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91 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Peary
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Bear-Tranche, Chaco-Pekari, Elektron-Defektelektron-Paar, Elektron-Defektelektron-Paare, Elektronloch-Paar, Elektronloch-Paare, Lear-Ara, Netz-Party, PAR-Radar, PERT-Netzplanmethode, Paar, Paare, Park, Parkplatz-Party, Parry-Kegel, Parry-Verschluss, Party, Party-Service, Pay-TV, Peak, Peak-Höhenverhältnisse
Ähnliche Wörter:
Pearl, battle-weary, easy-peasy, mother-of-pearl, peaky, pear, pear-shaped, pearl, pearl-clutching, pearl-shell, pearly, pears, peart, peaty, perry, teary, teary-eyed, war-weary, weary, world-weary

Avocado {f}; Abacatebirne {f} [cook.] [bot.] avocado; avocado pear

künstliche Aufregung {f}; aufgesetzte Empörung {f} pearl-clutching [Am.] [fig.]

Birnenmost {m} (vergoren) [cook.] perry

Birnsauger {m} (Psylla pyri) [bot.] pear louse

Bubble Tea {m}; Pearl Tea {m} (Teemischgetränk mit Stärkekügelchen) [cook.] bubble tea; pearl milk tea; boba milk tea; pearl tea; milk tea (tea mix drink with starch pearls)

Feigenkakteen {pl}; Opuntien {pl} (Opuntia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] paddle cacti; prickly pears; nopales (botanical genus)

Graupen {pl}; Perlgraupen {pl} [cook.] pearl barley

Hagebuttenbirne {f}; Bollweilerbirne {f} (Sorbopyrus auricularis) (Kreuzung zwischen Holzbirne und Mehlbeere) [bot.] Bollwyller pear (cross between common pear and common whitebeam)

Liebesfuß {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.] pear-shaped bell (wind instrument)

Mosaikfadenfisch {m} (Trichogaster leeri) [zool.] pearl gourami

Perlaustern {pl} [zool.] pearl oysters

Perlblumen {pl}; Perlkörbchen {pl} (Anaphalis) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] pearly everlastings (botanical genus)

Perlenfischerei {f} pearl fishing; pearl fishery

Perlmuschel {f} [zool.] pearl oyster

Perlmutt {n}; Perlmutter {f} nacre; mother-of-pearl; pearl-shell

Perlweiß {n} pearl powder

Perlzwiebeln {pl}; Rockenbollen [Norddt.] [agr.] [cook.] pearl onions

Zäckchen {n} [textil.] pearl; purl [anhören]

amtsmüde {adj} weary of office; tired of office

birnenförmig {adj} pear-shaped

blass; kränklich {adj} [anhören] peaky [Br.]

erschöpft; ermattet; abgekämpft {adj} (Person) [anhören] weary (of a person) [anhören]

kampfmüde {adj} battle-weary

kinderleicht; pillepalle [Dt.] [ugs.] {adj} as easy as winking; very easy; as easy as falling off a log; easy-peasy [coll.]

kriegsmüde {adj} war-weary

lebensmüde {adj} tired of life; weary of life; world-weary

perlenartig {adv} pearly

perlfarben {adj} pearl coloured

perlgrau {adj} pearl grey [Br.]; pearl gray [Am.]

perlmuttfarben {adj} pearly

perlweiß; strahlend weiß; leuchtend weiß; grellweiß {adj} pearly; sparkling white; brilliant white; luminescent white

spitz; spitz zulaufend; Spitzen bildend {adj} [anhören] peaky

strapaziös; erschöpfend {adj} (Sache) exhaustive; weary [poet.] (of a thing) [anhören] [anhören]

Perlfluss {m}; Perlstrom {m} [geogr.] Pearl (river)

jdn. ermüden {vt} to weary sb. [formal]

Perlaar {m} (Gampsonyx swainsonii) [ornith.] pearl kite

Blausteißsittich {m} [ornith.] pearly conure

Perlbrustkuckuck {m} [ornith.] pearly-breasted cuckoo

Perlkauz {m} [ornith.] pearl-spotted owlet

Perlenwollrücken {m} [ornith.] pearly antshrike

Weißbauch-Spateltyrann {m} [ornith.] pearly-vented tody tyrant

Perlbrustschwalbe {f} [ornith.] pearl-breasted swallow

Perlaugen-Spottdrossel {f} (Margarops fuscatus) [ornith.] pearly-eyed thrasher

Perlwangentimalie {f} [ornith.] pearl-cheeked tree babbler

Maskenmonarch {m} [ornith.] pearly-winged monarch

Graybrillenvogel {m} [ornith.] pearl-belleid white-eye

Perlbrust-Spitzschnabel {m} [ornith.] pearly-breasted conebill

Margarit {m} [min.] margarite; pearl mica; brittle mica

moorig {adj} moory; fenny; peaty; swamped; paludal

Perlit {m} [min.] perlite; pearl stone

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