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24 Ergebnisse für Ligament | Ligament
Worttrennung: Li·ga·ment
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Mutterband {n} [anat.] ligament of the uterus; ligament of the womb

breites Mutterband (Ligamentum latum uteri) broad ligament of the uterus; mesodesma

rundes Mutterband (Ligamentum teres uteri) round ligament of the uterus

Band {n}; Ligament {n}; Ligamentum {n} [anat.] [anhören] ligament [anhören]

Bänder {pl}; Ligamente {pl} ligaments

Kreuzband {n} [anat.] cruciate knee ligament; cruciate ligament (of the knee)

Kreuzbänder {pl} cruciate knee ligaments; cruciate ligaments

vorderes Kreuzband anterior cruciate ligament

hinteres Kreuzband posterior cruciate ligament

Kreuzband des Atlas cruciate ligament of the atlas

Augenlidband {n}; Lidband {n} (Ligamentum palpebrale) [anat.] palpebral ligament

Augenlidbänder {pl}; Lidbänder {pl} palpebral ligaments

mittleres Lidband; mediales Lidband medial palpebral ligament; canthal palpebral ligament

seitliches Lidband; laterales Lidband laterial palpebral ligament

Stimmband {n} [anat.] vocal cord; vocal chord [rare]; vocal fold; vocal ligament; phonatory band; phonocorda

Stimmbänder {pl} vocal cords; vocal chords; vocal folds; vocal ligaments; phonatory bands; phonocordas

falsches Stimmband false vocal cord; vestibular fold

Fußwurzelband {n} [anat.] transverse ligament of the foot

Fußwurzelbänder {pl} transverse ligaments of the foot

Kreuzbandriss {m} [med.] cruciate ligament rupture

Kreuzbandrisse {pl} cruciate ligament ruptures

Bänderriss {m} [med.] torn ligament

kleines Band {n}; Bändchen {n}; Zügel {m}; Frenum {n}; Frenulum {n}; Habena {f} [anat.] small ligament; strap-like fibrous structure; frenum; frenulum; habena

vorderes Hammerband {n} [med.] anterior malleal ligament; anterior ligament of the malleus

Keilbein-Unterkiefer-Band {n} [anat.] sphenomandibular ligament

Kreuzbandeinriss {m}; Kreuzbandanriss {m} [med.] partial tear of the cruciate ligament

Leistenband {n} [anat.] inguinal ligament; Poupart's ligament

Leistensichel {f} [anat.] inguinal falx; conjoint tendon; Henle's ligament

Ligamentum Conicum {n}; Ligamentum Cricothyroideum {n} [anat.] cricothyroid ligament; cricothyroid membrane

Nackenband {n} [anat.] nuchal ligament

Paradontalspalt {m} [anat.] periodontal ligament space; PDL space; periodontal space

Parodontal-Ligament {n} /PDL/ [anat.] periodontal ligament /PDL/; periodontal fibre [Br.]/fiber [Am.]

Schulter-Schlüsselbein-Band {n} (Ligamentum acromioclaviculare) [anat.] acromioclavicular ligament; AC ligament

Skidaumen {m}; Schidaumen {m}; ulnare Seitenbandruptur {f} am Daumengrundgelenk [med.] skier's thumb; thumb ulnar collateral ligament tear; UCL tear; thumb ulnar collateral ligament injury; thumb UCL injury

Spitzenband {n} [anat.] apical dental (odontoid) ligament

Zahnwurzelhaut {f}; Wurzelhaut {f}; Periodontium {n}; Perizementum {n} [med.] tooth root membrane; root membrane; periodontal ligament; odontoperiosteum; pericementum

Plastik {f} (durch eine plastische Operation rekonstruierter Körperteil) [med.] reconstruction (reconstructed body part) [anhören]

Plastiken {pl} reconstructions

Kreuzbandplastik {f} cruciate ligament reconstruction

Zerrung {f} (eines Muskels usw.) [med.] strain (of a muscle etc.) [anhören]

Zerrungen {pl} strains [anhören]

Bänderzerrung {f}; Bänderdehnung {f} ligament strain; stretching of a/ the ligament; tearing of a/the ligament; strained ligament; pulled ligament; desmectasis

Bänderzerrung {f} am Knie knee-joint ligament strain

Leistenzerrung {f} groin strain

Sehnenzerrung {f} tendon strain; stretching of a/the tendon; strained tendon; pulled tendon
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