Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

building site fence; site fence Baustellenzaun {m}

building site fences; site fences Baustellenzäune {pl}

building material; construction material; structural material Baustoff {m}; Baumaterial {n} [constr.]

building materials; construction materials Baustoffe {pl}; Baumaterialien {pl}

building materials trade Baustoffhandel {m} [econ.]

building material class Baustoffklasse {f}

building sum; construction sum Bausumme {f}

building sums; construction sums Bausummen {pl}

building protection mat Bautenschutzmatte {f} [constr.]

building protection mats Bautenschutzmatten {pl}

building protective agent Bautenschutzmittel {n} [chem.] [constr.]

building protection technology Bautenschutztechnik {f}

building project organiser Bauträger {m}; Bauorganisator {m}; Baubetreuer {m}

building project organisers Bauträger {pl}; Bauorganisatoren {pl}; Baubetreuer {pl}

building contract Bauvertrag {m}; Leistungsvertrag {m}

building contracts Bauverträge {pl}; Leistungsverträge {pl}

building regulation; provision under building law Bauvorschrift {f}; baurechtliche Vorschrift {f} [constr.] [adm.]

building regulations Bauvorschriften {pl}; baurechtliche Vorschriften {pl}

building mechanic for demolition and concrete cutting Bauwerksmechaniker {m} für Abbruch- und Betontrenntechnik

building and construction industry Bauwesen {n}

building supplier Bauzulieferer {m}

building suppliers Bauzulieferer {pl}

building density; density of development; land use density [Am.] (spatial planning) Bebauungsdichte {f} (Raumplanung) [geogr.] [pol.]

building line; building restriction line [Am.]; setback line; yard line [Am.] Bebauungsgrenze {f}; Baugrenze {f} [arch.]

front setback line straßenseitige Baugrenze; vordere Baugrenze; straßenseitige Fluchtlinie; Straßenflucht {f}

building slab press Betonplattenpresse {f} [techn.]

building slab presses Betonplattenpressen {pl}

building conservationist Denkmalschützer {m}; Denkmalschützerin {f}

building conservationists Denkmalschützer {pl}; Denkmalschützerinnen {pl}

building dimension Gebäudeabmessung {f}

building dimensions Gebäudeabmessungen {pl}

building services equipment /BSE/ technische Gebäudeausrüstung {f} /TGA/

Engineer of Building Services and Energy Technology Ingenieur für Technische Gebäudeausrüstung; Ingenieur der Energie- und Versorgungstechnik

building automation Gebäudeautomatisierung {f}

building description; property description Gebäudebeschreibung {f}

building descriptions; property descriptions Gebäudebeschreibungen {pl}

building feed Gebäudeeinspeisung {f}

building drainage system Gebäudeentwässerungssystem {n}

building drainage systems Gebäudeentwässerungssysteme {pl}

building information Gebäudeinformation {f}

building information Gebäudeinformationen {pl}

building refurbishment; building rehabilitation; building remediation [rare] Gebäudesanierung {f}; Bausanierung {f} [constr.]

building services engineering Gebäudetechnik {f}

building insurance; insurance of buildings Gebäudeversicherung {f}

building insurances; insurances of buildings Gebäudeversicherungen {pl}

building plan Gebäudezeichnung {f}

building plans Gebäudezeichnungen {pl}

building automation Hausleittechnik {f}

building terrace; terrace [listen] Hausterrasse {f}; Terrasse {f} [arch.] [listen]

building terraces; terraces Hausterrassen {pl}; Terrassen {pl}

building in timber Holzbau {m} (Tätigkeit)

building of a wall; construction of a wall Mauerbau {m}

the building of the Berlin Wall; the construction of the Berlin Wall der Mauerbau; der Bau der Berliner Mauer [hist.]

building brick Mauerstein {m} [constr.]

building bricks Mauersteine {pl}

building use (of land) bauliche Nutzung {f} (von Grundstücken) [adm.]

building use class [Br.]; building use category [Am.]; zoning district category [Am.] Art der baulichen Nutzung

building use class [Br.]; zoning district category [Am.] bauliche Nutzungskategorie {f}; Art der baulichen Nutzung [Dt.] [adm.]

building made from prefabricated slabs; prefabricated building; plattenbau Plattenbau {m} [constr.]

buildings made from prefabricated slabs; prefabricated buildings Plattenbauten {pl}; Arbeiterschließfächer {pl} [pej.] [DDR]

building for the assembly of satellites Satelliten-Montagehalle {f}

building in terrace shape Terrassenhaus {n} [constr.]

buildings in terrace shape Terrassenhäuser {pl}

building machine supply Vorhalten {n} von Baumaschinen

building size regulations [Br.]; bulk regulations [Am.] (spatial planning) Vorschriften {pl} für das Maß der baulichen Nutzung (Raumplanung) [adm.]

building in rows; arrangement in rows Zeilenbau {m} [arch.]

building use as defined by Use Class Order [Br.]; building use category [Am.] baurechtliche Nutzungsmöglichkeit [adm.]

building part of the layer kötzerbildende Schicht {f} [textil.]

building account Bauabrechnung {f} [constr.]

building product Bauartikel {m} [constr.] [techn.]

building products Bauartikel {pl}

building material Baubedarf {m}; Baumaterial {n} [constr.]

building materials Baubedarf {pl}; Baumaterialen {pl}

building consultation Bauberatung {f} [constr.]

building fitting Baubeschlag {m} (Oberbegriff) [constr.] [techn.]

building fittings Baubeschläge {pl}

building biology Baubiologie {f} [constr.]

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