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Worum geht es
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5 results for worum geht es
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 German  English

Worum geht es? What is at issue?

Worum geht es? [G] What is it about?

Worum geht es? Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen seiner Stücke deutet Jost im Titel fast nichts an. [G] What is it about? In contrast to most of his other pieces, Jost gives us almost no hints.

Worum geht es in dem Projekt? [G] What's the project about?

Worum geht es in Ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit Glas? Auf einer Skizze dafür notierten Sie: Glas - Symbol (alles sehen, nichts begreifen). [G] What's important for you in your work with glass? On a sketch for this you made a note: glass - symbol (to see everything, to understand nothing).

The example sentences [G] were kindly provided by the Goethe Institute.
Sentences marked by [EU] derived from DGT Multilingual Translation Memory. The European Commission retains ownership of the copyright in the original data.
No guarantee of accuracy or completeness!
©TU Chemnitz, 2006-2024
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