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213 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Bosne
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Bohne, Borne, Bose-Einstein-Kondensat, Bosse, Jelly-Belly-Bohne, T-Bone-Steak, T-Bone-Steaks
Ähnliche Wörter:
aitch-bone, blood-borne, bone, bone-dry, bone-forming, bone-reabsorbing, borne, food-borne, mosquito-borne, rocket-borne, thigh-bone, vehicle-borne, wind-borne

Alveolarknochen {m}; Alveolarfortsatz {m} [anat.] alveolar process; alveolar bone

Augenhöhlendach {n} [anat.] orbital roof; roof of the orbit; superiorwall of the orbit; orbital plate of the frontal bone

durch Blut übertragen; hämatogen {adj} [med.] blood-borne; haematogenic [Br.]; hematogenic [Am.]; haematogenous [Br.]; hematogenous [Am.]

Bose-Einstein-Kondensat {n} /BEK/ [phys.] Bose-Einstein condensate /BEC/

Bossen {m}; Bosse {f} [constr.] boss stone; boss [anhören]

Brandschiefer {m} [min.] bituminous shale; carbonaceous shale; bone coal; black batt

Bruchstückhebung {f} (beim Knochen) [med.] bone disimpaction; disimpaction

Entfleischen {n}; Ablösen {n} des Fleisches (Knochen; Tierkadaver) [agr.] defleshing (bone; carcass)

Felsenbein {n}; Felsenbeinpyramide {f} [anat.] petrous bone

Fersenbein {n} [anat.] heel bone; calcaneum

Flugsand {m} wind-borne sand; drifting sand; flying sand; drift sand; windblown sand; aeolian sand; quicksand

Flugstaub {m} [envir.] wind-borne dust

Fußwurzelentzündung {f}; Tarsitis {f} [med.] inflammation of the tarsal bone; tarsitis

Fußwurzelschnitt {m}; Fußwurzelinzision {f}; Tarsotomie {f} [med.] incision into the tarsal bone; tarsotomy

operative Fußwurzelknochenentfernung {f}; Tarsektomie {f} [med.] excision of the tarsal bone; tarsectomy

Guten Aufstieg! (Bergsteigen, Klettern) [sport] Bonne grimpe! (mountaineering, climbing)

Haarriss {m}; Fissur {f} (im Knochen usw.) [med.] rictus (of a bone etc.)

Hüftbein {n}; Hüftknochen {m} [anat.] hip bone; hipbone; innominate bone; iliac bone

Jochbein {n}; Jochbogen {m}; Wangenknochen {m} [anat.] cheekbone; malar bone; zygoma; zygomatic bone

Keilbein {n} (Os sphenoidale) (Schädelbasisknochen) [anat.] sphenoid bone; sphenoid

Keilbein {n} (Os cuneiforme) (Fußwurzelknochen) [anat.] cuneiform bone; cuneiform

Keilbeinflügelknochen {m} [anat.] alilsphenoid bone; alisphenoid

Keilbeinfraktur {f} [med.] fracture of the sphenoid bone

Knochenaktivkohle {f}; Knochenkohle {f}; Spodium {n} bone charcoal; bone black; spodium

Knochenasche {f} [chem.] bone ash(es); bone earth

Knochenbau {m} bone structure

Knochenbearbeitung {f} bone manufacturing

Knochenbilanz {f} [med.] bone balance

Knochenblutung {f} [med.] haemorrhage from the bone; osteorrhagia

Knochenbruchverwachsung {f}; Knochenbruchverfestigung {f}; Knochenbruchdurchbau {m}; Frakturkonsolidierung {f} [med.] consolidation of a/the bone fracture; consolidation of fracture

Knochendichte {f} [med.] bone density

Knochenleitung {f}; Osteoakusis {f} [med.] osteophony; bone conduction

Knochenmark {n}; Mark {n} [anat.] bone marrow; marrow [anhören]

Knochenmarkaspiration {f} [med.] bone marrow aspiration

Knochenmarkbiopsie {f} [med.] bone marrow biopsy; trephine biopsy

Knochenmarkeinlagerung {f} [biol.] bone-marrow storage

Knochenmarkkrebs {m} [med.] bone-marrow cancer

Knochengewebe {n} [anat.] bone tissue; osseous tissue

Knochenmehl {n} bone meal; bonemeal

Knochenporzellan {n} (feines Porzelalan) bone china

Knochenschnitzen {n} bone carving

Knochenersatz {m} [med.] bone graft

Knochenresorption {f} [med.] bone resorption

Knochenschwarz {n}; Knochenkohle {f}; Tierkohle {f} bone black; animal black; bone char; animal charcoal

Lendenknochenstück {n} [cook.] aitch-bone

Markhöhle {f} [anat.] marrow space (of the bone); medullary cavity

Marknagel {m}; Markraumnagel {m} (bei Knochenbrüchen) [med.] intramedullary nail; intramedullary pin (in bone fractures)

Mittelfußknochen {m} [anat.] metatarsus; metatarsal (bone)

Modellierholz {n} (Werkzeug) modelling stick [Br.]; modeling stick [Am.]; modelling bone [Br.]; modeling bone [Am.] (tool)

Nasenbein {n} [anat.] nasal bone; nose bone

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