Skerose / Verkalkung des Niereninterstitiums; tubulointerstitielle Sklerose tubulo-interstitial sclerosis

posterolaterale Sklerose; subakute kombinierte Rückenmarkdegeneration; funikuläre Spinalerkrankung; funikuläre Myelose; Lichtheim-Syndrom; Putnam-Dana-Syndrom posterolateral sclerosis; Lichtheim's syndrome; Putnam-Dana syndrome

progressive systemische Sklerose; Madonnenfinger (Sclerodermia diffusa progressiva) progressive systemic sclerosis; Madonna finger

systemische Sklerose systemic sclerosis

tuberöse Sklerose; Bourneville'sche Krankheit; Bourneville-Syndrom tuberous sclerosis; epiloia; Bourneville's disease

Athetose {f} (unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei Gehirnläsion) [med.] athetosis

Athetose eines Körperteils; Einzelathetose; Monathetose monathetosis

kongenitale Athetose; Hammond'sches Syndrom Hammond's disease

Scheinathetose {f} pseudoathetosis

Lipofuszinablagerungen {pl}; Lipofuszinverfärbung {f}; Lipofuszinose {f} [med.] lipofuscin deposits; lipofuscinosis

Gelbfettkrankheit {f}; Gelbfetterkrankung {f}; Zeroidlipofuszinose {f} yellow fat disease; ceroid lipofuscinosis; neurolipidosis

neuronale Zeroidlipofuszinose /NZL/ ceroid lipofuscinosis /CLN/

spätinfantile Zeroidlipofuszinose {f}; Dollinger-Bielschowsky Syndrom {n}; Jansky-Bielschowsky-Krankheit {f}; Bernheimer-Seitelberger Syndrom {n}; Kinderdemenz {f} [ugs.] late infantile ceroid lipofuscinosis; late infantile amaurotic familial idiocy; Dollinger-Bielschowsky syndrome; Jansky-Bielschowsky disease's disease; Bielschowsky's disease

Schweres akutes Atemwegssyndrom {n}; Schweres akutes respiratorisches Syndrom {n} /SARS/ [med.] severe acute respiratory syndrome /SARS/

schweres aktues Atemwegssyndrom Coronavirus 2; SARS-CoV-2; SARS-2; Covid-19 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; coronavirus-induced disease; coronavirus disease 2019; SARS-CoV-2; SARS-2; Covid-19; C-19

Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom {n}; ADS-Syndrom {n}; Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen {pl} [psych.] attention deficit disorder /ADD/

Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätssyndrom {n} /ADHS/ attention deficit/deficient hyperactivity disorder /ADHD/

Knochenbrüchigkeit {f}; Glasknochenkrankheit {f}; Osteopsathyrose {f} (Osteogenesis imperfecta) [med.] brittle bones; brittle-bone disease; Eddowes' disease; Eddowes' syndrome; imperfect osteogenesis; osteopsathyrosis

Osteogenesis imperfecta Typ I; Osteogenesis imperfecta tarda; Osteopsathyrose {f}; Lobstein-Krankheit {f} Osteogenesis imperfecta type I; osteopsathyrosis; avian bone syndrome; Lobstein's disease

Blumentopfwirkung {f}; Blumentopfeffekt {m} [agr.] pot-binding effect [Br.]; bathtub effect [Am.]; teacup syndrome [Am.]

Katzenaugensyndrom {n} [med.] cat's-eye syndrome

Katzenschreisyndrom {n}; Cri-du-chat-Syndrom, Lejeune-Syndrom {n}; Chromosom-5p-Syndrom; 5p-minus-Syndrom {n} [med.] cat cry syndrome; cri du chat syndrome; Lejeune's syndrome; 5p deletion syndrome, 5p minus syndrome; 5p monosomy

Kaufsucht; Kaufwahn {m}; zwanghaftes Kaufen {n}; pathologisches Kaufen {n}; Oniomanie {f}; Noemie {f} [psych.] shopping addiction; compulsive shopping; compulsive buying; shopaholism; sushma syndrome; oniomania

Larson-Johannsson-Syndrom {n}; Degeneration {f} der Kniescheibe [med.] Larson-Johansson disease, Sinding-Larson disease; patellar osteochondrosis

akutes Lungenversagen {n}; akutes Atemnotsyndrom {n}; Schocklunge {f} [med.] acute respiratory distress syndrome /ARDS/

Patau-Syndrom {n}; Trisomie-13-Syndrom {n}; Trisomie {f} des Chromosoms 13; Trosomie 13 [ugs.]; D1-Trisomie {f} [med.] Patau's syndrome; trisomy 13 syndrome; trisomy 13 /T13/

Patellaspitzensyndrom {n}; patellare Tendinopathie {f}; Insertionstendopathie; Tendinopathie {f} der Patellasehne [med.] patellar tendonitis; patella tendinopathy; insertion tendinopathy; insertional tendinopathy; jumper's knee

arteriohepatische Dysplasie {f}; Alagille-Watson-Syndrom {n}; Alagille-Syndrom {n} [med.] arteriohepatic dysplasia; Alagille-Watson syndrome /ALGS/; Alagille syndrome

Bindegewebsvermehrung {f}; Fibrose {f} [med.] overgrowth / hardening of connective tissue; fibrosis

aktinische Fibrose actinic fibrosis

hepatolienale Fibrose hepatolienal fibrosis

infantile endokardiale Fibrose infantile endocardial fibrosis

kongenitale hepatische Fibrose congenital hepatic fibrosis

Lungenfibrose {f} fibrosis of the lungs; pulmonary fibrosis

noduläre subepidermale Fibrose nodular subepidermal fibrosis

postfibrinöse Fibrose postfibrinous fibrosis

progressive massive Fibrose massive progressive fibrosis

retroperitoneale Fibrose retroperitoneal fibrosis; Ormond's syndrome; Gerota's fascitis

Symmers'sche Fibrose Symmers' fibrosis

zystische Fibrose; Mukoviszidose {f} cystic fibrosis /CF/

zystische Fibrose der Bauchspeicheldrüse cystic fibrosis of the pancreas

Fibrose mit Atrophie fibroatrophy

Fibrose mit Sklerose; Fibrosklerose {f} fibrosclerosis

Psychose {f} [med.] neuropsychosis; psychosis

Psychosen {pl} neuropsychoses; psychoses

affektiv-reaktive Psychose affective-reaction type of psychosis; thymergasia

amnestische Psychose amnesic psychosis

desintegrative Psychose disintegrative psychosis

enklamptische Psychose enclamptic psychosis

funktionelle Psychose; reversible symptomatische Psychose functional psychosis

halluzinatorische Psychose hallucinatory psychosis

hypterkinetische Psychose hyperkinetic psychosis

kurzzeitige reaktive Psychose brief reactive psychosis

manisch-depressive Psychose manic-depressive psychosis

oneiroide Psychose oneiroid psychosis

polyneutritische Psychose polyneutritic psychosis

postinfektiöse Psychose postinfectious psychosis; infectious-exhaustive syndrome

reaktive Psychose reactive psychosis; situational psychosis

schizoaffektive Psychose schizo-affective psychosis

schizophrenieähnliche Psychose schizophreniform psychosis

symbiotische kindliche Psychose symbiotic infantile psychosis

Psychose mit Krankheitsdisposition pathopsychosis

Infektionspsychose {f} infection psychosis; infectious psychosis; psychosis with infectious disease
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