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31 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Akure
Tipp: Beim Tippen: Pfeil nach rechts → um Wortvorschläge zu erhalten.

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Aare, Akkra, Akme, Akne, Akorie, Akte, Akteure, Aktie, Aktuare, Akut, Akut-Zeichen, Am-Wind-Kurs, Amur, Amuse-Bouche, Amuse-Gueule, Anurie, Armure, Aube, Aude, Aue, Auge
Ähnliche Wörter:
azure, Amur, Aube, Aude, Eure, Kura, Kurd, Sure!, abjure, abuse, acre, acute, acute-angled, adjure, adore, afire, afore, ague, aku, akus, allure

Azurblau {n}; Azur {n} azure

akuter Bauch {m}; akute Bauchkrankheit {f}; akutes Abdomen [med.] acute abdomen

Goldschwanz-Riffbarsch {m}; Goldschwanz-Demoiselle {f} (Chrysiptera parasema) [zool.] azure damsel

himmelblau; azurblau; azur {adj} sky blue; azure

Azursultanshuhn {n} [ornith.] azure gallinule

Azurfischer {m} [ornith.] azure kingfisher

Azurroller {m} [ornith.] azure roller

Schwarzbauchkleiber {m} [ornith.] azure nuthatch

Azurblaurabe {m} [ornith.] azure jay

Fliederblaurabe {m} [ornith.] azure-naped jay

Blaukappenhäher {m} [ornith.] azure-hooded jay

Blauelster {f} [ornith.] azure-winged magpie

Alkoholvergiftung {f}; Alkoholintoxikation {f} [med.] alcohol poisoning; alcohol intoxication

Alkoholvergiftungen {pl}; Alkoholintoxikationen {pl} alcohol poisonings; alcohol intoxications

akute Alkoholvergiftung acute alcohol poisoning

Allergie {f} (gegen etw.); immunologische Überempfindlichkeit {f} [med.] allergy (to sth.); hypersensitivity; hypersensitiveness [anhören]

Allergien {pl} allergies

akute Allergie immediate allergy; immediate hypersensitivity (reaction)

Arzneimittelallergie {f} drug allergy

Bäckerallergie {f} flour allergy

Bakterienallergie {f} bacterial allergy

Hausstauballergie {f} house-dust allergy

Hausstaubmilbenallergie {f} house dust mite allergy

Infektionsallergie {f}; Infektallergie {f} allergy of infection

Katzenhaarallergie {f}; Katzenallergie {f} cat hair allergy; cat dander allergy

Kreuzallergie {f}; Kreuzreaktion {f} (mit etw.) cross sensitivity; cross allergenicity; cross reactivity (with sth.)

Kuhmilchallergie {f} cow's milk allergy

Lebensmittelallergie {f}; Nahrungsmittelallergie {f} food allergy; alimentary allergy; nutritional allergy

Pollenallergie {f} allergy to pollen; pollen allergy

provozierte Allergie induced allergy; induced hypersensitivity

spontane Allergie spontaneous allergy

verzögerte Allergie delayed allergy

zellvermittelte Allergie; zellübertragene Allergie cell-mediated allergy; cell-mediated hypersensitivity

Haben Sie Allergien - speziell eine Medikamentenallergie? Do you have any allergies - particularly a drug allergy?

Endokarditis {f}; Entzündung der Herzinnenhaut [med.] endocarditis

akute bakterielle Endokarditis acute bacterial endocarditis

Gelenksentzündung {f}; Gelenkentzündung {f}; Arthritis {f} [med.] inflammation of a joint / of joints; arthritis

akute Gelenksentzündung acute arthritis; oxyarthritis

eitrige Gelenksentzündung suppurative arthritis; pyogenic arthritis; pyo-arthritis; pyarthrosis

