Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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Taxon {n} [biol.] taxon; taxonomic unit

Taxa {pl} taxa

Formtaxon {n}; Formgattung {f} [frühere Bezeichnung]; Organgattung {f} [frühere Bezeichnung] (Paläobotanik) form-taxon; morphotaxon; fossil-taxon; form genus [former name]; organ genus [former name] (palaeobotany)

Lazarustaxon {n} (für ausgestorben gehaltenes, wiederentdecktes Taxon) Lazarus taxon (thought extinct and rediscovered)

Schwestertaxa {pl} sister taxa

das ursprüngliche Taxon (in der Evolution) the basal taxon (in evolution)

das ursprünglichste Taxon (in der Evolution) the most basal taxon (in evolution)

Autapomorphie {f} (alleiniges Merkmal eines Taxons) [biol.] autopomorphy (feature unique to a given taxon)

Echte Schleimpilze {pl}; plasmodiale Schleimpilze {pl}; Myxomyceten {pl} (Myxogastria) (biologisches Taxon) [biol.] plasmodial slime moulds [Br.] / molds [Am.]; acellular slime moulds [Br.] / molds [Am.]; syncytial slime moulds [Br.] / molds [Am.]; myxmycetes; myxogastrids (biological taxon)

zelluläre Schleimpilze {pl} (Dictyosteliida) (biologisches Taxon) [biol.] cellular slime moulds [Br.]; cellular slime molds [Am.]; dictyostelids (biological taxon)

Urschleimpilze {pl}; haploide Schleimpilze {pl} (Protostelia) (biologisches Taxon) [biol.] protosteloid slime moulds [Br.]; protosteloid slime molds [Am.]; protostelids (biological taxon)

Relikt {n} (Gruppe von Lebewesen, die überlebt haben, während andere ihrer Art ausgestorben sind) [biol.] relict (group of organisms that have survived while others of its kind have become extinct)

Relikte {pl} relicts

Reliktart {f} relict species

Relikttaxon {n} relict taxon

Eiszeitrelikt {n}; Glazialrelikt {n} (Art, die seit der letzten Eiszeit überlebt hat) glacial relict (species that has survived from the last ice age)

monophyletisch {adj} [biol.] monophyletic; monophyletical

monophyletisches Taxon monophyletic taxon