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142 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Loring
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Anti-Doping-Agentur, Bering, Bering-Seewolf, Boing, Doing, Doping, Forint, Hering, Looping, Loren, Lorenz-Generator, Lorica-Kiefer, Losung, Lotung, Morin, Muring-Winde, Muring-Winden, Null-Ring, O-Ring, O-Ring-Dichtung, O-Ring-Dichtungen
Ähnliche Wörter:
animal-loving, boring, chalk-loving, coring, finish-boring, goring, lobing, loping, losing, louring, loving, lowing, luring, moisture-loving, music-loving, nature-loving, nitrogen-loving, peace-loving, pet-loving, poring, salt-loving

Ameisengrillen {pl} (Myrmecophilidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] ant-loving crickets; ant crickets (zoological family)

Ausbläser {m} (Tunnel- und Rohrvortrieb) [constr.] blown-out shot; blowout; failed hole (tunnel and pipe boring)

Bohrgestänge {n} drill pipe; boring rod; drill rod

Bohrmesser {n} boring bar bit

Bohrtechnik {f} boring technique; drilling engineering

Brunnenbau {m} well digging; well boring; well construction

Diamantbohren {n} [min.] boring by diamond drill

Feinbohrmeißel {m} [techn.] precision boring tool

Gasabsaugbohrung {f}; Entgasungsbohrung {f} [geol.] [min.] methane drainage boring

Innenstahl {m} [techn.] boring tool

Koordinaten-Bohrmaschine {f} [techn.] jig boring machine

(Ich) küsse dich in Liebe. (Chat-Jargon) Sealed with a loving kiss /SWALK/ (chat jargon)

Leitstrahldrehung {f} [aviat.] lobing

Lockruf {m} [übtr.] luring call; lure [fig.] [anhören]

Lufthebebohrverfahren {n} airlift boring; airlift drilling

Musik liebend; musikliebend {adj} fond of music; music-loving

Prachtkäfer {pl}; Buprestidae {pl} (zoologische Familie) [zool.] jewel beetles; metallic wood-boring beetles (zoological family)

Put, put, put! {interj} (Anlocken von Hühnern) Chook, chook, chook! (for luring chicken)

Rohrvortrieb {m} [constr.] pipe boring

Sägekäfer {pl} (Heteroceridae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] mud-loving beetles (zoological family)

Schablonenbohren {n} [techn.] jig boring

Waagerechtbohr- und -fräswerk {n} [techn.] horizontal boring and milling machine

Würgebohrung {f} (am Geschütz) [mil.] choke boring (of a mounted gun)

einen Kern bohren {v} to core; to cut a core; to carry out coring

feuchtigkeitsliebend {adj} [bot.] [zool.] moisture-loving; hygrophilous

finster {adj} [anhören] louring

kalkliebend; kalziphil {adj} [bot.] chalk-loving; calciphile; calciphilous

lösungsmittelanziehend; lösungsmittelaufnehmend; lyophil {adj} [chem.] solvent-attracting; solvent-loving; lyophilic

naturliebend; naturverbunden {adj} nature-loving

salzliebend; halophil {adj} [biol.] salt-loving; halophilic

salzliebende Organismen {pl}; Halophile {pl} [biol.] salt-loving organisms; halophiles

schattenliebend {adj} [bot.] shade-loving; sciaphilous; sciaphilic

sportbegeistert; sportliebend {adj} sports-minded; sport-loving; sports-mad; sporty [coll.]

sterbenslangweilig {adj} [ugs.] deadly boring; deadboring; dryasdust

stickstoffliebend {adj} [biol.] nitrogen-loving; nitrophilous

tierlieb; tierliebend {adj} fond of animals; animal-loving; pet-loving

todlangweilig [ugs.]; furchtbar langweilig {adj} mind-numbing; mind-numbingly boring

etw. vorbohren {vt} [min.] to open upsth. by boring

Bohrleistung {f} penetration rate; boring capacity; drilling capacity

Bohrschlamm {m}; Bohrschmant {m}; Bohrtrübe {f} [geol.] boring sludge; bore detritus; drilling mud; drilling fluid; sludge cuttings; drill cuttings; ditch cuttings; slime; silt

Bohrschneide {f} [mach.] drill bit; drill crown; jack bit; brace bit; boring head

Bohrspülung {f}; Bohrflüssigkeit {f} boring sludge; bore detritus; drilling mud [fluid]; sludge cuttings; drill cuttings; ditch cuttings; slime; silt

Bohrteufe {f} boring depth; drilling depth

Druckleitung {f} mud hose (boring technique)

Schachtbohren {n} [min.] shaft drilling; shaft boring

Schichtenverzeichnis {n} [geol.] well-log; drill-log; boring record

Schrotbohren {n} [techn.] shot drilling; shot boring

Anbohrschelle {f} (Rohrleger); Anbohrapparat {m} pipe boring box; tapping sleeve

Anbohrschellen {pl}; Anbohrapparate {pl} pipe boring boxes; tapping sleeves

Ankerbohrgerät {n} anchor boring rig

Ankerbohrgeräte {pl} anchor boring rigs

Aufschlussbohrung {f} [min.] exploration drilling; exploratory boring; test boring; exploratory hole; prospect well

geologische Aufschlussbohrung geologic(al) exploratory drill hole

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