Gelenksentzündung infolge einer Yersinia-Infektion yersinia arthritis

Infektarthritis {f} infectious arthritis

Gewebsschwund {m}; Gewebsschrumpfung {f}; Schwund {m}; Schrumpfung {f} (in Zusammensetzungen); Atrophie {f} [med.] shrinking of tissue; tissue shrinking; atrophy

akuter Schwund des Lebergewebes; akute gelbe Atrophie acute shrinking of the liver tissue; acute yellow atrophy

arthritische Gewebsschrumpfung arthritic shrinking of tissue

blaue Atrophie blue atrophy

braune Atrophie brown atrophy

chronische spinale muskuläre Atrophie chronic spinal muscular atrophy

fazioskapulohumerale Atrophie facioscapulohumeral atrophy; Landouzy-Déjerine dystrophy

graue Atrophie grey atrophy

hemifaziale Atrophie hemifacial atrophy

hemilinguale Atrophie hemilingual atrophy

idiopathische muskuläre Atrphie idiopathic muscular atrophy

interstitielle Atrophie interstitial atrophy

ischämische muskuläre Atrophie ischaemic muscular atrophy; Volkman's contracture

juvenile muskuläre Atrophie juvenile muscular atrophy; pseudohypertrophic muscular paralysis

muskulärer Gewebsschwund muscular tissue shrinking

neuropathische Atrophie neural atrophy; neuropathic atrophy

neurotrophische Atrophie neurotrophic atrophy; trophoneurotic atrophy

olivopontozerebellare Atrophie olivopontocerebellar atrophy

krankhafte Gewebsschrumpfung; pathologische Atrophie pathological shrinking of tissue [Br.]; pathologic atrophy [Am.]

physiologische Atrophie physiological atrophy

progressive muskuläre Atrophie progressive muscular atrophy; Cruveilhier's atrophy

progressive spinale muskuläre Atrophie progressive spinal muscular atrophy; Aran-Duchenne muscular atrophy; Aran-Duchenne myelopathic atrophy

pseudohypertrophe muskuläre Atrophie pseudohypertophic muscular atrophy; pseudohypertophic muscular dystrophy

rote Atrophie red atrophy

Sudeck'sche Atrophie Sudeck's atrophy

Wurzelhautatrophie {f}; Gewebsschwund der Zahnwurzel periodontal tissue shrinking; periodontal atrophy

Herzerweiterung {f}; Herzdilatation {f} [med.] dilatation of the heart; cardiac dilatation; cardiectasis

akute Herzdilatation acute cardiac dilatation

Infektionskrankheit {f} durch Soorpilze; Candidia-Pilzkrankheit {f}; Soormykose {f}; Soor {m}; Kandidamykose {f}; Kandidiasis {f}; Kandidose {f}; Candidose {f}; Moniliose {f} [med.] yeast infection; candidal mycosis; candidiasis; candidosis

atrophe Kandidose atrophic candidiasis; denture stomatitis

Kandidose der Körperfalten; intertriginöse Kandidamykose; Candida-Intertrigo candidiasis of dermal folds; intertriginous candidiasis

Hautkandidiasis candidiasis of the skin

Mundschleimhautentzündung durch Candida albicans; orale Kandidiasis; akute pseudomembranöse Kandidose acute pseudomembranous candidiasis, thrush

Soormykose in der Schwangerschaft und beim Neugeborenen candidal mycosis in pregnancy and newborn

vulvovaginale Soormykose vaginal yeast infection; vulvovaginal candidiasis

Koronarinsuffizienz {f} [med.] coronary insufficiency

akute Koronarinsuffizienz acute coronary insufficiency

Lebensmittelvergiftung {f}; Nahrungsmittelvergiftung {f}; Nahrungsmittelintoxikation {f} [med.] food poisoning; food intoxication; alimentary toxicosis

akute bakterielle Nahrungsmittelvergiftung enterocolitis syndrome

Leberdystrophie {f} [med.] hepatic dystrophy

akute gelbe Leberatrophie acute yellow dystrophy of the liver

Leukämie {f}; Weißblütigkeit {f}; (Erkrankung der weißen Blutzellen) [med.] leukaemia; leukemia [Am.]

