Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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purging; purge [listen] Entschlackung {f} (des Darmes)

purging gas Formiergas {n} [mach.]

extracting device; extractor device; extracting system; extractor; purging device; purging system; purger Entleerungsvorrichtung {f}; Säuberungsvorrichtung {f} [techn.]

extracting devices; extractor devices; extracting systems; extractors; purging devices; purging systems; purgers Entleerungsvorrichtungen {pl}; Säuberungsvorrichtungen {pl}

smoke extractor; gas purger [Am.] Entraucher {m}

air-extracting device; air extractor; air-purging device; air purger Luftentleerungsvorrichtung {f}

laxative; aperient; purging; purgative abführend; stuhlfördernd; purgativ {adj} [med.]

laxative regimen abführende Diät

nettlespurges (botanical genus) Jatrophapflanzen {pl} (Jatropha) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

physic nut tree; purging nut tree; poison nut tree; Barbados nut tree; bubble bush Amerikanischer Purgirnussbaum {m}; Purgiernussbaum {m}; Purgierstrauch {m}; Kugelstrauch {m}; Schwarzer Brechnussbaum {m} (Jatropha curcas)

goutystalk nettlespurge; bottleplant shrub; gout plant; Buddha belly plant; Guatemalan rhubarb Flaschenpflanze {f}; Pagodenpflanze {f} (Jatropha podagrica)

physic-nut tree; physic nut; purging nut; Barbados nut Purgierstrauch {m}; Purgiernuss {f} (Jatropha curcas)

steam; water vapour [Br.]; water vapor [Am.]; aqueous vapour [Br.]; aqueous vapor [Am.] [listen] Wasserdampf {m}; Dampf {m} [phys.] [listen]

blow-off steam Abblasedampf {m}

exhaust steam Abdampf {m}

purging steam Ausblasedampf {n} (Brenner)

sootblowing steam Bläserdampf {m}

flash steam Brüdendampf {m}

extraction steam; bleed steam (steam turbine) Entnahmedampf {m}; Anzapfdampf {m} (Dampfturbine)

geothermal steam Erdwärmedampf {m}; geothermaler Dampf

auxiliary steam Fremddampf {m}

main steam; live steam Frischdampf {m} (Kessel)

superheated steam Heißdampf {m}

heating steam Heizdampf {m}

saturated steam Nassdampf {m}; Sattdampf {m}

geothermal steam Naturdampf {m}; Erddampf {m}

process steam Prozessdampf {m}

to purge [listen] (Körper) entschlacken; abführen {v}

purging entschlackend; abführend

purged entschlackt; abgeführt

to purge [listen] reinigen; säubern {vt} [listen] [listen]

purging reinigend; säubernd

purged gereinigt; gesäubert

purges reinigt; säubert

purged reinigte; säuberte