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1 similar result for stimmt eigentlich
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 German  English

eigentlich {adv} (Frage nach Grundsätzlichem) [listen] by the way; incidentally (prepositive); exactly; anyway (postpositive) [? ða/ða/ði: wey insidentali:/insidentli: ? igzæktli: eni:wey ?] [listen] [listen] [listen] [listen]

Kannst du eigentlich blind tippen? By the way, can you touch-type?

Wie war eigentlich das Konzert? Incidentally, how was the concert?

Von wem stammt eigentlich die Idee? Who originated the idea, by the way?

Hast du eigentlich noch das Original? Incidentally, do you still have the original?

Du Papa, was sind eigentlich Kriminelle? Dad, what exactly are criminals?; Dad, what are criminals anyway?

Was willst du eigentlich? What exactly do you want?; What's bothering you anyway?

Wem gehört eigentlich dieses Haus? Whose house is this anyway?

Was hat er eigentlich? What's the matter with him anyway?
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