akute Leukämie acute leukemia

chronische myeloische Leukämie chronic myelogenous leukemia; chronic myeloid leukemia /CML/

Magen-Darm-Entzündung {f}; Magen-Darm-Katharr {m}; Gastroenteritis {f} [med.] enterogastritis; gastro-enteritis

akute infektiöse Gastroenteritis acute infectious gastroenteritis

eosinophile Gastroenteritis eosinophilic gastroenteritis

epidemische nichtbakterielle Gastroenteritis epidemic nonbacterial gastroenteritis

virale Gastroenteritis; Virusgastroenteritis {f}; Magen-Darm-Grippe {f} viral gastro-enteritis; gastro-intestinal influenza

Manie {f} [psych.] mania

akute Manie {f}; Psycheklampsie {f} psycheclampsia

Pankreatitis {f}; Bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung {f}; Entzündung der Bauchspeicheldrüse [med.] pancreatitis; inflammation of the pancreas

akute Pankreatitis; akute Bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung acute pancreatitis

Peritonitis {f}; Bauchfellentzündung {f}; Entzündung des Bauchfells [med.] peritonitis

akute Peritonitis acute peritonitis

Retinanekrose {f} [med.] retinal necrosis

akute Retinanekrose acute retinal necrosis

akut; akut auftretend {adj} [med.] acute [anhören]

akute Schmerzen acute pain

akut auftretende Symptome acute symptoms

Cyanistes-Meisen {pl} (Cyanistes) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] cyanistes tits (zoological genus)

Blaumeise {f} (Cyanistes caeruleus) Eurasian blue tit; tomtit [Br.]

Kanarenmeise {f} (Cyanistes teneriffae) African blue tit

Lasurmeise {f} (Cyanistes cyanus) azure tit

Gelbbrustmeise {f} (Cyanistes cyanus flavipectus) yellow-breasted tit

Tangaren {pl} (Thraupidae) (zoologische Familie) [ornith.] tanagers (zoological family)

