Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

maid [obs.]; damsel [obs.] [listen] Maid {f}; Jungfer {f} (Mädchen) [veraltet] [lit.]

old maid alte Jungfer

a damsel in distress ein hilfsbedürftiges Mädchen [humor.]

bar maid Barmädchen {n}

bridesmaid; maid of honor; maid of honour Brautjungfer {f}

domestic; servant; maid of all work [listen] [listen] Dienstbotin {f}; Hausmädchen {n}; Hausangestellte {f}; Domestikin {f} [hist.]

servant girl; serving maid; lady's maid; maid; maidservant [dated]; handmaid [archaic]; handmaiden [archaic] [listen] Dienstmädchen {n}; Hausmädchen {n}; Dienstmagd {f} (für grobe Arbeiten) [hist.]

between-maid; tweenie [coll.]; tweeny [coll.]; hall girl [Am.] (junges) Dienstmädchen für alles {n} [hist.]

maid-of-honour [Br.]; maid-of-honor [Am.] Ehrendame {f}

lady-in-waiting; waiting maid; court lady Hofdame {f}; Ehrendame {f}; Palastdame {f}

ladies-in-waiting; waiting maids; court ladies Hofdamen {pl}; Ehrendamen {pl}; Palastdamen {pl}

young lady's maid Kammerjungfer {f} [hist.]

young lady's maids Kammerjungfern {pl}

kitchen maid Küchenmädchen {n}

kitchen maids Küchenmädchen {pl}

hairy rove beetle; Maid-of-Kent beetle Kurzflügelkäfer {m}; behaarter Kurzflügler (Emus hirtus) [zool.]

tavern maid Schankmagd {f} [hist.]

tavern maids Schankmägde {pl}

stable maid Stallmagd {f} [agr.]

stable maids Stallmägde {pl}

lady's maid (to sb.) Zofe {f}; Kammerzofe {f} (von jdm.) [hist.]

lady's maids Zofen {pl}; Kammerzofen {pl}

Joan of Arc; the Maid of Orléans (folk heroine of France) Jeanne d'Arc; die Jungfrau von Orléans (französische Nationalheldin) [hist.]

'The Maid as Mistress' (by Pergolesi / work title) "Die Magd als Herrin" (von Pergolesi / Werktitel) [mus.]

'The Fair Maid of the Mill' (by Schubert / work title) "Die schöne Müllerin" (von Schubert / Werktitel) [mus.]

'The Maid of Orleans' (by Schiller / work title) "Die Jungfrau von Orleans" (von Schiller / Werktitel) [lit.]

parking attendant; traffic warden [Br.] Parkraum-Kontrollorgan {n} [adm.]; Parkkontrolleur {m}; Parksheriff {m} [ugs.]; Politesse {f}

parking meter attendant; meter maid [Am.] [becoming dated] Parkuhrkontrolleur {m}