Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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novel [listen] Roman {m}; Langerzählung {f} [selten] [lit.]

novels Romane {pl}

adventure novel Abenteuerroman {m}

cloak-and-dagger novel Agentenroman {m}; Spionageroman {m}

medical romance novel; medical fiction Arztroman {m}

coming-of-age novel; bildungsroman Bildungsroman {m}

epistolary novel Briefroman {m}

private detective novel; private investigator novel; PI novel Detektivroman {m}

dialogue novel; dialog novel Dialogroman {m}

entwicklungsroman; development novel Entwicklungsroman {m}

fantasy novel Fantasy-Roman {m}

serial novel; serial [listen] Fortsetzungsroman {m}

photo comic; photonovel; fotonovela Fotoroman {m}

contemporary novel Gegenwartsroman {m}

penny dreadful; dime novel [Am.] Groschenroman {m}; Heftroman {m}; Hintertreppenroman {m}; Kitschroman {m}; Billigroman {m} [lit.]

rural novel; regional novel Heimatroman {m}

serialized pulp novel Kolportageroman {m}

serialized pulp novels Kolportageromane {pl}

detective novel; mystery novel Kriminalroman {m} [lit.]

Künstlerroman; artist novel Künstlerroman {m}

short novel Kurzroman {m}

romantic novel Liebesroman {m}

write-along novel; collaborative novel Mitschreibroman {m}; Interaktivroman {m}

horror novel; Gothic novel Schauerroman {m}; Gruselroman {m} [lit.]

picaresque novel Schelmenroman {m}; pikarischer/pikaresker Roman

roman a clef Schlüsselroman {m}

funny novel Schmunzelroman {m}

trashy novel; pulp novel Schundroman {m}; Kitschroman {m}

trashy novels; pulp novels Schundromane {pl}; Kitschromane {pl}

sensation novel Sensationsroman {m}

novel of manners Sittenroman {m}

non-fiction novel Tatsachenroman {m}

science fiction novel; sci-fi novel Zukunftsroman {m}; Science-Fiction-Roman {m}

mud [listen] Schlamm {m}; Schmutz {m} [listen]

plastered with mud mit Schlamm bedeckt; voller Schlamm

caked with mud and wet mit nassem Schmutz bedeckt

pulp [listen] feiner Schlamm

copropel organogener Schlamm

mud lava vulkanischer Schlamm

slush weicher Schlamm

flume (sugar production) Schwemmrinne {f} (Zuckerherstellung) [agr.]

flumes Schwemmrinnen {pl}

pulp flume Schnitzelschwemme {f}; Schnitzelkanal {m} (für Zuckerrübenschnitzel) [agr.]

cossette frisches/unausgelaugtes Zuckerrübenschnitzel {n} [agr.]

beet pulp (exhausted beet chips) Ausgelaugtes {n} (ausgelaugte Zuckerrübenschnitzel) [agr.]

chlorine-free; free from chlorine /FFC/ chlorfrei {adj} [chem.]

chlorine-free bleached chlorfrei gebleicht

totally chlorine-free pulp; TCF pulp chlorfrei gebleichter Zellstoff

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