Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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Niederwaldwirtschaft {f}; vegetative Walderneuerung {f} [agr.] coppicing

Krankengeschichte {f}; Krankheitsgeschichte {f}; Anamnese {f} [med.] medical history; health history; case history; history of the patient; anamnesis [rare]

aktuelle Anamnese (Anamnesis präsens) present history; history of present illness

ausführliche Anamnese {f} full / complete / detailed medical history

biographische Anamnese biographical anamnesis

Eigenanamnese {f} auto-anamnesis

epidemiologische Anamnese epidemiologic history

Fremdanamnese {f} collateral history; medical history from third party

gynäkologische Anamnese gynaecological history

Impfanamnese {f} vaccination history

vegetative Anamnese {f} (brief) review of systems

zahnärztliche Anamnese dental history

die Krankengeschichte erheben to explore / compile / take the history of the patient

Neurose {f} [psych.] neurosis

Neurosen {pl} neuroses

Abwehrneurose {f} defence neurosis [Br.]; defense neurosis [Am.]

Aktualneurose {f} actual neurosis

angstbedingte Neurose; Angstneurose {f} anxiety neurosis

Begehrensneurose {f}; Tendenzneurose {f} compensating neurosis

Herzneurose {f} cardiac neurosis

hysterische Neurose hysterical neurosis

frühkindliche Neurose; infantile Neurose infantile neurosis; childhood neurosis

konfiktbedingte Neurose; psychogene Neurose; Psychoneurose {f} psychoneurosis; psychoneurotic disorder

lokale Neurose localized neurosis; toponeurosis

narzisstische Neurose (Freud) narcissistic neurosis (Freud)

Profilneurose {f} neurotic need for social recognition

traumatische Neurose traumatic neurosis

Übertragungsneurose {f} (Freud) transference neurosis (Freud)

vegetative Neurose vegetative neurosis

Zwangsneurose {f} compulsion neurosis; obsessive-compulsive disorder; obsessive neurosis; obsessional neurosis

bronchienerweiterndes Mittel {n}; Broncholytikum {n}; Bronchodilatator {m} [pharm.] bronchodilating agent; bronchodilator; broncholytic agent

bronchienerweiternde Mittel {pl}; Broncholytika {pl}; Bronchodilatatoren {pl} bronchodilating agents; bronchodilators; broncholytic agents

adrenerges Broncholytikum adrenergic bronchodilator

sympathikomimetisches Broncholytikum sympathomimetic bronchodilator

Broncholytikum mit Wirkung auf das vegetative Nervensystem autonomic-active bronchodilator

vegetativ {adj} [med.] autonomic

vegetative Beschwerden autonomic symptoms; (symptoms of) autonomic dysfunction

vegetativ; ungeschlechtlich {adj} [biol.] vegetative; asexual

vegetative Fortpflanzung vegetative reproduction