Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

creditor's right to avoid a fraudulent transfer of property Gläubigeranfechtung {f} [econ.]

creditor's trustee (in composition proceedings) Sachverwalter {m} [Dt.] [Schw.]; Sachwalter {m} [Dt.] [Schw.] (beim Vergleichsverfahren) [jur.]

creditor's trustees Sachverwalter {pl}; Sachwalter {pl}

debt to be discharged at creditor's domicile Bringschuld {f}

prejudicing the creditor's interests Gläubigergefährdung {f}; Schädigung {f} der Gläubigerinteressen [jur.]

insolvency administrator; administrator in insolvency proceedings / bankruptcy proceedings; assignee in bankruptcy; official receiver [Br.] (until the creditors' meeting); trustee in bankruptcy [Br.] (appointed by the creditor's); trustee of the estate [Br.] (appointed by the creditors); bankruptcy trustee [Am.]; trustee in bankruptcy [Am.] Konkursmasseverwalter {m}; Konkursverwalter {m}; Masseverwalter {m}; Insolvenzverwalter {m}; Gesamtvollstreckungsverwalter {m} [Schw.]; Ausgleichsverwalter {m} [Ös.] [econ.]

insolvency administrators; administrators in insolvency proceedings / bankruptcy proceedings; assignees in bankruptcy; official receivers; trustees in bankruptcy; trustees of the estate; bankruptcy trustees; trustees in bankruptcy Konkursmasseverwalter {pl}; Konkursverwalter {pl}; Masseverwalter {pl}; Insolvenzverwalter {pl}; Gesamtvollstreckungsverwalter {pl}; Ausgleichsverwalter {pl}

contractual default; default in performance; contractual delay; delay in performance (contract law) Vertragsverzug {m}; Verzug {m} (Vertragsrecht) [jur.] [listen]

default on the part of the creditor/obligee; creditor's default; delay of the creditor Gläubigerverzug {m} (Mora accipiendi)

default on the part of the debtor/obligor; default of the debtor; debtor's delay Schuldnerverzug {m} (Mora solvendi)

in case of default; in case of delay; in the event that a default occurs im Falle des Verzugs

the defaulting party; the party in default die in Verzug befindliche Partei; die Partei in Verzug

a defaulted mortgage eine in Verzug befindliche Hypothek

cross default reziproker Verzug; Drittverzug {m}

to be in default; to default; to fail to perform the contract / your contractual obligations [listen] in Verzug sein

A default occurs when one party violates the terms of the lease. Ein Verzug tritt ein, wenn eine Partei gegen die Leasingbedingungen verstößt.