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126 results for Syndrome | Syndrome
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Syndrom {n} [med.] [soc.] syndrome

Syndrome {pl} syndromes

Abhängigkeitssyndrom {n} dependency syndrome

Alterssyndrome {pl} geriatric syndromes

Brückenhaubensyndrom {n}; Gasperini-Syndrom {n} tegmental syndrome

Couvade-Syndrom {n} couvade syndrome

myelodysplastisches Syndrom /MDS/; Myelodysplasie {f} myelodysplastic syndrome

Raynaud-Syndrom {n}; Raynaud-Phänomen {n} Raynaud syndrome; Raynaud's phenomenon

Wernicke-Korsakow-Syndrom {n} Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome /WKS/

Schlafapnoe; Schlafapnoe-Syndrom {n} /SAS/ [med.] sleep apnoea [Br.]; sleep apnoea syndrome [Br.]; sleep apnea [Am.]; sleep apnea syndrome [Am.]

gemischte Schlafapnoe mixed sleep apnoea

obstruktive Schlafapnoe obstructive sleep apnoea

zentrale Schlafapnoe central sleep apnoea

Entzugssyndrom {n}; Abstinenzsyndrom {n} [med.] withdrawal syndrome

Entzugssyndrome {pl}; Abstinenzsyndrome {pl} withdrawal syndromes

Alkoholentzugssyndrom {n} alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Fehlentwicklung {f} der Keimdrüsen; Gonadendysgenesie {f} [med.] gonadal dysgenesis; Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome; Turner's syndrome; XO xyndrome

reine Gonadendysgenesie; Swyer-Syndrom pure gonadal dysgenesis; Swyer's syndrome

Gonadendysgenesie mit Virilisierung gonadal dysgenesis with virilization; Gordan-Overstreet syndrome

Angstsyndrom {n} anxiety syndrome

Angstsyndrome {pl} anxiety syndromes

Schweres akutes Atemwegssyndrom {n}; Schweres akutes respiratorisches Syndrom {n} /SARS/ [med.] severe acute respiratory syndrome /SARS/

schweres aktues Atemwegssyndrom Coronavirus 2; SARS-CoV-2; SARS-2; Covid-19 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; coronavirus-induced disease; coronavirus disease 2019; SARS-CoV-2; SARS-2; Covid-19; C-19

Bestrahlungssyndrom {n} [med.] irradiation syndrome; radiation syndrome

Bestrahlungssyndrome {pl} irradiation syndromes; radiation syndromes

Hirnstammsyndrom {n} [med.] brainstem syndrome

Hirnstammsyndrome {pl} brainstem syndromes

Knochenbrüchigkeit {f}; Glasknochenkrankheit {f}; Osteopsathyrose {f} (Osteogenesis imperfecta) [med.] brittle bones; brittle-bone disease; Eddowes' disease; Eddowes' syndrome; imperfect osteogenesis; osteopsathyrosis

Osteogenesis imperfecta Typ I; Osteogenesis imperfecta tarda; Osteopsathyrose {f}; Lobstein-Krankheit {f} Osteogenesis imperfecta type I; osteopsathyrosis; avian bone syndrome; Lobstein's disease

Mittelhirnsyndrom {n} [med.] midbrain syndrome

akutes Mittelhirnsyndrom acute midbrain syndrome

funktionelles Abduktionssyndrom {n}; konstitutionelles Abduktionssyndrom {n} [med.] functional abduction syndrome

Alkoholembryopathie {f} [med.] fetal alcohol syndrome

Alkoholsyndrom {n} [med.] alcohol syndrome

Angelman-Syndrom {n} [med.] Angelman's syndrome; Angelman syndrome; happy puppet syndrome [former name]

Antikörpermangelsyndrom {n} [med.] antibody-deficiency syndrome

Asperger-Syndrom {n} [med.] Asperger's syndrome

Aspi {m}; ASSler {m} (Person mit Asperger-Syndrom) [slang] [med.] aspey (person with Asperger syndrome) [slang]

Bandscheibensyndrom {n} [med.] spinal disk syndrome; discopathy

Basedow-Krankheit {f}; Basedow'sche Krankheit {f} [med.] Graves' disease; toxic goitre syndrome; exophthalmic goitre

Bergungsschock {m} [med.] afterdrop syndrome

Blaue-Windeln-Syndrom {n} [med.] tryptophane malabsorption syndrome

Blumentopfwirkung {f}; Blumentopfeffekt {m} [agr.] pot-binding effect [Br.]; bathtub effect [Am.]; teacup syndrome [Am.]

