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4 ähnliche Ergebnisse für LTCC
Tipp: Umrechnen von Maßeinheiten

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
LCD-Fernseher, LCD-Fernsehgerät, Lack, Lack..., Lech, Leck, Lippen-Tbc, Loch, Loci-Methode, Metalleffekt-Lack, NC-Lack, NTC-Widerstand, PTC-Widerstand, PTC-Widerstände, Tic, Urushi-Lack, XTC, Zwei-Schicht-Metalleffekt-Lack, leck
Ähnliche Wörter:
D-lock, LCD-TV, Lech, Lotic, O-lock, U-lock, XTC, anti-lock, cc, down-on-their-luck, etc., etch, etch-back, fairy-lock, itch, lac, lace, lace-making, lace-up, lace-ups, lack

katalytisches Reformieren {n}; Rexforming {n} (von Rohöl); Thermofor-Verfahren {n} [chem.] [techn.] thermofor catalytic reforming /TCR/; thermofor catalytic cracking (TCC); rexforming; catforming (of crude oil)

Lebenszykluskosten {pl} [econ.] [techn.] life cycle costs; life cycle cost /LCC/; whole life costs; whole life cost /WLC/

Frachtgut {n}; Fracht {f}; Ladung {f} (eines Transportmittels) [transp.] [anhören] [anhören] freight; freightage (lorry, train, ship, aircraft); cargo (lorry, ship, aircraft); lading; load (of a means of transport) [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Frachtgüter {pl} freight; freight good; freights [anhören]

Containerfracht {f}; Containerladung {f} containerized freight; containerized cargo

Fehlfracht {f}; Ausfallfracht {f}; zu zahlende aber nicht genutzte Fracht dead freight

volle LKW-Ladung; LKW-Komplettladung; Komplettladung {f} full lorry load [Br.]; full truck load /FTL/ [Am.]

Massenfrachtgut {n}; Massenfracht {f}; Massengutladung {f}; Massenladung {f}; Schüttladung {f}; sperrige Ladung bulk cargo

Sammelgut {n}; Sammelladung {f} grouped goods; groupage freight; consolidated cargo

Schiffsfracht {f}; Schiffsladung {f}; Cargo {m} shipload; ship's freight

Stückgutfracht {f}; Stückgutladung {f} general/mixed cargo (ship); part-load (railway); mixed carload [Am.] (railway); less-than-carload lot /LCL/ [Am.] (railway); package freight [Am.] [anhören]

Teilladung {f} partial load; part load; less-than-lorry-load [Br.] /LLL/; less-than-truckload [Am.] /LTL/; less-than-wagon-load [Br.] (railway); less-than-carload [Am.] /LTC/ (railway)

Wagenladung {f} (Bahn) wagon load [Br.]; carload [Am.] (railway)

Zugladung {f} trainload

gefährliche Ladung dangerous cargo

Warensendung {f}; Sendung {f}; (einzelne) Warenlieferung {f}; (einzelne) Lieferung {f} [econ.] [transp.] [anhören] [anhören] consignment; shipment (of goods) [anhören] [anhören]

Ganzladungssendung {f} full load consignment; full load shipment

Sammelsendung {f}; Sammellieferung {f} collective consignment; collective shipment; mixed consignment

Stückgutsendung {f} (meist eine Teilladungssendung) general cargo consignment (usually a part load consignment)

Teilladungssendung {f}; Teilladungslieferung {f} part load consignment; part load shipment; less-than-truckload shipment [Am.]; LTL shipment [Am.]; less-than-carload shipment [Am.] (railway); LTC shipment [Am.] (railway)

eine Warensendung borderieren to create a packing slip for a shipment
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