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8 Ergebnisse für Shorts | Shorts
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kurze Hose {f}; Short {f}; Shorts {pl} [textil.] (pair of) short trousers [Br.]; short pants [Am.]; shorts [plural noun] [anhören]

knappe Damenshort; Hotpants very short women's shorts; hot pants; hotpants

abgeschnittene Jeansshort für Damen daisy dukes

kurze Radhose {f}; kurze Radlerhose {f}; Radlershorts {pl} cycling shorts; cycle shorts

eine kurze Hose anhaben / tragen to wear a pair of shorts; to wear shorts

kurze Unterhose {f} [textil.] underwear shorts

Herrenslip {m} briefs; Jockey shorts ®

Boxershorts {pl} boxer shorts

enge Boxershorts {pl}; Pants {pl} boxer briefs [Am.]

Kinderslip {m} children's briefs

hochgeschnittene Unterhose high-cut underwear shorts

klassisch geschnittener Damenslip; klassischer Damenslip women's briefs

kurze Kinderunterhose children's underwear shorts

Wollslip {m} wool briefs; woollen / woolen briefs

Turnhose {f} (kurze Sporthose) [sport] gym trousers; gym shorts

Turnhosen {pl} gym trousers; gym shorts

Meldebuch {n} für fehlende Güter; Fehlverzeichnis {n}; Fehlliste {f} (Bahn) statement of missing goods; statement of shorts; return of missing goods; return of shorts (railway)

Fernsehspot {m}; Fernsehwerbespot {m} TV advertisement; TV short

Fernsehspots {pl}; Fernsehwerbespots {pl} TV advertisements; TV shorts

lange Hose {f}; Hose {f} [textil.] [anhören] (pair of) trousers [Br.]; (pair of) pants [Am.]; trews [Br.] [coll.]; strides [Br.] [coll.]; kecks [Br.] [coll.]; daks [Austr.] [coll.]; rammies [Austr.] [coll.]; reach-me-downs [dated]; britches [Am.] [coll.] [dated] [anhören] [anhören]

Hosen {pl} trousers; pants [anhören] [anhören]

Baumwollhose {f} cotton trousers [Br.]; cotton pants [Am.]

Bundfaltenhose {f} pleat-front trousers [Br.]; pleated trousers [Br.]/pants [Am.]; trousers [Br.]/pants [Am.] with front pleats

Caprihose {f} Capri trousers [Br.]; Capri pants [Am.]

Cargohose {f}; Kampfhose {f} cargo trousers [Br.]; cargo pants [Am.]; cargoes [coll.]; combat trousers [Br.]; combat pants [Am.]; combats [coll.]

Dreiviertelhose {f} 3/4 length trousers [Br.]; 3/4 length pants [Am.]

Freizeithose {f}; Chinohose {f}; Chino {f} slacks; chinos; chino trousers [Br.]; chino pants [Am.]

Hochwasserhose {f} [humor.] high-water trousers [Br.]; high-water pants [Am.]; floods [Am.]

Hüfthose {f}; tiefgeschnittene Hose {f} low-rise trousers [Br.]; low-rise pants [Am.]; hip-huggers; hipsters [Br.]

Karottenhose {f} peg-top trousers; peg-top pants [Am.]

Keilhose {f} wedge-shaped trousers [Br.]; wedge pants [Am.]

(enganliegende) Kniebundhose {f}; Kniehose {f} knee breeches; breeches; britches [Am.] [coll.]

(lockere) Kniebundhose {f}; Kniehose {f}; Knickerbocker {pl} knickerbockers; knickers

Kordhose {f}; Cordhose {f}; Manchester-Hose {f} [Nordwestdt.]; Schnürlsamthose {f} [Ös.] corduroy trousers [Br.]; corduroy pants [Am.]

kurze Trachtenlederhose {f}; kurze Lederhose {f}; Lederne {f} [Bayr.] [Ös.] [ugs.]; Seppelhose {f} [Norddt.] [ugs.] (mit H-Trägern) leather shorts (with H-shaped braces); lederhosen

(modische) Lederhose {f} leather trousers [Br.]; leather pants [Am.]

Pantalons {pl} [hist.] pantaloons

Pluderhose {f}; Pumphose {f}; Flatterhose {f} bloomers

Pluderhose {f} für Damen [textil.] harem pants; yoga pants; pantaloons

Regenhose {f}; Matschhose {f} (bei Kindern) splash trousers [Br.]; splash pants [Am.]

Reithose {f}; Stiefelhose {f} horse riding breeches; riding breeches; riding britches [Am.] [coll.]

lange Reithose {f}; Jodhpur-Reithose {f} jodhpur trousers [Br.]; jodhpur pants [Am.]; jodhpurs

Satinhose {f} satin trousers; satin pants

Schlabberhose {f}; schlotternde Hose {f} baggy trousers [Br.]; baggy pants [Am.]

Schlaghose {f}; Glockenhose {f} [Ös.]; ausgestellte Hose {f} bell-bottom trousers [Br.]; bell-bottomed trousers [Br.]; bell-bottomed plants [Am.]; bell-bottoms; flares

Skihose {f} ski trousers [Br.]; ski pants [Am.]

Skihose / Schihose mit Hosenträgern; Schneehose mit Hosenträgern ski salopettes

Steghose {f} [sport] stirrup trousers [Br.]; stirrup pants [Am.]

Trainingshose {f}; Trainerhose {f} [Schw.]; Jogginghose {f} tracksuit bottoms [Br.]; jogging bottoms [Br.]; sweatpants [Am.]; tracksuit pants [Am.]; jogging pants [Am.]

wetterfeste Hose all-weather trousers; all-weather pants

Yogahose {f} yoga pants

Hose für jede Jahreszeit all-season trousers; all-season pants

eine Hose finden, die wie angegossen sitzt to find a pair of trousers that fit perfectly [Br.]

die ideale Hose für Golfer the ideal pair of pants for golfers [Am.]

Kassendefizit {n}; Kassenfehlbetrag {m}; Kassenmanko {n}; Kassamanko {n} [Ös.] [Schw.] [econ.] [adm.] cash deficit; cash shortfall; shortage in cash; adverse cash balance; cash short(s) [Am.]

Kassendefizite {pl}; Kassenfehlbeträge {pl} cash deficits; cash shortfalls; shortage in cashs; adverse cash balances; cash shorts

Kassenfehlbeträge und -überschüsse cash shorts and overs [Am.]

ein Kassendefizit aufweisen to show a cash deficit

das Kassendefizit decken to meet the cash shortfall

Leggins {pl}; Leggings {pl} [textil.] leggings

kurze Leggins lycra shorts
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