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24 Ergebnisse für Arctic
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Arktis {f}; Nordpolargebiet {n} [geogr.] Arctic; north polar region

Polarfuchs {m}; Blaufuchs {m} [zool.] Arctic fox

Polarfüchse {pl}; Blaufüchse {pl} Arctic foxes

Seesaibling {m} [zool.] Arctic char; Arctic charr

Seesaiblinge {pl} Arctic chars; Arctic charrs

Nordpolarkreis {m}; nördlicher Polarkreis [geogr.] Arctic Circle

arktisch {adj} arctic

Küstenseeschwalbe {f} (Sterna paradisaea) [ornith.] Arctic tern

Wanderlaubsänger {m}; Nordischer Laubsänger {m} (Phylloscopus borealis) [ornith.] Arctic warbler

Echter Bonito {m} (Katsuwonus pelamis) [zool.] skipjack tuna; striped tuna; Arctic/oceanic bonito; victor fish; mushmouth; aku

Echte Bonitos {pl} skipjack tunas; striped tunas; Arctic/oceanic bonitos; victor fishes; mushmouths; akus

Grönlandwal {m}; Polarwal {m} (Balaena mysticetus) [zool.] bowhead whale; polar whale; great polar whale; arctic whale; arctic right whale; Greenland whale; Greenland right whale

Grönlandwale {pl}; Polarwale {pl} bowhead whales; polar whales; great polar whales; arctic whales; arctic right whales; Greenland whales; Greenland right whales

Dorset-Kultur {f} (Kultur im arktischen Nordamerika vor den Inuit) [hist.] Dorset culture (Pre-Inuit culture in Arctic North America)

Eisblumenglas {n} [techn.] ice-patterned glass; arctic glass; glue-etched glass

nördliches Eismeer {n}; nördliches Polarmeer {n}; nördlicher Ozean {m}; Nordpolarmeer {n}; arktisches Meer {n}; arktischer Ozean {m} [geogr.] Northern Polar Sea; North Polar Sea; Arctic Ocean

boreal-arktisch; boreoarktisch {adj} [geogr.] [meteo.] boreo-arctic; boreoarctic

Forschungsreisender {m}; Forscher {m}; Erforscher {m}; Entdeckungsreisender {m} (von etw.) [anhören] explorer (of sth.) [anhören]

Forschungsreisende {pl}; Forscher {pl}; Erforscher {pl}; Entdeckungsreisende {pl} [anhören] explorers

Afrikaforscher {m} explorer of Africa

Amerikaforscher {m} explorer of America

Nordpolforscher {m} Arctic explorer

Polarforscher {m} polar explorer

Südamerikaforscher {m} explorer of South America

Südpolforscher {m} Antarctic explorer

Front {f} [meteo.] front [anhören]

Arktikfront {f} Arctic front

Kaltluftfront {f}; Kaltfront {f} cold front

Okklusionsfront {f} occluded front

Polarfront {f} polar front

Schlechtwetterfront {f} bad weather front

schleifende Front, quasi-stationäre Front, Frontengirlande {f} near-stationary front; quasi-stationary front

Subtropenfront {f} subtropic front

Warmluftfront {f}; Warmfront {f} warm front

Echten Hasen {pl} (Lepus) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] hares and jackrabbits (zoological genus)

Alaskahase {m} (Lepus othus) Alaskan hare; tundra hare

Antilopenhase {m} (Lepus alleni) antelope jackrabbit

Kalifornischer Eselhase {m}; Eselhase {m} (Lepus californicus) American desert hare; black-tailed jackrabbit

Espiritu-Santo-Hase {m} (Lepus insularis) black jackrabbit

Feldhase {m}; Hase {m} (Lepus europaeus) [anhören] European hare; brown hare

Ginsterhase {m}; Castroviejo-Hase {m} (Lepus castroviejoi) broom hare

Kaphase {m} (Lepus capensis) Cape hare; desert hare

Polarhase {m} (Lepus arcticus) Arctic hare

Präriehase {m} (Lepus townsendii) prairie hare; white-tailed jackrabbit; white jack

Savannenhase {m}; Mosambik-Hase {m} (Lepus microtis / Lepus victoriae) African savanna hare

Schneehase {m} (Lepus timidus) mountain hare; white hare; snow hare; Alpine hare; Irish hare; tundra hare; variable hare

Schneeschuhhase {m} (Lepus americanus) snowshoe hare; varying hare, snowshoe rabbit [Am.]

Tibetanische Wollhase {m} (Lepus oiostolus) woolly hare

Weißflankenhase {m} (Lepus callotis) Mexican hare; white-sided jackrabbit

Klima {n} [geogr.] [anhören] climate [anhören]

gemäßigtes Klima moderate climate; temperate climate; equable climate

mildes Klima bland climate

raues Klima tough climate

äquatoriales Klima equatorial climate

arktisches Klima arctic climate

nivales Klima nival climate

ozeanisches Klima marine climate; oceanic climate

polares Klima polar climate

regionales Klima regional climate; macroclimate

Seeklima {n} maritime climate

Steppenklima {n} steppe-prairie climate

tropisches Klima tropical climate

Wüstenklima {n} desert climate

Klima der bodennahen Luftschicht climate near the ground

Studium {n} (eines Fachgebiets); ...wissenschaften {pl}; ...kunde {f}; ...istik {f}; ...ologie {f} (Studienfach) [stud.] [anhören] Studies (at a university)

Studium der Arktis Arctic Studies

Altertumswissenschaften {pl} Ancient Studies

Amerikanistik {f} American Studies

Anglistik {f}; Englische Philologie {f} English Studies; Language and Literary Studies of English; (Studies of) English language and literature; English philology

