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75 Ergebnisse für Automobile | Automobile
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Auto {n}; Wagen {m}; Automobil {n} [geh.] (in Zusammensetzungen, sonst veraltet) [auto] [anhören] car; automobile [Am.] [anhören] [anhören]

Autos {pl}; Wagen {pl}; Automobile {pl} cars; automobiles

Bestattungswagen {m}; Leichenwagen {m} funeral car; hearse [anhören]

Gebrauchtwagen {m}; Occasionswagen {m} [Schw.]; Occasion {f} [Schw.] used car; second-hand car; pre-owned car [Am.]; pre-owned automobile [Am.]

Gebrauchtwagen {pl}; Occasionswagen {pl}; Occasionen {pl} used cars; second-hand cars; pre-owned cars; pre-owned automobiles

Jahreswagen {m} one year-old car

selbstfahrendes Auto; Roboterauto self-driving car; self-driven car [rare]; robot car

Tourenwagen {m} touring car

ein richtiges Auto a car with a capital C

mit dem Auto fahren; mit dem Wagen fahren to go by car; to travel by car

Ich fahre mit dem Auto. I'm going by car.

Pkw {m}; Personenkraftwagen {m}; Personenwagen {m} [adm.] [auto] passenger car; motor car [Br.]; automobile [Am.] [anhören]

Pkw {pl}; Personenkraftwagen {pl}; Personenwagen {pl} passenger cars; motor cars; automobiles

CO2-Emissionen eines Personenkraftwagens in Gramm je Kilometer number of grams of CO2 emitted per kilometre by a passenger car

Automobilindustrie {f}; Kraftfahrzeugindustrie {f}; Kfz-Industrie {f} [econ.] motor vehicle industry; automobile industry; automotive industry [Am.]

Automobilemblem {n} [auto] automobile emblem

Automobilentwicklung {f} [auto] automobile development

Automobilentwicklungsdienstleister {m} [auto] automobile development service provider

Automobilersatzteile {pl} [auto] automobile spare parts

Automobilclub {m}; Automobilklub {m} automobile association

Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club /ADAC/ General German Automobile Association

britischer Automobilclub Royal Automobile Club [Br.] /RAC/; Automobile Association [Br.] /AA/

amerikanischer Automobilclub American Automobile Association [Am.] /AAA/

Österreichischer Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring Club /ÖAMTC/ Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle & Touring Club

Touring Club Schweiz /TCS/ Touring Club Switzerland

Autofahrerclub {m} [auto] automobile club; automobile association; motoring association

Autofahrerclubs {pl} automobile clubs; automobile associations; motoring associations

Kraftfahrzeughersteller {m} automobile manufacturer

Kraftfahrzeughersteller {pl} automobile manufacturers

der Autorennsport {m}; der Automobilsport {m} [sport] automobile racing; auto racing; car racing

Fahrzeugpark {m} automobile fleet; fleet (of cars) [anhören]

Kfz-Elektronik {f} automobile electronics

Kraftfahrzeugtechnik {f} automobile technology

Personenkraftwagenreifen {m}; PKW-Reifen {m} automobile tire [Am.]

selbstbeweglich {adj} automobile [anhören]

Autoarmaturentafeln {pl} [auto] automobile dashboards

Autoausstattungen {pl} [auto] automobile accessories

Autofedern {pl} [auto] automobile springs

Autoformteile {pl} [auto] automobile moulded parts

Autohebekrane {pl} [auto] automobile lifting cranes

Autoinnenraumisolationen {pl} [auto] automobile interior insulation

Autoinnenverkleidungen {pl} [auto] automobile inner lining

Autoinstandsetzungen {pl} [auto] automobile repair

Automobilaufbauten {pl} [auto] automobile assemblies

Automobilbedarf {m} [auto] automobile need

Automobilbereich {m} [auto] automobile range

Automobildichtungen {pl} [auto] automobile seals

Automobilinnenausstattungsteile {pl} [auto] automobile interior equipment parts

Automobilkomponenten {pl} [auto] automobile components

Automobilkonstruktion {f} [auto] automobile construction

Automobilkonstruktionsteile {pl} [auto] automobile structural components

Automobilleasing {n} [econ.] [fin.] [auto] automobile leasing

Automobillichttechnik {f} [auto] automobile light technology

Automobillogistik {f} [auto] automobile logistic

Automobilmarkt {m} [econ.] [auto] automobile market

Automobilmontagemaschinen {pl} [auto] automobile assembly machines

Automobilproduktion {f} [auto] automobile production

Automobilrecycling {n} [auto] automobile recycling

Automobilrelais {n} [auto] automobile relay

Automobilschalter {m} [auto] automobile switch

Automobilseetransporte {pl} [auto] automobile transportation by sea

Automobilsektor {m} [auto] automobile sector

Automobilservice {m} [auto] automobile service

Automobilspedition {f} [auto] automobile conveyance

Automobilsysteme {pl} [auto] automobile systems

Automobiltechnologie {f} [auto] automobile technology

Automobilteile {pl} [auto] automobile parts

Automobilteppiche {pl} [auto] automobile carpets

Automobiltextilien {pl} [auto] automobile textiles

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