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32 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Wolyn
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Ähnliche Wörter:
Dolen, Golan, Kolon, Molen, Polen, Polin, Polyp, WLAN-Zugangspunkt, Wogen, Wohn..., Wolf, Wolf-Hirschhorn-Syndrom, Wolf-Rayet-Sterne, Wolfs..., Wolga, Wolke, Wolken, Wolle, Wollen, Woll..., Wolof
Ähnliche Wörter:
Golan, Poly, Wolof, all-woolen, chrome-moly, colon, hand-woven, holy, holy-!-stone, non-woven, poly-V-belt, poly-embryonic, poly-syllabic, polyp, roly-poly, sea-worn, semi-colon, she-wolf, shop-worn, super-woman, time-!-worn

Fünftagefieber {n}; Wolhynisches Fieber [med.] Wolhynia fever; trench fever

Polyneuritis {f}; entzündliche Nervenerkrankung [med.] polyneuritis

mehrfache Sehnenscheiden- und Schleimbeutelentzündung {f}; Polyyneuromyositis {f} [med.] polyneuromyositis

Unzerlegbarkeit {f}; Irreduzibilität {f} (eines Polynoms) [math.] irreducibility (of a polynome)

Wollnashörner {pl} (Coelodonta) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] [hist.] woolly rhinoceros; woolly rhinos (zoological genus)

mehrgliedrig; vielgliedrig; polynomisch {adj} [math.] compound; multi-term; polynomial

mehrkernig {adj} [phys.] [chem.] multinuclear; multinucleate; polynuclear; polynucleate

mehrnervig {adj} [anat.] polyneural; polyneuric

unzerlegbar; irreduzibel {adj} (Polynom) [math.] irreducible (polynome)

zonale Kugelfunktion {f}; Legendre'sches Polynom [math.] zonal harmonic

Französisch-Polynesien {n} /PF/ [geogr.] French Polynesia

Polynesien {n} [geogr.] Polynesian

polynesisch {adj} Polynesian

Papeete (Hauptstadt von Französisch-Polynesien) [geogr.] Papeete (capital of French Polynesia)

Orthogonalpolynom {n} [math.] orthogonal polynomial

Pritchardhuhn {n} [ornith.] Polynesian scrub fowl

Fanningrohrsänger {m} [ornith.] Polynesian reed warbler

Schuppenkopfhonigfresser {m} (Foulehaio carunculatus) [ornith.] Polynesian wattled honeyeater; eastern wattled honeyeater

Bernoulli-Polynom {n} [math.] Bernoulli polynomial

Bernoulli-Polynome {pl} Bernoulli polynomials

Hermite-Polynom {n} [math.] Hermite polynomial

Hermite-Polynome {pl} Hermite polynomials

Minimalpolynom {n} [math.] minimum polynomial

Minimalpolynome {pl} minimum polynomials

Näherung {f}; Annäherung {f}; Approximation {f} [math.] approximation [anhören]

erste Näherung first-order approximation; first-order iteration

in erster Näherung in the first approximation; in the first iteration

schrittweise Näherung; Iteration {f} iterative method; iteration [anhören]

Bayes-Näherung Bayes' approximation

Blum-Näherung Blum approximation

Borges-Approximation Borges' approximation

Burkholder-Näherung Burkholder approximation

Camp-Paulson-Approximation Camp-Paulson approximation

Hastings-Näherung Hastings approximation

Laplace-Approximation Laplace approximation

Merrington-Pearson-Näherung Merrington-Pearson approximation

Näherung nach Esseen Esseen-type approximation

Näherung durch Polynome polynomial approximation; polynomial iteration

Harley'sche Approximation Harley approximation

Näherung durch Potenzreihenentwicklung power series approximation

Poisson-Approximation Poisson approximation

Sattelpunktnäherung saddle point approximation

Satterthwaite-Approximation; Satterthwaite-Test Satterthwaite's approximation; Satterthwaite's test

beschleunigte stochastische Approximation accelerated stochastic approximation

Dvoretsky'sches Theorem über stochastische Näherung Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theorem

Polynesien {n} [geogr.] Polynesia

Polynesisches Dreieck Polynesian Triangle

Polynia {f}; Polynja {f} [geogr.] polynya

Küstenpolynia {f} coastal polynya

Polynom {n} [math.] polynomial

Polynome {pl} polynomials

charakteristisches Polynom characteristic polynomial

ganzzahliges Polynom integral polynomial

zonenartiges Polynom zonal polynomial

Psychose {f} [med.] neuropsychosis; psychosis

Psychosen {pl} neuropsychoses; psychoses

affektiv-reaktive Psychose affective-reaction type of psychosis; thymergasia

amnestische Psychose amnesic psychosis

desintegrative Psychose disintegrative psychosis

enklamptische Psychose enclamptic psychosis

funktionelle Psychose; reversible symptomatische Psychose functional psychosis

halluzinatorische Psychose hallucinatory psychosis

hypterkinetische Psychose hyperkinetic psychosis

kurzzeitige reaktive Psychose brief reactive psychosis

manisch-depressive Psychose manic-depressive psychosis

oneiroide Psychose oneiroid psychosis

polyneutritische Psychose polyneutritic psychosis

postinfektiöse Psychose postinfectious psychosis; infectious-exhaustive syndrome

reaktive Psychose reactive psychosis; situational psychosis

schizoaffektive Psychose schizo-affective psychosis

schizophrenieähnliche Psychose schizophreniform psychosis

symbiotische kindliche Psychose symbiotic infantile psychosis

Psychose mit Krankheitsdisposition pathopsychosis

Infektionspsychose {f} infection psychosis; infectious psychosis; psychosis with infectious disease

Regression {f} [statist.] regression [anhören]

Regression zur Mitte (hin) regression to/towards the mean

Regression erster Art first-kind regression

Regression zweiter Art second-kind regression

Cox-Regression Cox regression

einfache Regression single regression; simple regression

lineare Regression linear regression; rectilinear regression

mehrfache Regression multiple regression

Mehrfachregression; multiple Regression multiple regression

multiple lineare Regression multiple linear regression

nichtlineare Regression non-linear regression

orthogonale Regression orthogonal regression

parabolische Regression parabolic regression

Polynom-Regression {f} polynomial regression

Zeitreihenregression {f} time-series regression

Zielregression {f} goal regression

Tschebyscheff-Polynom {n} [math.] Chebyshev polynomial

Tschebyscheff-Polynome {pl} Chebyshev polynomials

Wollnadel {f} (Nähen) [textil.] wool needle (sewing)

Wollnadeln {pl} wool needles

hermitesch {adj} [math.] Hermitian

Hermiteinterpolation {f} Hermite interpolation

Hermitesches Polynom Hermite polynomial

Polynesier {m}; Polynesierin {f} Polynesian

Polynesier {pl}; Polynesierinnen {pl} Polynesians

Großen Fruchttauben {pl}; Imperialtauben {pl} (Ducula) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] imperial pigeons (zoological genus)

Aurorafruchttaube {f} (Ducula aurorae) Polynesian imperial pigeon
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