Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

centre/center of lift Auftriebsschwerpunkt {m} [aviat.]

centre/center of interests; focus of interest Interessenschwerpunkt {m}

observatory; monitoring centre/center [listen] Beobachtungsstelle {f}

Observatory for Sociopolitical Developments in Europe Beobachtungsstelle für gesellschaftspolitische Entwicklungen in Europa

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights /SOHR/ Syrische Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte

inspection centre/center [listen] Kontrollzentrum {n}

inspection centres/centers [listen] Kontrollzentren {pl}

place of learning; learning location; learning facility; learning centre/center [listen] Lernort {m}

places of learning; learning locations; learning facilities; learning centres/centers [listen] Lernorte {pl}

rescue coordination centre [Br.] / center [Am.] /RCC/; SAR centre/center Rettungseinsatz-Koordinierungsstelle {f}; SAR-Leitstelle {f} [aviat.] [naut.]

rescue and coordination centres/centers; SAR centres/centers Rettungseinsatz- und Koordinierungsstellen {pl}; SAR-Leitstellen {pl}

trouble area; trouble spot; centre/center of conflict Unruhegebiet {n}; Unruheherd {m}; Krisengebiet {n}; Krisenherd {m}; Konfliktherd {m} [pol.]

trouble areas; trouble spots; centres/centers of conflict Unruhegebiete {pl}; Unruheherde {pl}; Krisengebiete {pl}; Krisenherde {pl}; Konfliktherde {pl}

world centre [Br.]; world center [Am.]; global centre/center [listen] Weltzentrum {n}

administrative headquarters; administrative centre [Br.]; administrative center [Am.]; centre/center of administration Verwaltungssitz {m}

ossification centre [Br.]/center [Am.] Knochenkern {m} (Centrum ossificationis) [med.]

primary/secondary ossification centre/center primärer/sekundärer Knochenkern

centre punch [Br.]; center punch [Am.] Körner {m}

centre punches; center punches Körner {pl}

revolving centre/center [listen] mitlaufende Körnerspitze

centre [Br.]; center [Am.] [listen] [listen] Mittelpunkt {m}; Mitte {f}; Zentrum {n} [listen] [listen] [listen]

centres; centers Mittelpunkte {pl}; Mitten {pl}; Zentren {pl}

circle centre/center; centre/center of a circle [listen] Kreismittelpunkt {m}

to spot-drill sth.; to centrepunch sth. [Br.]; to centerpunch sth. [Am.]; to mark sth. with the centre [Br.]/center [Am.] punch etw. (mit dem Körner) anbohren; ankörnen {vt}

spot-drilling; centrepunching; centerpunching; marking with the centre/center punch anbohrend; ankörnend

spot-drilled; centrepunched; centerpunched; marked with the centre/center punch angebohrt; angekörnet

centrepunched VIN [Br.]; centerpunched VIN [Am.] gekörnte FIN