Dekalzifizierungssyndrom {n}; Looser-Milkman-Syndrom {n}; Milkman-Syndrom {n} [med.] Milkman's syndrome

Durchtrittigkeit {f}; Bärentatzigkeit {f} (bei Huftieren) [med.] hyperextended flexor tendons; dropped pastern syndrome (in ungulates)

Edwards'sches Syndrom {n}; Edwards-Syndrom {n}; Trisomie-18-Syndrom {n}; Trisomie {f} des Chromosoms 18; Trisomie 18 [ugs.]; E1-Trisomie {f} [med.] Edwards' syndrome; Edwards syndrome; trisomy 18 syndrome; trisomy 18 /T18/

Eigengeruchswahn {m} [psych.] olfactory reference syndrome /ORS/

schmerzhafte Ekchymosen {pl}; Autoerythrozyten-Sensibilisierung {f}; autoerythrozytäres Sensibilisierungssyndrom {n}; Gardner-Diamond-Syndrom {n}; autoerythrozytäre Purpura {f} [med.] painful bruising syndrome; autoerythrocyte sensitization syndrome; erythrocyte autosensitization syndrome; Gardner-Diamond syndrome; psychogenic purpura

Engpasssyndrom {n}; Kompressionssyndrom {n} [med.] compression syndrome; entrapment syndrome; compartment syndrome

Engpasssyndrom {n} im Gelenk; Impingement-Syndrom {n} [med.] articular impingement syndrome; impingement syndrome

Fehlbildungssyndrom {n} [med.] deformity syndrome

Felty'sches Syndrom {n}; Felty-Syndrom {n} (schwere Form der rheumatoiden Arthritis) [med.] Felty's syndrome; Felty syndome

Fremdsprachen-Akzent-Syndrom {n} /FAS/ [med.] [ling.] foreign accent syndrome /FAS/

Fußsohlenfaszienkontraktur {f}; Schrumpfung {f} der Plantaraponeurose; Ledderhose-Syndrom {n} (Fibromatosis plantae) [med.] plantar fascia contracture; Ledderhose's syndrome; Ledderhose's disease

verminderte Geräuschtoleranz {f}; Überempfindlichkeit {f} gegenüber Alltagsgeräuschen; Misophonie {f} [med.] decreased sound tolerance; soft sound sensitivity syndrome; select sound sensitivity syndrome /4S/; misophonia

Gesichtsschmerz {m}; Quintusneuralgie {f}; Trigeminusneuralgie {f} [med.] trifacial neuralgic syndrome; facial/trigeminal neuralgia; prosop(oneur)algia; prosopodynia

Gipsverbandsyndrom {n} [med.] cast syndrome

Golfkrieg-Syndrom {n} [med.] Gulf war syndrome

Hand-Fuß-Genital-Syndrom {n} [med.] hand-foot-genital syndrome /HFGS/

Hand-Fuß-Syndrom {n} /HFS/; palmar-plantare Erythrodysästhesie {f} /PPE/ [med.] hand-foot syndrome; palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia; chemotherapy-induced acral erythema

Helfersyndrom {n} [psych.] helper syndrome; helper's syndrome

Hochstapler-Syndrom {n}; Impostor-Syndrom {n}; Impostor-Phänomen {n} [psych.] impostor syndrome; impostor phenomenon; impostoris

Hyperalimentationssyndrom {n} [med.] hyperalimentation syndrome

Inselbegabung {f}; Savant-Syndrom {n} [med.] savantism; savant syndrome

Jackson-Syndrom {n}; Tapia-Syndrom {n}; Foramen-jugulare-Syndrom {n} [med.] jugular foramen syndrome

Kabelsalat {m} [ugs.] [electr.] spaghetti syndrome; cable tangle; jumble of cable

Kallmann-Syndrom {n}; olfaktogenitales Syndrom [med.] Kallmann's syndrome /KS/; olfactogenital dysplasia

Karpaltunnelsyndrom {n} [med.] carpal tunnel syndrome /CTS/

Katzenaugensyndrom {n} [med.] cat's-eye syndrome

Katzenschreisyndrom {n}; Cri-du-chat-Syndrom, Lejeune-Syndrom {n}; Chromosom-5p-Syndrom; 5p-minus-Syndrom {n} [med.] cat cry syndrome; cri du chat syndrome; Lejeune's syndrome; 5p deletion syndrome, 5p minus syndrome; 5p monosomy

Kaufsucht; Kaufwahn {m}; zwanghaftes Kaufen {n}; pathologisches Kaufen {n}; Oniomanie {f}; Noemie {f} [psych.] shopping addiction; compulsive shopping; compulsive buying; shopaholism; sushma syndrome; oniomania

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