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17 Ergebnisse für Renal
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Nierenversagen {n} [med.] renal failure; kidney failure

akutes Nierenversagen acute renal failure

chronisches Nierenversagen; Niereninsuffizienz {f} chronic kidney disease /CKD/; chronic renal disease

Dialyse {f}; Dialysegerät {n} [med.] renal unit

Nieren... [anat.] renal; nephritic

Nierenharnruhr {f}; Nierendiabetes {m}; Diabetes renalis {m}; normoglykämische Glucosurie {f} (Diabetes innocuus) [med.] renal diabetes

Nierenheilkunde {f}; Nephrologie {f} [med.] renal medicine; nephrology

Nierenhohlsystem {n} [anat.] renal collecting system

Nierenmark {n} [anat.] renal medulla

Grawitz-Tumor {m}; Nierenzellkarzinom {n}; Hypernephrom {n} [med.] carcinoma of the kidney; renal cell carcinoma /RCC/; hypernephroid tumor

chromophobes Nierenzellkarzinom chromophobe renal cell carcinoma

klarzelliges Nierenzellkarzinom clear-cell renal cell carcinoma

papilläres Nierenzellkarzinom papillary renal cell carcinoma

Nierenschrumpfung {f}; Schrumpfniere {f} [med.] shrinkage of the kidney; atrophy of the kidney; kidney atrophy; renal atrophy; renal scarring; nephromeiosis; atrophic kidney; end-stage kidney; cirrhotic kidney [obs.]

ateriosklerotische Schrumpfniere red granular shrinkage of the kidney

glomerulonephritische Schrumpfniere pale granular atrophy of the kidney

Nephrolith {m}; Nierenstein {m} [med.] nephrolith; kidney stone; renal calculus

Nierenlagen klopfindolent. (Befund) [med.] No renal angle tenderness. (medical report)

prärenal; vor der Niere (liegend/gelegen) {adj} [anat.] prerenal

Fehllage {f} (von Organen); Organverlagerung {f}; Dystopie {f}; Ektopie {f}; Heterotopie {f} [med.] faulty placement; faulty position; abnormal position; malposition; aberration; dystopia; ectopia; heterotopia; allotopia (of organs) [anhören]

Femoralektopie {f} femoral ectopia

Nierendystopie {f}; renale Ektopie renal dystopia; renal heterotopie; distopic kidney; ectopic kidney

perinale Ektopie perineal ectopie

Grieß {m} [med.] gravel [anhören]

Blasengries {m} urinary gravel

Gallengries {m} bilary gravel

Nierengrieß {m} renal gravel

Kolik {f} [med.] colic attack; episode of colic; colic [mass noun]

Koliken {pl} colic attacks; episodes of colic (often wrongly: colics)

Blasenkolik {f} biliary colic

Nierenkolik {f} renal colic

eine Kolik haben to have colic; to have a colic attack [rare]

eine Kolik auslösen to cause colic; to trigger colic

Wie lange ist die letzte Kolik her? How long since the last episode of colic?

Strahlenpilzkrankheit {f}; Aktinomykose {f} [med.] lumpy yaw; actinomycosis

gastrointestinale Aktinomykose gastro-intestinal actinomycosis

kavernöse Aktinomykose cavernous/cavitary actinomycosis

pulmonale Aktinomykose pulmonary actinomycosis

renale Aktinomykose renal actinomycosis

Trauma {n} (organische Folgen äußerer Gewalteinwirkung) [med.] trauma [anhören]

Traumata {pl}; Traumen {pl} traumas

Abdominaltrauma {m}; Bauchverletzung {f} abdominal trauma

akustisches Trauma acoustic trauma; auditory trauma

penetrierendes Trauma penetrating trauma

renales Trauma renal injury

stumpfes Trauma blunt force trauma; blunt trauma; non-penetrating trauma; closed injury
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