Abttangare {f} yellow-winged tanager

Azurkopftangare {f} blue-necked tanager

Bangstangare {f} blue & gold tanager

Bischofstangare {f} blue-grey tanager

Blaubarttangare {f} blue-whiskered tanager

Blaubrusttangare {f} gilt-edged tanager

Blauflecktangare {f} glaucous tanager

Blauflügeltangare {f} black-headed tanager

Blaukappentangare {f} red-necked tanager

Blaurücken-Bergtangare {f} hooded mountain tanager

Blauschultertangare {f} black & gold tanager

Blauschwingen-Bergtangare {f} blue-winged mountain tanager

Bluttangare {f} flame-coloured tanager

Brasiltangare {f} brazilian tanager

Brauenschopftangare {f} scarlet-browed tanager

Braunbauch-Bergtangare {f} chestnut-bellied mountain tanager

Braunbauchtangare {f} buff-bellied tanager

Braunbrust-Würgertangare {f} fulvous shrike-tanager

Braunflankentangare {f} brown-flanked tanager

Braunohr-Bunttangare {f} orange-eared tanager

Brustfleckentangare {f} puerto rican tanager

Cabanistangare {f} azure-rumped tanager

Carmioltangare {f} Carmioli's tanager

Diademtangare {f} diademed tanager

Dreifarbentangare {f} green-headed tanager

Drosseltangare {f} spotted tanager

Edwardstangare {f} moss-backed tanager

Elstertangare {f} magpie tanager

Feuerbürzeltangare {f} flame-rumped tanager

Finkenbuschtangare {f} common bush tanager

Flammentangare {f} crimson-collared tanager

Fleckentangare {f} speckled tanager

Flügelbindentangare {f} white-banded tanager

Fuchstangare {f} brown tanager

Furchentangare {f} blue & yellow tanager

Gelbbauchtangare {f} yellow-bellied tanager

Gelbbrauentangare {f} lemon-browed tanager

Gelbbürzeltangare {f} yellow-backed tanager

Gelbkehl-Buschtangare {f} yellow-throated bush tanager

Gelbkehltangare {f} yellow-throated tanager

Gelbkopftangare {f} saffron-crowned tanager

Gelbrückentangare {f} yellow-rumped tanager

Gelbschenkeltangare {f} blue-capped tanager

Gelbschopftangare {f} yellow-crested tanager

Gelbstirn-Würgertangare {f} white-winged shrike-tanager

Gimpeltangare {f} cinnamon tanager

Glanzfleckentangare {f} spangle-cheeked tanager

Goldbandtangare {f} yellow-scarfed tanager

Goldbrusttangare {f} green & gold tanager

Goldflügeltangare {f} rufous-winged tanager

Goldkappentangare {f} rust & yellow tanager

Goldohrtangare {f} golden-eared tanager

Goldringtangare {f} gold-ringed tanager

Goldrücken-Bergtangare {f} golden-backed mountain tanager

Goldscheiteltangare {f} golden-crowned tanager

Goldschopftangare {f} fulvous-crested tanager

Goldtangare {f} golden tanager

Graubrust-Buschtangare {f} dusky-bellied bush tanager

Graukehl-Buschtangare {f} ash-throated bush tanager

Graukopf-Buschtangare {f} grey-hooded bush tanager

Graukopftangare {f} grey-headed tanager

Graurücken-Ameisentangare {f} sooty ant-tanager

Grauscheitel-Palmtangare {f} grey-crowned palm tanager

Grünkappentangare {f} green-capped tanager

Grünkehltangare {f} green-throated tanager

Grünnackentangare {f} green-naped tanager

Grüntangare {f} bay-headed tanager

Guiratangare {f} guira tanager

Haarschopftangare {f} black-goggled tanager

Halsbandtangare {f} yellow-collared tanager

Haubentangare {f} flame-crested tanager

Heinetangare {f} black-capped tanager

Isabelltangare {f} burnished-buff tanager

Jelskitangare {f} golden-collared tanager

Karminameisentangare {f} red-crowned ant-tanager

Kieferntangare {f} western tanager

Krontangare {f} ruby-crowned tanager

Kurzschnabel-Buschtangare {f} short-billed bush tanager

Maskentangare {f} masked crimson tanager

Mennigohr-Bergtangare {f} scarlet-bellied mountain tanager

Mennigtangare {f} vermilon tanager

Natterertangare {f} Natterer's tanager

Ockerbrusttangare {f} ochre-breasted tanager

Ockerschopftangare {f} rufous-crested tanager

Olivmanteltangare {f} olive-backed tanager

Olivtangare {f} olive-green tanager

Opalscheiteltangare {f} opal-crowned tanager

Orangebrusttangare {f} brassy-breasted tanager

Orangekopftangare {f} orange-headed tanager

Palmentangare {f} palm tanager

Palmertangare {f} grey & gold tanager

