Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

collecting trough; catch basin Auffangwanne {f}

collecting troughs; catch basins Auffangwannen {pl}

lighting trough Beleuchtungswanne {f}

lighting troughs Beleuchtungswannen {pl}

recleaner cell; cleaner cell; scavenger cell; finishing trough Bergereinigerzelle {f}; Reinigerzelle {f}; Nachschäumerzelle {f} [min.]

recleaner cells; cleaner cells; scavenger cells; finishing troughs Bergereinigerzellen {pl}; Reinigerzellen {pl}; Nachschäumerzellen {pl}

concrete edge bedding [Br.]; concrete edge footing [Am.]; concrete trough [Am.] (for concrete slabs) Betonstuhl {m} (für Betonplatten) [constr.]

concrete edge beddings; concrete edge footings; concrete troughs Betonstühle {pl}

feeding trough; trough [listen] Futtertrog {m}; Trog {m} [agr.]

feeding troughs; troughs Futtertröge {pl}; Tröge {pl}

water trough Wassertrog {m}

cable channel; cable trough Kabelrinne {f}; Kabelwanne {f}; Kabeltasse {f} [Ös.]

cable channels; cable troughs Kabelrinnen {pl}; Kabelwannen {pl}; Kabeltassen {pl}

trough [listen] Mulde {f}

troughs Mulden {pl}

tipping trough Pendelschurre {f} [techn.]

tipping troughs Pendelschurren {pl}

coating pan; coater pan; coating trough (papermaking) Streichfarbenwanne {f} (Papierherstellung)

coating pans; coater pans; coating troughs Streichfarbenwannen {pl}

trough [listen] Trog {m} [meteo.]

troughs Tröge {pl}

urinal trough Urinalrinne {f}

urinal troughs Urinalrinnen {pl}

washing trough Waschtrog {m}

washing troughs Waschtröge {pl}

wave trough; hollow of a wave Wellental {n} [electr.]

wave troughs; hollows of waves Wellentäler {pl}

wave trough; trough of a wave; trough of the sea Wellental {n}

wave troughs; troughs of a wave; troughs of the sea Wellentäler {pl}

baking trough Backmulde {f} [techn.]

baking troughs Backmulden {pl}

drain trough Ablaufrinne {f} [techn.]

drain troughs Ablaufrinnen {pl}

deposit trough Ablegewanne {f} [techn.]

deposit troughs Ablegewannen {pl}