Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

predator [listen] Räuber {m}; Plünderer {m}

predators Räuber {pl}; Plünderer {pl}

predator; beast of prey [listen] Beutegreifer {m}; beutegreifendes Tier {n}; Raubtier {n} [zool.]

predators; beasts of prey Beutegreifer {pl}; beutegreifende Tiere {pl}; Raubtiere {pl}

ambush predator Anschleichjäger {m}

land predator/carnivore; terrestrial predator/carnivore [listen] Landraubtier {n}

sea predator/carnivore; marine predator/carnivore [listen] [listen] Seeraubtier {n}

aquatic predator Wasserraubtier {n}

predator at the top of a food chain; top predator; alpha predator; apex predator; superpredator Raubtier am Ende der Nahrungskette

predator [listen] Profiteur {m}; Aasgeier {m} [übtr.] [pej.]

predators Profiteure {pl}; Aasgeier {pl}

predator satiation Räubersättigung {f} [biol.]

predator-prey pattern Beuteschema {n} [zool.]

kill; quarry (of a huntsman or predator) [listen] [listen] (getötetes) Beutetier {n}; (erlegte) Jagdbeute {f} (eines Jägers oder Raubtiers) [zool.]

the (natural) predator of an animal der (natürliche) Feind {m}; Fressfeind {m} eines Tieres

There are no predators of the fox. Der Fuchs hat keine natürlichen Feinde.

predator-prey relationship; predator-prey interaction Fraßbeziehung {f} [zool.]

ambush predator; sit-and-wait predator Lauerjäger {m}; Ansitzjäger {m} [zool.]

ambush predators; sit-and-wait predators Lauerjäger {pl}; Ansitzjäger {pl}

wild cat; big-cat; pard [poet.]; feline predator Raubkatze {f} [zool.]

wild cats; big-cats; pards; feline predators Raubkatzen {pl}

raptor; bird of prey; predator bird; predatory bird; ravener [obs.] Raubvogel {m}; Greifvogel {m} [ornith.]

raptors; birds of prey; predator birds; predatory birds; raveners Raubvögel {pl}; Greifvögel {pl}

sexual predator Triebtäter {m}; Triebverbrecher {m}

sexual predators Triebtäter {pl}; Triebverbrecher {pl}

generalist organism; generalist animal; generalist Generalist {m} [zool.]

generalist organisms; generalist animals; generalists Generalisten {pl}

generalist predator Generalistenraubtier {n}

insect [listen] Insekt {n}; Kerbtier {n} [zool.] [listen]

insects Insekten {pl}; Kerbtiere {pl}

beneficial insect Nutzinsekt {n}

predator insect; predatory insect Raubinsekt {n}

pest insect Schadinsekt {n}

hunting territory (of a predator) Jagdgebiet {n} (eines Raubtiers) [zool.]

hunting territories Jagdgebiete {pl}

game animals; game [listen] Jagdwild {n}; Wild {n}

wood grouse Auerwild {n}

fallow deer Damwild {n}

winged game Flugwild {n}

unprotected game Freiwild {n}

big game Großwild {n}

furred game; mammalian game Haarwild {n}

ground game Haarraubwild {n}

beasts of venery; beasts of the chase (game reserved for noble hunting) Hochwild {n} [hist.]

female game animals; calves without antlers Kahlwild {n}

small game Kleinwild {n}

beasts of the warren Niederwild {n} [hist.]

predator game Raubwild {n}

roe deer Rehwild {n}

red deer Rotwild {n}

hoofed game Schalenwild {n}

wild boars Schwarzwild {n}

farmed game Zuchtwild {n}

battue (bei der Treibjagd) aufgescheuchtes Wild; hochgemachtes Wild

quarry; chase [listen] [listen] verfolgtes Wild

to kill game by stabbing it in the neck Wild abnicken; abfangen [Jägersprache] (mit einem Stich ins Genick töten)

fierce (eager to fight) [listen] wild; scharf; angriffslustig; kampfbereit {adj} [listen]

a fierce warrior ein wilder Krieger

a fierce predator ein wildes Raubtier

fierce guard dogs scharfe Wachhunde