Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

Fähe {f} (Weibchen beim Haarraubwild) [Jägersprache] [zool.] female fox; female wolf; female badger; female lynx and other ground game

Fähen {pl} female foxes; female wolves; female badgers; female lynxes

Jagdwild {n}; Wild {n} game animals; game [listen]

Auerwild {n} wood grouse

Damwild {n} fallow deer

Flugwild {n} winged game

Freiwild {n} unprotected game

Großwild {n} big game

Haarwild {n} furred game; mammalian game

Haarraubwild {n} ground game

Hochwild {n} [hist.] beasts of venery; beasts of the chase (game reserved for noble hunting)

Kahlwild {n} female game animals; calves without antlers

Kleinwild {n} small game

Niederwild {n} [hist.] beasts of the warren

Raubwild {n} predator game

Rehwild {n} roe deer

Rotwild {n} red deer

Schalenwild {n} hoofed game

Schwarzwild {n} wild boars

Zuchtwild {n} farmed game

(bei der Treibjagd) aufgescheuchtes Wild; hochgemachtes Wild battue

verfolgtes Wild quarry; chase [listen] [listen]

Wild abnicken; abfangen [Jägersprache] (mit einem Stich ins Genick töten) to kill game by stabbing it in the neck

Rüde {m} (Männchen beim Hund und Haarraubwild) [Jägersprache] [zool.] male dog; male fox; male wolf; male badger; male lynx and other ground game

Rüden {pl} male dogs; male foxes; male wolfs; male badgers; male lynxes