Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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everyday poisons; everyday toxins Alltagsgifte {pl}

poison [listen] Gift {n} [listen]

poisons Gifte {pl}

strong poison starkes Gift

acro-narcotic poison; acro-narcotic agent stark narkotisches Gift

systemic poison systemisches Gift

to poison sb. jdm. Gift geben

to take poison Gift nehmen

to put poison down Gift auslegen

You can bet your life on it. [coll.] Da kannst du Gift darauf nehmen! [ugs.]

natural poison; biogenic poison; toxin natürliches Gift {n}; biogenes Gift {n}; Toxin {n} [pharm.]

natural poisons; biogenic poisons; toxins natürliches Gifte {pl}; biogenes Gifte {pl}; Toxine {pl}

bacterial poison; bacterial toxin; bacteriotoxin Bakteriengift {n}; Bakterientoxin {n}

bacterial ectotoxin bakterielles Ektotoxin; Bakterienektotoxin {n}

bacterial endtoxin; endogenous toxin; endotoxin bakterielles Endotoxin; Endotoxin {n}

microbial toxin mikrobielles Toxin

nerve poison; nerve agent; nervous system toxin; neurotoxin; neurotoxic substance Nervengift {n}; Neurotoxin {n}; neurotoxische Substanz {f}

kidney poison; nephrotoxin; nephrotoxic substance Nierengift {n}; Nephrotoxin {n}; nephrotoxische Substanz {f}

ectotoxin; exogenous toxin; exotoxin nach außen abgegebener Giftstoff; Ektotoxin {n}; Exotoxin {n}

catalytic poision; catalyst poison Katalysatorengift {n}; Katalytgift {n}; Kontaktgift {n} [chem.]

catalytic poisions; catalyst poisons Katalysatorengifte {pl}; Katalytgifte {pl}; Kontaktgifte {pl}

contact poison Kontaktgift {n}

contact poisons Kontaktgifte {pl}

narcotic poison Narkosegift {n} [pharm.]

narcotic poisons Narkosegifte {pl}

cell poison; cytocide agent; cytotoxin Zellgift {n}; zellschädigender Stoff {m}; Zytotoxin {n} [biol.] [pharm.]

cell poisons; cytocide agents; cytotoxins Zellgifte {pl}; zellschädigende Stoffe {pl}; Zytotoxine {pl}

to poison; to contaminate; to intoxicate sb. [listen] jdn. vergiften {vt}

poisoning; contaminating; intoxicating vergiftend

poisoned; contaminated; intoxicated vergiftet

poisons; contaminates; intoxicates vergiftet

poisoned; contaminated; intoxicated vergiftete

to be poisened with sth. mit etw. vergiftet sein

to recontaminate sth. etw. wieder vergiften

respiratory poison Atemgift {n} [biochem.]

respiratory poisons Atemgifte {pl}