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14 Ergebnisse für Lecturer
Tipp: Wortvorschläge aus-/einschalten?

 Deutsch  Englisch

Vortragender {m}; Vortragende {f}; Referent {m}; Referentin {f} [anhören] lecturer [anhören]

Vortragende {pl}; Referenten {pl}; Referentinnen {pl} lecturers

Juniorprofessor {m} [Dt.]; Universitätsassistent {n} [Ös.] [stud.] lecturer [Br.]; assistant professor [Am.] [anhören]

Juniorprofessoren {pl}; Universitätsassistenten {pl} lecturers; assistant professors

Lektor {m} (Universität) [stud.] lecturer; junior university teacher [anhören]

Lektoren {pl} lecturers

Lehrbeauftragter {m}; Dozent {m} /Doz./; Vortragender {m} [stud.] university lecturer; adjunct lecturer; adjunct instructure; adjunct faculty; adjunct professor

Lehrbeauftragte {pl}; Dozenten {pl}; Vortragende {pl} university lecturers; adjunct lecturers; adjunct instructures; adjunct faculties; adjunct professors

Vertrauensdozent {m}; Vertrauensdozentin {f} liaison lecturer

sich (als Universitätslehrer) habilitieren {vi} [stud.] to qualify as a university lecturer / college lecturer [Am.]; to habilitate as a university lecturer [rare]

sich habilitierend qualifying as a university lecturer / college lecturer; habilitating as a university lecturer

sich habilitiert qualified as a university lecturer / college lecturer; habilitated as a university lecturer

habilitieren {vi} [stud.] to habilitate; to be called as / qualify as / be promoted to a professor/an associate or assistant professor/college lecturer

habilitierend habilitating; being called as / qualifying as / being promoted to a professor ...

habilitiert habilitated; been called as / qualified as / been promoted to a professor ...

Assistenz-Professor {m}; Assistenz-Professorin {f} assistant lecturer [Br.]; assistant professor [Am.]

Assistenz-Professoren {pl}; Assistenz-Professorinnen {pl} assistant professors; assistant lecturers

Gastdozent {m}; Gastdozentin {f} [stud.] guest lecturer; visiting lecturer

Gastdozenten {pl}; Gastdozentinnen {pl} guest lecturers; visiting lecturers

Hochschullehrer {m}; Hochschullehrerin {f} [stud.] university lecturer; college teacher; professor [anhören]

Hochschullehrer {pl}; Hochschullehrerinnen {pl} university lecturers; college teachers; professors

Universitätsdozent {m} [stud.] university lecturer

Universitätsdozenten {pl} university lecturers

jdn. habilitieren {vt} [stud.] to award sb. the qualification of university lecturer / college lecturer [Am.]

Fragerunde {f}; Gelegenheit {f} zu Fragen Q & A session; Q & A; Q and A

Nach dem Vortrag ist Gelegenheit zu Fragen (an den Vortragenden). The lecture will be followed by a Q & A (with the lecturer).

Lebensunterhalt {m}; Unterhalt {m} [anhören] [anhören] living [anhören]

seinen Lebensunterhalt als Lektor/Kellner usw. verdienen to earn your living as a lecturer/waiter etc.

seinen Lebensunterhalt mit etw. verdienen to earn your living from/through sth.

sein Auskommen haben to make a living

seinen Lebensunterhalt gerade (mal) so bestreiten können; nur mühsam über die Runden kommen to eke out a living

Professor {m} /Prof./; Professorin {f}; Prof {m} [ugs.] [stud.] professor /prof./; prof [coll.]

Professoren {pl}; Professorinnen {pl}; Profs {pl} professors; profs

außerordentlicher Professor; außerordentliche Professorin {f} /a. o. Prof./ senior lecturer [Br.]; associate professor [Am.]; adjunct professor

ordentlicher Professor /o. Prof./ full professor

Gastprofessor {m}; Gastprofessorin {f} [stud.] guest professor; visiting professor

Honorarprofessor {m}; Honorarprofessorin {f} honorary professor

Professor emeritus emeritus professor

zum Professor ernannt werden to be appointed professor
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