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14 Ergebnisse für ATLAS | ATLAS
Worttrennung: At·las
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Atlas {m}; Atlant {m} atlas

Atlanten {pl}; Atlasse {pl} atlases

Autoatlas {m} road atlas

geologischer Atlas geological atlas

Luftbildatlas {m} atlas of aerial maps

Röntgenatlas {m} [med.] atlas of radiographic anatomy

Sprachatlas {m} [ling.] linguistic atlas

Taschenatlas {m} pocket atlas

Umweltatlas {m} atlas of the environment

Weltatlas {m} world atlas

Atlas {m}; erster Halswirbel {m}; oberster Halswirbel {m} [anat.] atlas; atlas vertebra; topmost vertebra

ATLAS-Verbund {m}; ATLAS-Gruppe {f} (Vereinigung europäischer Polizeispezialeinheiten) ATLAS network (association of European police special forces units)

Atlasblockade {f} [med.] atlas subluxation complex /ASC/

Atlasformat {n}; Atlantenformat {n} [print] atlas folio; large square folio (printing)

Atlaspapier {n} atlas

Atlasgebirge {n} [geogr.] Atlas Mountains

Satin {m}; Atlas {m} (Gewebe in Atlasbindung) [textil.] satin; warp satin

regionaler Strukturatlas (Raumplanung) regional atlas

Bertram {m} (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) [bot.] pellitory; Spanish chamomile; Mount Atlas daisy

Kreuzband {n} [anat.] cruciate knee ligament; cruciate ligament (of the knee)

Kreuzbänder {pl} cruciate knee ligaments; cruciate ligaments

vorderes Kreuzband anterior cruciate ligament

hinteres Kreuzband posterior cruciate ligament

Kreuzband des Atlas cruciate ligament of the atlas

Mohn {m} (Papaver) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] poppy (botanical genus) [anhören]

Klatschmohn {m}; Klatschrose {f}; Mohnblume {f} (Papaver rhoeas) common poppy; corn poppy; field poppy; Flanders poppy; red poppy; corn rose; coquelicot

Schlafmohn {m}; Opiummohn {m} (Papaver somniferum) opium poppy

Alpenmohn {m} (Papaver alpinum) Alpine poppy

Arzneimohn {m}; Armenischer Mohn {m} (Papaver bracteatum) great scarlet poppy; great red poppy; Persian poppy

Atlasmohn {m} (Papaver atlanticum) Atlas poppy; Moroccan poppy

Sandmohn {m} (Papaver argemone) pale poppy; prickly poppy

Pistazienbäume {pl}; Pistaziensträucher {pl}; Pistazien {pl} (Pistacia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] pistachio trees; pistachio shrubs (botanical genus)

Echter Pistazienbaum {m}; Echte Pistazie {f} (Pistacia vera) true pistachio tree; true pistachio

Wilder Pistazienbaum {m}; Wilde Pistazie {f}; Mastixpistazie {f}; Mastixbaum {m}; Mastixstrauch {m}; Lentiske {f} (Pistacia lentiscus) mastic tree; mastic shrub; Mediterranean mastic; lentisk

Atlantischer Pistazienbaum {m}; Atlantische Pistazie {f} (Pistacia atlantica) Atlantic pistachio tree; Atlas pistachio; Atlantic mastic tree; (Mt.) Atlas mastic tree

Zedern {pl} (Cedrus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] cedars (botanical genus)

Atlas-Zeder {f} (Cedrus atlantica) Atlas cedar

Himalaya-Zeder {f} (Cedrus deodara) Himalayan cedar, deodar cedar, deodar

Libanon-Zeder {f} (Cedrus libani) Lebanon cedar; cedar of Lebanon

Zypern-Zeder {f} (Cedrus brevifolia) Cyprus cedar
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