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4 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Morra
Tipp: Mustersuche: Wort*

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Moria, Aorta, Dorr-Eindicker, Garra-Algenfresser, Gomorra, Hurra, Hurra-Patriotismus, Hurra..., Kopra, Korea-Tanne, Korral, Metra-Potential-Methode, Mitra, Mofa, Mohr, Mohr-Syndrom, Moiré, Moiré-Effekt, Moiré-Muster, Mokka, Monera
Ähnliche Wörter:
moria, Moor, Moors, Morava, Mors, Morse, Murray, Norma, Sorry!, Sorry?, Werra, aorta, borry, copra, corral, durra, fora, less-than-lorry-load, lorry, marry, marry-in

Witzelsucht {f}; Moria {f} [med.] joking mania; moria

Annahmeverzug (Mora accipiendi) (Vertragsrecht) [jur.] default of acceptance; default in acceptance; default in taking delivery; failure to accept delivery/performance; delay in accepting delivery/performance (after due notice or tender) (contract law)

in Annahmeverzug sein; sich in Annahmeverzug befinden to be in default of acceptance; to have failed to take/accept delivery (when offered by the seller)

Der Käufer ist in Annahmeverzug. The buyer is in default of acceptance / in delay in taking delivery.

Lieferverzug {m} (Mora solvendi) (Vertragsrecht) [jur.] default in delivery; delay in delivery; failure to deliver/perform (contract law)

Der Verkäufer befindet sich in Lieferverzug. The seller is in default of delivery / in default with a delivery or service.

Vertragsverzug {m}; Verzug {m} (Vertragsrecht) [jur.] [anhören] contractual default; default in performance; contractual delay; delay in performance (contract law)

Gläubigerverzug {m} (Mora accipiendi) default on the part of the creditor/obligee; creditor's default; delay of the creditor

Schuldnerverzug {m} (Mora solvendi) default on the part of the debtor/obligor; default of the debtor; debtor's delay

im Falle des Verzugs in case of default; in case of delay; in the event that a default occurs

die in Verzug befindliche Partei; die Partei in Verzug the defaulting party; the party in default

eine in Verzug befindliche Hypothek a defaulted mortgage

reziproker Verzug; Drittverzug {m} cross default

in Verzug sein to be in default; to default; to fail to perform the contract / your contractual obligations [anhören]

Ein Verzug tritt ein, wenn eine Partei gegen die Leasingbedingungen verstößt. A default occurs when one party violates the terms of the lease.
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