Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

respirator room Atemschutzraum {m}

respirator rooms Atemschutzräume {pl}

respirator (anaesthesia) Beatmer {m} (Anästhesie) [med.]

respirators Beatmer {pl}

breathing ventilator; ventilator; breathing apparatus; breathing unit; respiration apparatus; respirator; inspirator; pulmotor [listen] Beatmungsgerät {n}; Respirator {m} [med.]

breathing ventilators; ventilators; breathing apparatuses; breathing units; respiration apparatuses; respirators; inspirators; pulmotors Beatmungsgeräte {pl}; Respiratoren {pl}

Beck ventilator Beck'sches Beatmungsgerät

positive pressure breathing unit; positive pressure respirator; positive pressure ventilator Überdruckbeatmungsgerät {n}; Überdruckrespirator {m}

CPAP ventilator; CPAP apparatus; CPAP unit; CPAP machine Überdruckbeatmungsgerät {n}

volume-cycled ventilator; volume ventilator volumengesteuertes Beatmungsgerät

to wean sb. from the respirator jdn. vom Beatmungsgerät entwöhnen

breathing mask; respirator mask; respirator Atemschutzmaske {f}; Atemmaske {f}

breathing masks; respirator masks; respirators Atemschutzmasken {pl}; Atemmasken {pl}

medical mask; surgical mask; procedure mask Mund-Nase-Maske {f}; Mund-Nasenschutz {m}; Mund und Nasenschutz {m}; OP-Gesichtsmaske {f}

particle-filtering half mask; filtering facepiece mask; FFP mask; fine particle mask Partikelfiltermaske {f}; partikelfilternde Halbmaske {f}; Feinstaubmaske {f}

respiratory filter; respirator filter Atemschutzfilter {m}

respiratory filters; respirator filters Atemschutzfilter {pl}

respiratory protective device; respiratory protection equipment /RPE/; respiratory protective equipment /RPE/; respiratory equipment; respirator system; respirator; airpack (for firefighters or industrial workers) Atemschutzgerät {n}; Atemgerät {n} [ugs.] (für die Feuerwehr oder Industriearbeiter)

respiratory protective devices; respiratory protection equipments; respiratory protective equipments; respiratory equipments; respirator systems; respirators; airpacks Atemschutzgeräte {pl}; Atemgeräte {pl}

weaning from respiration; weaning from the respirator Beatmungsentwöhnung {f} [med.]

oxygen apparatus; oxygen inhaling [Br.]/breathing [Am.] apparatus; aerophore; oxygen respirator [Am.] Sauerstoffapparat {m}; Sauerstoffgerät {n}; Sauerstoffatemgerät {n}; Sauerstoffrettungsgerät {n}

oxygen apparatuses; oxygen inhaling/breathing apparatuses; aerophores; oxygen respirators Sauerstoffapparate {pl}; Sauerstoffgeräte {pl}; Sauerstoffatemgeräte {pl}; Sauerstoffrettungsgeräte {pl}

antimephitic respirator Stickwetterprüfer {m} [min.]