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230 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Ioan
Tipp: Rechtschreibprüfung: Wort?

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Hydrat-Ion, Hydrogen-Ion, Ion, Iran, Metall-Ion, Oxonium-Ion, Wasserstoff-Ion
Ähnliche Wörter:
Iran, ion, loan, loan-sharking, moan, roan

Abschlämm-Entsalzen {n} (Ionenaustauscher) [chem.] blow-down demineralization (ion exchanger)

Aktionärsvorschuss {m} shareholder loan

Annuitätendarlehen {n} annuity loan

Anpassungsdarlehen {n} adjustment loan

Ausleihfrist {f} loan period

Ausleihstatistik {f} [statist.] loan statistics; circulation statistics

Ausleihstatus {m} loan status

Bausparbeiträge {pl} [fin.] contributions to the building society [Br.] / savings and loan association [Am.]

Beleihungsrate {f}; Beleihungsquote {f}; Belehnungsrate {f} [Ös.] [Schw.]; Belehnungsquote {f} [Ös.] [Schw.] [fin.] loan-to-value ratio; loan percentage

Beleihungswert {m}; Belehnungswert {m} [Ös.] [Schw.] [fin.] value of collateral for an advance/loan

Bereitstellungsplafond {m} (Kredit) [fin.] commitment ceiling (loan)

Börsenkredit {m}; Börsekredit {m} [Ös.] [fin.] loan for financing stock exchange dealings

ein Darlehen usw. (vorzeitig) fällig stellen {vt} [fin.] to accelerate the maturity of a loan etc.

Darlehensbedingungen {pl} terms of a loan

Darlehenszinsen {pl} [fin.] loan interest

Darlehensvertrag {m} [fin.] contract of loan; loan agreement

Debitorenkredit {m} accounts receivable loan

Effektenlombard {m} [fin.] loan on securities; advance against/on securities

Elektron-Abspaltung {f} (von einem negativen Ion) [phys.] electron detachment (from a negative ion)

Elutionsmittel {n} (Ionenchromatographie) [chem.] eluant (ion chromatography)

Energieoperator {m}; Hamilton-Operator {m} [phys.] energy operator; Hamilton(ian) operator

Entionisierung {f} (Wasseraufbereitung) [chem.] ion starvation (water treatment)

Entsäuerung {f} (Ionenaustauscher) [chem.] neutralizing (ion exchanger)

Fernleihbestellung {f} interlibrary loan request

Fremdkapital {n}; Fremdgelder {pl} [econ.] [fin.] outside capital; borrowed capital; debt capital; loan capital

Gemeinschaftsanleihe {f} community loan

Hydrat-Ion {n} [chem.] hydrated ion

Hydridion {n}; Wasserstoffion {n} [chem.] hydride ion

Investitionsdarlehen {n} [fin.] investment loan

Ionenaustausch {m} [chem.] ion exchange /IX/

Ionenaustauschchromatographie {f} [chem.] ion-exchange chromatography /IEC/

Ionenaustauschharz {n} [chem.] ion exchange resin

Ionenbeschleunigung {f} [phys.] ion acceleration

Ionenbeschuss {m} [phys.] ion bombardment; ion irradiation

Ionenbeweglichkeit {f} [chem.] [phys.] ion mobility

Ionenimpuls {m} ion momentum

Ionenpaarchromatographie {f} ion pair chromatography

Kolloid-Ionentriebwerk {n} (Raumfahrt) colloidal ion thruster (astronautics)

Kommunalanleihe {f} municipal loan

Kredithai {m} [übtr.] loan shark [fig.]

Kreditrückzahlung {f}; Darlehensrückzahlung {f} [fin.] repayment of credit; repayment of loan

Kreditsicherung {f} [fin.] credit security; loan security

Kredittilgung {f}; Darlehenstilgung {f} [fin.] amortization of credit; amortization of loan; amortisation of credit/loan [Br.]

Kreditüberwachung {f} [fin.] loan monitoring; credit control

Kreditvaluta {f} [fin.] proceeds of a loan; loan money

Kreditwucher {m} [fin.] extortionate moneylending; loan-sharking [coll.]

Kreditzins {m} [fin.] loan interest; lending interest

Kurzausleihe {f} short-term loan

aktiver Leihverkehr {m} (Bibliotheken) inter-library loan

Leihverkehrsordnung {f} /LVO/ (Bibliotheken) Interlibrary Loan Regulations

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