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2 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Kamera-Handy
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Saft {m} (Strom) [ugs.] [anhören] juice (electricity) [coll.] [anhören]

Die Autobatterie hat noch genug Saft zum Starten. The car battery pack still has plenty of juice to start the engine.

Meine Kamera hat nicht mehr viel Saft. My camera is low on juice.

Ich habe keinen Saft mehr auf dem Handy. My phone is out of juice.; My phone has run out of juice.

Mobiltelefon {n}; Funktelefon {n}; Mobilfunktelefon {n}; Handy {n} [telco.] [anhören] [anhören] mobile phone [Br.]; mobile; cellular phone [Am.]; cell phone [Am.]; cellphone [Am.]; handphone [SE Asia] [anhören] [anhören]

Mobiltelefone {pl}; Funktelefone {pl}; Mobilfunktelefone {pl}; Handys {pl} mobile phones; mobiles; cellular phones; cell phones; cellphones; handphones

Diensthandy {n} work mobile [Br.]; work cellphone [Am.]

Fotohandy {n} camera phone; camera mobile phone [Br.]; photo mobile [Br.]; camera cell phone [Am.]; photo cellphone [Am.]; cellphone camera [Am.]

Wegwerfhandy {n} throwaway phone; burn phone [coll.]; burner phone [coll.]; burner [coll.]

mit dem Handy anrufen; mobil telefonieren to cell phone [anhören]

Handytelefonierer {pl} am Steuer motorists who use mobile phones while driving

multimediales Handy multimedia handheld telephone
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