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5 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Coast Mountains
Einzelsuche: Coast · Mountains
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Bergnasenbären {pl} (Nasuella) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] mountain coatis (zoological genus)

Echten Hasen {pl} (Lepus) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] hares and jackrabbits (zoological genus)

Alaskahase {m} (Lepus othus) Alaskan hare; tundra hare

Antilopenhase {m} (Lepus alleni) antelope jackrabbit

Kalifornischer Eselhase {m}; Eselhase {m} (Lepus californicus) American desert hare; black-tailed jackrabbit

Espiritu-Santo-Hase {m} (Lepus insularis) black jackrabbit

Feldhase {m}; Hase {m} (Lepus europaeus) [anhören] European hare; brown hare

Ginsterhase {m}; Castroviejo-Hase {m} (Lepus castroviejoi) broom hare

Kaphase {m} (Lepus capensis) Cape hare; desert hare

Polarhase {m} (Lepus arcticus) Arctic hare

Präriehase {m} (Lepus townsendii) prairie hare; white-tailed jackrabbit; white jack

Savannenhase {m}; Mosambik-Hase {m} (Lepus microtis / Lepus victoriae) African savanna hare

Schneehase {m} (Lepus timidus) mountain hare; white hare; snow hare; Alpine hare; Irish hare; tundra hare; variable hare

Schneeschuhhase {m} (Lepus americanus) snowshoe hare; varying hare, snowshoe rabbit [Am.]

Tibetanische Wollhase {m} (Lepus oiostolus) woolly hare

Weißflankenhase {m} (Lepus callotis) Mexican hare; white-sided jackrabbit

Johannisbeeren {pl} [Dt.] [Westös.] [Schw.]; Ribisel(n) {pl} [Ös.]; Ribiseli {pl} [Schw.]; Trübeli {pl} [Schw.] (Ribes) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] currants (botanical genus)

Alpenjohannisbeere {f}; Bergjohannisbeere {f}; Alpenribisel {f} [Ös.] (Ribes alpinum) Alpine currant; mountain currant

Felsenjohannisbeere {f}; Felsenribisel {f} (Ribes petraeum) rock red-currant; rock currant

Nordische Johannisbeere {f}; Ährige Johannisbeere {f}; Ährenribisel {f} [Ös.] (Ribes spicatum) northern red currant; Nordic currant; downy currant

Oregon-Stachelbeere {f} (Ribes divaricatum) spreading gooseberry; coastal black gooseberry; Worcesterberry [Br.]

rote Johannisbeere; rote Ribisel (Ribes rubrum) red currant; redcurrant; garnet berry [coll.]

schwarze Johannisbeere; schwarze Ribisel (Ribes nigrum) black currant; blackcurrant

Stinktier-Johannisbeere {f} (Ribes glandulosum) skunk currant

weiße Johannisbeere; weiße Ribisel (Ribes rubrum) white currant; whitecurrant

Wüsten-Johannisbeere {f} (Ribes cereum) wax currant; waxy currant; white squaw currant; squaw currant

Gartenstachelbeere {f}; Stachelbeere {f} (Ribes (uva-crispa) grossularia) common gooseberry; cultivated gooseberry; gooseberry

Wilde Stachelbeere {f}; Wildstachelbeere {f} (Ribes uva-crispa uva-crispa) wild gooseberry

Sandsteinbrunnen {m} [constr.] sandstone fountain

Sandsteinbrunnen {pl} sandstone fountains

Tunnel {m} [constr.] tunnel [anhören]

Tunnel {pl}; Tunnels {pl} tunnels

Basistunnel {m} base tunnel

Bergtunnel {m}; Gebirgstunnel {m} mountain tunnel

Eisenbahntunnel {m}; Bahntunnel {m} railway tunnel [Br.]; railroad tunnel [Am.]

Flusstunnel {m}; Flussuntertunnelung {f}; Unterwassertunnel {m} under-river tunnel

Hangtunnel {m} hillside tunnel

Kehrtunnel {m} curved alignment tunnel; tunnel on a curved alignment

Schraubtunnel {m} spiral tunnel; helicoidal tunnel

Unterpflastertunnel {m} soft-soil tunnel; shallow-buried tunnel

Unterwassertunnel {m} (in einer Meerenge) undersea tunnel

Tunnel für Dienstzwecke; Diensttunnel {m} service tunnel

Tunnel in Vortriebsbauweise bored tunnel

Tunnel in bergmännischer Bauweise mined tunnel

Tunnel in offener Bauweise cut-and-cover tunnel; green tunnel

Tunnel mit zwei Röhren; zweiröhriger Tunnel twin-bored tunnel

versuchsweise vorgetriebener Tunnel pilot tunnel

einen Tunnel anlegen to cut a tunnel

durch einen Tunnel führen (Straße) to lead through a tunnel (road)

Licht am Ende des Tunnels sehen [übtr.] to see the light at the end of the tunnel [fig.]
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