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11 Ergebnisse für PI | PI
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Piñata {f} (bunt gestaltete Pappfigur, verbreitet in Lateinamerika) piñata (brightly-colored decoration, originated in Latinamerica)

Piñatas {pl} piñatas

Pi {n} (griechischer Buchstabe) Pi

Privatdetektiv {m}; Privatdetektivin {f}; Berufsdetektiv {m}; Detektiv {m}; Privatermittler {m} private detective; private investigator /PI/; private eye [coll.]; enquiry agent [Br.] [dated]

Privatdetektive {pl}; Privatdetektivinnen {pl}; Berufsdetektive {pl}; Detektive {pl}; Privatermittler {pl} private detectives; private investigators; private eyes; enquiry agents

Hoteldetektiv {m} hotel detective

Detektivgeschichte {f} private detective story; private investigator story; PI story

Detektivgeschichten {pl} private detective stories; private investigator stories; PI stories

Proformarechnung {f} [fin.] pro-forma invoice /P/I/ /PI/

Proformarechnungen {pl} pro-forma invoices

Ananas-Colada {f}; Piña Colada {f} (Cocktail) [cook.] pina colada; piña colada (cocktail)

über den Daumen gepeilt; Handgelenk mal Pi; Pi mal Daumen; Pi mal Schnauze [Dt.] at a rough guess; give or take

Überschlagsrechnung {f}; grobe Abschätzung {f}; Pi-mal-Daumen-Rechnung {f} [ugs.]; vereinfachte Rechnung {f} back-of-the-envelope calculation [coll.]

Polyimid {n} (PI) [chem.] polyimide (PI)

Roman {m}; Langerzählung {f} [selten] [lit.] novel [anhören]

Romane {pl} novels

Abenteuerroman {m} adventure novel

Agentenroman {m}; Spionageroman {m} cloak-and-dagger novel

Agentenromane {pl}; Spionageromane {pl} cloak-and-dagger novels

Arztroman {m} medical romance novel; medical fiction

Bildungsroman {m} coming-of-age novel; bildungsroman

Briefroman {m} epistolary novel

Briefromane {pl} epistolary novels

Detektivroman {m} private detective novel; private investigator novel; PI novel

Detektivromane {pl} private detective novels; private investigator novels; PI novels

Dialogroman {m} dialogue novel; dialog novel

Entwicklungsroman {m} entwicklungsroman; development novel

Fantasy-Roman {m} fantasy novel

Fortsetzungsroman {m} serial novel; serial [anhören]

Fotoroman {m} photo comic; photonovel; fotonovela

Gegenwartsroman {m} contemporary novel

Groschenroman {m}; Heftroman {m}; Hintertreppenroman {m}; Kitschroman {m}; Billigroman {m} [lit.] penny dreadful; dime novel [Am.]

Heimatroman {m} rural novel; regional novel

Kolportageroman {m} serialized pulp novel

Kriminalroman {m} [lit.] detective novel; mystery novel

Künstlerroman {m} Künstlerroman; artist novel

Kurzroman {m} short novel

Liebesroman {m} romantic novel

Mitschreibroman {m}; Interaktivroman {m} write-along novel; collaborative novel

Schauerroman {m}; Gruselroman {m} [lit.] horror novel; Gothic novel

Schelmenroman {m}; pikarischer/pikaresker Roman picaresque novel

Schlüsselroman {m} roman a clef

Schmunzelroman {m} funny novel

Schundroman {m}; Kitschroman {m} trashy novel; pulp novel

Sensationsroman {m} sensation novel

Sittenroman {m} novel of manners

Tatsachenroman {m} non-fiction novel

Zukunftsroman {m}; Science-Fiction-Roman {m} science fiction novel; sci-fi novel

Zahl {f} /Z./ [math.] number [anhören]

Zahlen {pl} numbers [anhören]

absolute Zahl {f}; unbenannte Zahl {f} absolute number

benannte Zahl concrete number

ganze Zahl whole number

gemischte Zahl mixed numbers

gesellige Zahlen sociable numbers

Hexadezimalzahl {f} hexadecimal number

hochzusammengesetzte Zahl highly composite number /HCN/; maximally divisible number

rationale Zahl rational number

verwandte Zahlen; befreundete Zahlen amicable numbers

zulässige Zahl admissible number

die Kreiszahl {f} Pi; Ludolphsche Zahl; Ludolfsche Zahl; Archimedes-Konstante the number Pi; Archimedes' constant

die Euler'sche Zahl e Euler's number e
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