Asianistik {f} Asian Studies

Chinawissenschaften {pl}; Chinakunde {f}; Sinologie {f} Chinese Studies; sinology

Esperantophilologie {f}; Esperantistik {f} Esperanto Studies; esperantology

Germanistik {f}; Deutsche Philologie {f} German Studies; Language and Literary Studies of German; (Studies of) German language and literature; German philology

Japanistik {f}; Japanische Philologie {f} Japanese Studies; Language and Literary Studies of Japanese; (Studies of) Japanese language and literature; Japanese philology

Japanwissenschaften {pl}; Japankunde {f}; Japanologie {f} Japan Studies; japanology

Orientalistik {f} Oriental Studies

Osteuropawissenschaften {pl}; Osteuropakunde {f} East European Studies

Romanistik {f}; Romanische Philologie {f} Romance Studies; (Studies of) Romance languages and literature; Romance philology

Slawistik {f}; Slawische Philologie {f} Slavic Studies; Slavonic Studies; (Studies of) Slavic languages and literature; Slavic philology; Slavonic philology

Vietnamwissenschaften {pl}; Vietnamkunde {f}; Vietnamistik {f} Vietnam Studies; Vietnamese Studies

geografische Zone {f}; Geozone {f}; Zone {f} [geogr.] geographical zone; zone [anhören]

geografische Zonen {pl}; Geozonen {pl}; Zonen {pl} geographical zones; zones

geflutete Zone flushed zone

gemäßigte Zone temperate zone

heiße Zone torrid zone

labile Zone mobile belt

lichtlose Zone aphotic zone

metamorphe Zone metamorphic belt

nördliche kalte Zone north frigid zone; Arctic region

tropische Zone tropical zone

ewiges Eis {n} [geogr.] eternal ice

das ewige Eis des Gletschers the eternal ice of the glacier

das ewige Eis der Arktis the eternal ice of the Arctic

Seetaucher {pl} (Gavia) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] divers [Br.]; loons [Am.] (zoological genus) [anhören]

Eistaucher {m} (Gavia immer) common diver/loon; great Northern diver/loon

Gelbschnabel-Eistaucher {m} (Gavia adamsii) white-billed diver; yellow-billed loon

Pazifiktaucher {m} (Gavia pacifica) Pacific diver/loon

Prachttaucher {m}; Polartaucher {m} (Gavia arctica) black-throated diver/loon, Arctic diver/loon

Sterntaucher {m} (Gavia stellata) red-throated diver/loon

Zeisige {pl} (Carduelis) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] siskins; linnets; goldfinches; greenfinches; redpolls (zoological genus)

Alpenbirkenzeisig {m} (Carduelis cabaret) lesser redpoll

Andenzeisig {m} (Carduelis spinescens) andean siskin

Bartzeisig {m} (Carduelis barbata) black-chinned siskin

Birkenzeisig {m} (Carduelis flammea) common redpoll

Dickschnabelzeisig {m} (Carduelis crassirostris) thick-billed siskin

Erlenzeisig {m} (Carduelis spinus) Eurasian siskin

Fichtenzeisig {m} (Carduelis pinus) pine siskin

Gelbbauchzeisig {m} (Carduelis xanthogastra) yellow-bellied siskin

Goldzeisig {m} (Carduelis tristis) American goldfinch

Guatemalazeisig {m} (Carduelis atriceps) black-capped siskin

Haitizeisig {m} (Carduelis dominicensis) antillean siskin

Kapuzenzeisig {m} (Carduelis cucullata) red siskin

Kordillerenzeisig {m} (Carduelis uropygialis) yellow-rumped siskin

Magellanzeisig {m} (Carduelis magellanica) hooded siskin

Maskenzeisig {m} (Carduelis lawrencei) Lawrence's goldfinch

Mexikanerzeisig {m}; Mexikozeisig {m} (Carduelis psaltria) dark-backed goldfinch

Olivzeisig {m} (Carduelis olivacea) olivaceous siskin

Polarbirkenzeisig {m} (Carduelis hornemanni) Arctic redpoll

Safranzeisig {m} (Carduelis siemiradzkii) saffron siskin

Schwarzbrustzeisig {m} (Carduelis notata) black-headed siskin

Schwarzzeisig {m} (Carduelis atrata) black siskin

Taiga-Birkenzeisig {m} (Carduelis flammea flammea) mealy redpoll

Yarrellzeisig {m} (Carduelis yarrellii) yellow-faced siskin

Raubmöwen {pl} (Stercorarius) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] skuas (zoological genus)

Antarktikskua {f} (Stercorarius maccormicki) South-Polar skua

Chileskua {f} (Stercorarius chilensis) Chilean skua

Falkenraubmöwe {f} (Stercorarius longicaudus) long-tailed skua

Große Raubmöve {f}; (Stercorarius skua) great skua

Schmarotzerraubmöwe {f} (Stercorarius parasiticus) Arctic skua

Spatelraubmöwe {f} (Stercorarius pomarinus) pomarine skua

Subantarktikskua {f}; Braune Skua {f} (Stercorarius antarcticus) Antarctic skua; subantarctic skua; brown skua

Hüttensänger {pl} (Sialia) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] bluebirds (zoological genus)

Berghüttensänger {m} (Sialia currucoides) mountain bluebird; ultramarine bluebird; Arctic bluebird

Blaukehlhüttensänger {m} (Sialia mexicana) western bluebird

Rotkehlhüttensänger {m} (Sialia sialis) eastern bluebird
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