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14 Ergebnisse für Mosaic
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Mosaik {n} mosaic

Mosaiken {pl} mosaics

Mosaikdrucker {m}; Rasterdrucker {m} mosaic printer

Mosaikdrucker {pl}; Rasterdrucker {pl} mosaic printers

(unechtes) Muschelgold {n}; Musivgold {n}; Porporina {n}; Zinn(IV)-sulfid {n} [veraltet] [art] [hist.] mosaic gold; painter's gold

Musivsilber {n} mosaic silver

Gurkenmosaikvirus {n} cucumber mosaic virus

Gurkenmosaikviren {pl} cucumber mosaic viruses

Bruchfeld {n} fracture(d) zone; fault mosaic; cavities; caved goaf

Bruchfelder {pl} fracture(d) zones; fault mosaics; cavitiess; caved goafs

Arabismosaik-Virus {n} /AMV/ [bot.] arabis mosaic virus /AMV/

Standortmosaik {n}; Ökotopenmosaik {n}; Ökotopengefüge {n}; Mikrochore {f} [envir.] landscape (mosaic) pattern; landscape mosaic (configuration); ecological moscaic; patch configuration; microchore; land facet

Wüstenpflaster {n}; Steinpflaster {n}; Wüstenmosaik {n} [geol.] desert pavement; desert mosaic

Entwickungsgeschichte {f}; Stammesentwicklung {f}; Evolution {f} [biol.] evolution [anhören]

Darwin'sche Evolution Darwinian evolution

konvergente Evolution; Konvergenz {f} (ähnliche Merkmalsausprägung bei unabhängigen Evolutionsvorgängen) convergent evolution; convergence (development of similar traits in independent evolutionary processes) [anhören]

Mosaikevolution {f} mosaic evolution

Glasperle {f} glass bead

Glasperlen {pl} glass beads

Augenperle {f} eye bead

Bernsteinperle {f} amber bead

Mosaikglasperle {f} mosaic glass bead

Pflasterstein {m} [constr.] paving stone; paving block, paving unit; paving slab [Br.]; paviour [Br.]; paver [Am.]

Pflastersteine {pl} paving stones; paving block, paving units; paving slabs; paviours; pavers

Betonpflasterstein {m}; Betonstein {m}; Gehwegplatte {f} aus Beton concrete paving stone with exposed crushed basalt; concrete sett with exposed crushed basalt [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; concrete paver with exposed crushed basalt [Am.]

Betonpflasterstein {m} ohne Verbundwirkung standard (non-interlocking) concrete paving block; standard (non-interlocking) concrete paver [Am.]

Betonpflasterstein {m} mit Basaltsplittvorsatz; Betonstein {m} mit Basaltsplittvorsatz concrete paving stone with exposed crushed basalt; concrete sett with exposed crushed basalt [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; concrete paver with exposed crushed basalt [Am.]

Betonpflasterstein {m} mit Verschleißvorsatz; Betonschwerlastpflasterstein {m} concrete paving stone with hard-wearing surface layer [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; concrete paver with protective coating [Am.]

Betonpflasterstein ohne Natursteinvorsatz; Betonstein ohne Natursteinvorsatz standard concrete paving block without exposed aggregate

Betonpflasterstein mit Natursteinvorsatz; Betonstein mit Natursteinvorsatz exposed aggregate paving block; exposed aggregate paving unit; paver with exposed aggregate [Am.]

eingefärbter Betonpflasterstein; eingefärbter Betonstein; eingefärbte Betonplatte coloured paving stone [Br.]; coloured paving block [Br.]; tinted concrete paver [Am.]

Betongroßpflasterstein {m}; Betonstein {m} large-sized concrete paving stone; large-sized concrete paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; large-sized concrete pavestone [Am.]; large-sized concrete paver [Am.]

Granitgroßpflasterstein {m}; Kopfstein {m}; Katzenkopf {m} [ugs.] large-sized natural paving stone; large-sized granite sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; large-sized natural pavestone [Am.]; large-sized cobblestone [Am.]; jumbo cobblestone [Am.]

Großpflasterstein {m} (aus Granit oder Beton) large-sized paving stone; Belgian block paver [Am.] (of granite or concrete)

Kleinpflasterstein {m} small paving stone; small paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; cube [Br.] [coll.]; small stone paver [Am.] [anhören]

Mosaikpflasterstein {m} mosaic paving stone; mosaic paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; mosaic paver [Am.]

Naturpflasterstein {m}; Pflasterstein aus Naturstein natural stone sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; random sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; cobblestone [Am.]; cobble [Am.]

Quaderpflasterstein {m}; rechteckiger Pflasterstein {m} (aus Sandstein oder Granit) paving set; paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ] (of sandstone or granite)

Verbundpflasterstein {m} (aus Beton); Verbundbetonstein {m} interlocking (concrete) paving block; interlocking (concrete) paving unit; interlocking (concrete) paver [Am.]

Pflasterstein mit geringerer Dicke; Stümper {m} [ugs.] cobblestone of reduced thickness

Pflastersteine in Mörtel verlegen; in Mörtel pflastern; in Mörtel pflästern [Schw.] to lay setts on mortar [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; to lay pavers on mortar [Am.]

Pflastersteine in Sand verlegen; in Sand pflastern; in Sand pflästern [Schw.] to lay setts on sand [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; to lay pavers on sand [Am.]

Pflastersteine ins Gefälle verlegen to lay setts to falls [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; to lay pavers to slope [Am.]

Silbernetzblätter {pl}; Fittonien {pl} (Fittonia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] nerve plants (botanical genus)

Mosaikpflanze {f} (Fittonia albivenis) mosaic plant

Tobamoviren {pl} /TmV/ (Tobamoviridae) (biologische Familie) [biol.] tobamoviruses /TmV/ (biological family)

Tabakmosaikvirus {n} tobacco mosaic virus

Tomatenmosaikvirus {n} tomato mosaic virus
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