Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

geothermal energy (often wrongly: geothermal heat) Erdwärme {f}; geothermische Energie {f} (oft fälschlich: Geothermalwärme) [envir.]

geothermal power Erdwärmekraft {f}; Strom {m} aus Erdwärme

geothermal power plant; geothermal power station [Br.] Erdwärmekraftwerk {n}

geothermal power plants; geothermal power stations Erdwärmekraftwerke {pl}

geothermal power generation; geothermics Erdwärmenutzung {f}; Erdwärmegewinnung {f}; Geothermie {f} [envir.]

geothermal reservoir Erdwärmevorkommen {n} [envir.]

geothermal science Geothermik {f}; Geothermie {f} [sci.]

geothermal resource; heat reservoir; heat sink Wärmelagerstätte {f}; Wärmereservoir {n}; Wärmesenke {f} [geogr.] [phys.]

geothermal resources; heat reservoirs; heat sinks Wärmelagerstätten {pl}; Wärmereservoirs {pl}; Wärmesenken {pl}

geothermal gradient; geothermal degree of depth geothermische Tiefenstufe {f}

geothermic; geothermal geothermisch; geothermal {adj}; Erdwärme... [envir.]

heating (no indefinite article, no plural) [listen] Heizung {f} [listen]

heating [listen] Heizungen {pl}

ceiling heating; overhead heating Deckenheizung {f}

filament heating elektrische Heizung

geothermal heating Erdwärmeheizung {f}

wood-fuelled heating Holzheizung {f}

closed-circuit heating Umlaufheizung {f}

wall heating Wandheizung {f}

central heating; collective heating Zentralheizung {f}; Sammelheizung {f}

to turn the heating down die Heizung kleiner stellen

power plant; plant (in compounds); power station [Br.]; station [Br.] (in compounds); powerhouse [Am.] [dated] [listen] [listen] [listen] Kraftwerk {n}; Elektrizitätswerk {n} [veraltet]; E-Werk {n} [veraltet]; Stromwerk {n} [veraltet]; Werk {n} (in Zusammensetzungen) [electr.] [listen]

power plants; plants; power stations; stations; powerhouses [listen] Kraftwerke {pl}; Elektrizitätswerke {pl}; E-Werke {pl}; Stromwerke {pl}; Werke {pl} [listen]

fuel cell power station; fuel cell power plant Brennstoffzellenkraftwerk {n}

steam power station; steam power plant Dampfkraftwerk {n}

geothermal power station; geothermal power plant geothermisches Kraftwerk

superpower station Großkraftwerk {n}

base-load power plant; base-load power station [Br.] Grundlastkraftwerk {n}; Grundkraftwerk {n}

condensing power plant Kondensationsdampfkraftwerk {n}

thermal power station; thermal power plant Heizkraftwerk {n}

run-of-the-river power plant Laufwasserkraftwerk {n}; Laufkraftwerk {n}; Flusskraftwerk {n}

pumped-storage power station; pumped storage station; pumped-storage power plant; pumped-storage plant Pumpspeicherkraftwerk {n}; Pumpspeicherwerk {n}

solar thermal power station; solar thermal power plant solarthermisches Kraftwerk

storage power station; storage power plant Speicherkraftwerk {n}

barrage power plant; barrage power station Speicherwasserkraftwerk {n}; Talsperrenkraftwerk {n}; Sperrenkraftwerk {n}

heat pump Wärmepumpe {f}

heat pumps Wärmepumpen {pl}

absorption heat pumps Absorptionswärmepumpe {f}

electric heat pumps elektrische Wärmepumpe {f}

ground-source heat pump; geothermal heat pump Erdwärmepumpe {f}

air-spurce heat pump; air heat pump Luftwärmepumpe {f}

steam; water vapour [Br.]; water vapor [Am.]; aqueous vapour [Br.]; aqueous vapor [Am.] [listen] Wasserdampf {m}; Dampf {m} [phys.] [listen]

blow-off steam Abblasedampf {m}

exhaust steam Abdampf {m}

purging steam Ausblasedampf {n} (Brenner)

sootblowing steam Bläserdampf {m}

flash steam Brüdendampf {m}

extraction steam; bleed steam (steam turbine) Entnahmedampf {m}; Anzapfdampf {m} (Dampfturbine)

geothermal steam Erdwärmedampf {m}; geothermaler Dampf

auxiliary steam Fremddampf {m}

main steam; live steam Frischdampf {m} (Kessel)

superheated steam Heißdampf {m}

heating steam Heizdampf {m}

saturated steam Nassdampf {m}; Sattdampf {m}

geothermal steam Naturdampf {m}; Erddampf {m}

process steam Prozessdampf {m}