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26 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Cotte
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Gotte, Lotte, Motte, Rotte, Zotte
Ähnliche Wörter:
cotter, motte, terra-cotta, Crete, Franche-Comté, Johnny-come-lately, bottle, bottle-bottom, bottle-green, bottle-necked, bottle-party, botty-less, box-note, brandy-bottle, butte, candy-coat, candy-coated, caste, cattle, catty, chute

etw. versplinten {vt} [techn.] to cotter sth.

versplintend cottering

versplintet cottered

Federstecker {m} [techn.] spring cotter pin

Federstecker {pl} spring cotter pins

Keilunterlegscheibe {f} [techn.] cotter pin washer

Keilunterlegscheiben {pl} cotter pin washers

Kurbelkeil {m} cotter pin

Kurbelkeile {pl} cotter pins

Pachthäusler {m}; Landköther {m}; Köther {m}; Köthner {m}; Landkötter {m}; Kötter {m}; Kotsaß {m} [soc.] [hist.] cottar; cotter (in Scotland and Ireland)

Pachthäusler {pl}; Landköther {pl}; Köther {pl}; Köthner {pl}; Landkötter {pl}; Kötter {pl}; Kotsaße {pl} cottars; cotters

Vorstecker {m} am Wagenrad; Splint {m} cotter pin; linch pin; forelock

Vorstecker {pl} am Wagenrad; Splinte {pl} cotter pins; linch pins; forelocks

Flachsrösten {n}; Rösten {n}; Rotten {n}; Rotte {f} [textil.] retting (flax)

Motte {f}; Turmhügelburg {f}; Erdhügelburg {f}; Erdkegelburg {f} [hist.] [arch.] motte; motte-and-bailey castle

Rotte {f} [mil.] [aviat.] two ship formation

Splint {m} cotter; cotterpin

Terrakotta {f}; Terracotta {f} (bräunlich-roter, gebrannter Ton) terracotta; terra-cotta (brownish-red fired clay)

Terrakotta... terra-cotta

Terrakottafigur {f} terracotta; terra-cotta (statuette)

Cote d'Ivoire (Elfenbeinküste) {f} /CI/ Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

Yamoussoukro (Hauptstadt von Cote d'Ivoire) [geogr.] Yamoussoukro (capital of Cote d'Ivoire)

Wüstenspottdrossel {f} [ornith.] le conte thrasher

Arbeitstrupp {m}; Trupp {m}; Arbeitsrotte {f}; Rotte {f} (Arbeitskolonne im Straßen- und Gleisbau) works gang; gang (for road and track works) [anhören]

Arbeitstrupps {pl}; Trupps {pl}; Arbeitsrotten {pl}; Rotten {pl} works gangs; gangs

Bahnbautrupp {m}; Bahninstandhaltungsrotte {f}; Bahnunterhaltungsrotte {f}; Bahndienstrotte {f} [Schw.] track maintenance gang; permanent-way gang

Gleisbaurotte {f} railway gang [Br.]; railroad gang [Am.]

Bande {f}; Rotte {f}; Zusammenrottung {f} rout; gang; mob [anhören] [anhören]

Banden {pl}; Rotten {pl}; Zusammenrottungen {pl} routs; gangs; mobs

Lophius-Seeteufel {pl} (Lophius) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] lophius monkfish (zoological genus)

Seeteufel {m}; Anglerfisch {m}; Lotte {f}; Baudroie {f}; (Lophius piscatorius) sea-devil; angler; fishing-frog

Motte {f} [zool.] moth (tineid moth) [anhören]

Motten {pl} moths; mothes

Lebensmittelmotte {f}; Speisemotte {f}; Küchenmotte {f} food moth; meal moth; pantry moth

Passiermühle {f}; Flotte Lotte {f} [cook.] food mill

Passiermühlen {pl} food mills

Patentante {f}; Taufpatin {f}; Patin {f}; Gotte {f} [ugs.]; Godl {f} [Ös.] [ugs.] [relig.] (baptismal) godmother; (baptismal) godparent; (baptism) sponsor [anhören]

Patentanten {pl}; Taufpatinnen {pl}; Patinnen {pl}; Gotten {pl}; Godlen {pl} godmothers; godparents; sponsors

Rotte {f} (von Wildschweinen) herd [anhören]

Rotten {pl} herds

Rudel {n} (Wildtiere); Rotte {f} (Wölfe, Wildschweine) [Jägersprache] [zool.] pack (of wild animals) [anhören]

Rudel {pl}; Rotten {pl} packs

Wolfsrudel {n}; Rotte {f} Wölfe pack of wolves; wolf pack

Rudel Wildschweine; Wildschweinrotte {f} pack of wild boar; sounder of wild boar

Zotte {f}; Darmzotte {f} villus

Zotten {pl}; Darmzotten {pl} villi

Ammospiza-Ammern {pl} (Ammospiza) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] ammospiza sparrows (zoological genus)

Leconte-Ammer {m,f} (Ammospiza leconteii) Le Conte's sparrow

Nelson-Ammer {m,f} (Ammospiza nelsoni) Nelson's sharp-tailed sparrow; Nelson's sparrow

Spitzschwanzammer {m,f} (Ammospiza caudacutus) saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrow; saltmarsh sparrow

Strandammer {m,f} (Ammospiza maritima) seaside sparrow

Schwarze Strandammer {m,f} (Ammospiza maritima nigrescens) [hist.] dusky seaside sparrow
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