Papageitangare {f} grass-green tanager

Parodihemispingus {m} Parodi's tanager

Passerinitangare {f} scarlet-rumped tanager

Prachttangare {f} chestnut-backed tanager

Purpurmanteltangare {f} purplish-mantled tanager

Purpurmaskentangare {f} golden-masked tanager

Purpurtangare {f} silver-beaked tanager

Rosenkehltangare {f} rose-throated tanager

Rostkappentangare {f} rufous-headed tanager

Rostkopftangare {f} fulvous-headed tanager

Rotbauchtangare {f} opal-rumped tanager

Rotbrusttangare {f} scarlet-throated tanager

Rothschildtangare {f} golden-chested tanager

Rotkappentangare {f} lesser antillean tanager

Rotkehl-Ameisentangare {f} red-throated ant-tanager

Rotkehltangare {f} rufous-throated tanager

Rotkopftangare {f} red-headed tanager

Rotnackentangare {f} golden-naped tanager

Rotohr-Bunttangare {f} glistening-green tanager

Rotscheiteltangare {f} scrub tanager

Rotschultertangare {f} red-shouldered tanager

Rotstirntangare {f} flame-faced tanager

Rotwangentangare {f} rufoud-cheeked tanager

Rubinkehltangare {f} cherry-throated tanager

Rußgesichttangare {f} dusky-faced tanager

Sayacatangare {f} sayaca tanager

Scharlachbauchtangare {f} crimson-backed tanager

Scharlachhauben-Ameisentangare {f} crested ant-tanager

Scharlachkopftangare {f} red-hooded tanager

Scharlachtangare {f} scarlet tanager

Schiefertangare {f} slaty tanager

Schleiertangare {f} black-faced tanager

Schlichttangare {f} plain-coloured tanager

Schmätzertangare {f} chat-tanager

Schmucktangare {f} golden-chevroned tanager

Schwalbentangare {f} swallow tanager

Schwarzachseltangare {f} tawny-crested tanager

Schwarzbauchtangare {f} black-bellied tanager

Schwarzbrust-Bergtangare {f} black-chested tanager

Schwarzbrusttangare {f} masked tanager

Schwarzkappentangare {f} hooded tanager

Schwarzkehl-Würgertangare {f} black-throated shrike-tanager

Schwarzkinn-Bergtangare {f} black-chinned mountain tanager

Schwarzmanteltangare {f} black-backed tanager

Schwarznackentangare {f} metallic-green tanager

Schwarzohr-Bunttangare {f} multicoloured tanager

Schwarzrückentangare {f} fawn-breasted tanager

Schwarzscheitel-Palmtangare {f} black-crowned palm tanager

Schwarzstirn-Buschtangare {f} yellow-green bush tanager

Schwarztangare {f} white-lined tanager

Schwarzwangen-Ameisentangare {f} black-cheeked ant-tanager

Schwarzwangen-Bergtangare {f} black-cheeked mountain tanager

Schwarzwangen-Buschtangare {f} pirre bush tanager

Seidenflankentangare {f} scarlet & white tanager

Siebenfarbentangare {f} paradise tanager

Silberbrauen-Bergtangare {f} buff-breasted mountain tanager

Silberbrauentangare {f} blue-browed tanager

Silberfleckentangare {f} beryl-spangled tanager

Silberkehltangare {f} silver-throated tanager

Silbertangare {f} silvery tanager

Siratangare {f} sira tanager

Smaragdtangare {f} emerald tanager

Sommertangare {f} summer tanager

Spiegeltangare {f} black & white tanager

Stolzmanntangare {f} black-backed bush tanager

Streifenkopftangare {f} stripe-headed tanager

Tacarcunabuschtangare {f} tacarcuna bush tanager

Tränenbergtangare {f} lacrimose mountain tanager

Trauertangare {f} white-shouldered tanager

Trupialtangare {f} rose-breasted tanager

Tüpfeltangare {f} dotted tanager

Türkistangare {f} turquoise tanager

Vassoritangare {f} blue & black tanager

Vielfarbentangare {f} seven-coloured tanager

Violettschultertangare {f} azure-winged tanager

Weißbindentangare {f} white-winged tanager

Weißbrauen-Buschtangare {f} pileated bush tanager

Weißbürzeltangare {f} white-rumped tanager

Weißkappentangare {f} white-capped tanager

Weißkehl-Würgertangare {f} white-throated shrike-tanager

Wetmoretangare {f} masked mountain tanager

Witwentangare {f} cone-billed tanager

Ziertangare {f} blue-backed tanager

Zimtbrusttangare {f} rufous-chested tanager

Zimtkopftangare {f} chestnut-headed tanager

Zinnobertangare {f} hepatic tanager

Zitronentangare {f} black & yellow tanager
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