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396 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Poth
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Poti, Pott, Auf-den-Putz-Hauen, BO-PET-Folie, Boh, Bot, Bot-Netz, Bote, Boto, Doch, Du-Pont-Kennzahlsystem, Du-Pont-Schema, E-Post, ED-Foto, Einhundert-Dollar-Note, Ex-post-Beurteilung, Fernando-Po-Ducker, Foto, Foto-Volumeneffekt, Foto..., Gote
Ähnliche Wörter:
Crock-Pot, Goth, Pooh-sticks, Winnie-the-Pooh, both, both-way, cache-pot, cache-pots, eel-pot, eel-pots, flower--pot, flower--pots, garden-path, loth, moth, moth-eaten, paint-pot, paint-pots, path, path-breaking, pish-posh

Topflappen {m}; Topfhandschuh {m} oven cloth; pot cloth; potholder; oven glove [Br.]; oven mitt [Am.]

Topflappen {pl}; Topfhandschuhe {pl} oven cloths; pot cloths; potholders; oven gloves; oven mitts

Ackerwinden-Trauereule {f}; Feldflur-Windeneule {f} (Tyta luctuosa) [zool.] field bindweed moth; four-spotted moth

Arbeitseingriffslinie {f} (Zahnrad) path of working contact (gearwheel)

Bahnbeschleunigung {f} path acceleration; tangential acceleration

Bahneffekte {pl} [phys.] [astron.] path effects

Bandführung {f} tape treading path

Berührungslinie {f} (Getriebe) [techn.] path of contact (gear)

Bewegungsverlauf {m} path of motions; path of movement

Blumentopfwirkung {f}; Blumentopfeffekt {m} [agr.] pot-binding effect [Br.]; bathtub effect [Am.]; teacup syndrome [Am.]

Bremslüftweg {m} [techn.] brake lifting path

Cannabiskraut {n}; Marihuana {n}; Gras {n} [slang] [anhören] cannabis herb; marijuana; marihuana; weed [slang]; grass [slang]; ganja [slang]; pot [slang]; sess [slang] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Cermet-Potentiometer {n} [electr.] cermet potentiometer; cermet pot

Dattelmotte {f} (Ephestia cautella) [zool.] fig moth; dried currant moth; almond moth; tropical warehouse moth

in Daumendrucktechnik hergestelltes Gefäß pinch pot

Dörrobstmotte {f}; Vorratsmotte {f}; Hausmotte {f} (Plodia interpunctella) [zool.] Indian meal moth; pantry moth; North American high-flyer

Ebbeweg {m} [geogr.] ebb path

Ekliptik {f} (scheinbare Sonnenbahn) [astron.] ecliptic (apparent path of the sun)

Erfolgskurs {m} successful development; successful course; success course; successful path

Erschließungsstruktur {f}; Straßen- und Wegenetz {n} [geogr.] circulation network; circulation system; road and path network

Fahrbahnstabilität {f} path firmness

Faktoranpassungskurve {f}; Expansionspfad {m} [econ.] expansion path

Flugbahn-Achsenkreuz {n} [aviat.] flight-path axis system

Flugbahngeschwindigkeit {f} [aviat.] flight-path velocity

Gleitweg {m}; Gleitpfad {m} [aviat.] glide path; glidepath; glideslope

Gleitweg {m} eines Geschosses [mil.] glide path of a projectile

Goldafter {m} (Euproctis chrysorrhoea) [zool.] brown-tail moth

Hafenofen {m} (Glaserzeugung) pot furnace (glassmaking)

Hamilton-Weg {m} [math.] Hamiltonian path; Hamilton cycle

Haushaltskeramik {f} domestic pots

Hedylidae-Tagfalter {pl} (Hedylidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] American moth-butterflies; butterfly moths (zoological family)

Honigtopf {m}; Anziehungspunkt {m} (Tourismus); (verlockende) Falle für Spione/Computer-Hacker honeypot; honey pot [fig.]

Honigtopfameisen {pl}; Honigameisen {pl} [zool.] honey pot ants; honey ants

I-Aah (Figur aus "Pu der Bär") Eeyore (character from "Winnie-the-Pooh")

Käsefondue-Topf {m}; Caquelon {n} [cook.] cheese fondue pot; caquelon

Kakaomotte {f} (Ephestia elutella) [zool.] cacao moth; tobacco moth; warehouse moth

Kern {m}; Hauptpunkt {m} [anhören] pith

Kneippweg {m}; Kneipp-Pfad {m} [med.] kneippism path

Kolbendämpfer {m} [techn.] dash pot

Konturzug {m} [math.] contour path; contour line

Kötzeraufsteckspindel {f} [textil.] package spindle of the pot spinning frame

Kötzerdämpfer {m} [textil.] cop steaming pot

Küchengeschirr {n}; Geschirr {n} [anhören] kitchenware; pots and pans

Langsamkocher {m} [cook.] slow cooker; Crock-Pot ®

ins Loch spielen {v} (Billard) to pot [anhören]

Luft- und Kriechstrecke {f} [techn.] air and creepage distance; air and creepage path; clearance and creepage distance

Luftstrecke {f} clearance in air; air path

Mark {n}; Markröhre {f} [anat.] pith

Mehlmotte {f} (Ephestia kuehniella) [zool.] Mediterranean flour moth; Indian flour moth; mill moth

Mehlzünsler {m} (Pyralis farinalis) [zool.] meal moth

Methode {f} des kritischen Wegs (Ablaufplanung) critical path method /CPM/ (operational planning)

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