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23 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Kanry
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Cash-and-Carry-Markt, Cash-and-Carry-Märkte, Dandy, Drän-Kanal, Fabry-Pérot-Interferometer, Fermi-Kante, Handy, Handy-Oberschale, Kairo, Kanal, Kanal-Flügel, Kanal-Tragfläche, Kanal-Tragflächen, Kanat, Kann-Bestimmung, Kann-Leistungen, Kanne, Kanon, Kante, Kanu, Kanuri
Ähnliche Wörter:
Fancy!, Kinky!, airy, airy-fairy, angry, any, ary, awry, bandy, bandy-legged, barry, canary, canary-creeper, candy, candy-coat, candy-coated, candy-coating, canny, carry, carry!, carry-on

Gebälkträger {m} (männliche Karyatide) [arch.] atlante

Karyotyp {m} [biol.] karyotype

Schrumpfung {f} des Zellkerns; Degeneration {f} des Zellkerns; Karyopyknose {f}; Pyknose {f} [biol.] degeneration of the cell nucleus; karyopyknosis; pyknosis

den Zellkern aufnehmend {adj} [biol.] karyophage

Zellkernauflösung {f}; Karyolyse {f} [biol.] karyolysis

Zellkernbildung {f}; Karyogenese {f} [biol.] karyogenesis

Zellkernform {f} [biol.] karyomorphism

Zellkernfresszelle {f}; den Zellkern aufnehmende Zelle {f}; Karyophage {m} [biol.] karyophage; karyophagus

Zellkernmembran {f}; Kernmembran {f}; Kernmembrane {f}; Zellkernhülle {f}; Kernhülle {f} [biol.] nuclear-investing membrane; nuclear membrane; nuclear envelope; nucleolemma; karyotheca

Zellkernprotoplasma {n}; Zellkernplasma {n}; Kernplasma {n}; Nukleoplasma {n}; Karyoplasma {n}; Kernmatrix {f} [biol.] nucleoplasm; karyoplasm

Zellkernvergrößerung; Karyomegalie {f} [biol.] karyomegaly

Zellkernvermessung {f}; Karyometrie {f} [biol.] karyometry

zellkernauflösend; karyolytisch {adj} [biol.] karyolytic

zellkernbildend {adj} [biol.] karyogenic

zellkernfärbend {adj} [biol.] karyochrome

leicht zellkernfärbbar {adj} [biol.] karyochromatophile

zellkernteilend {adj} [biol.] karyomitotic

zellkernverschmelzend {adj} [biol.] karyogamic

zellkernzertrümmernd {adj} [biol.] karyorrhectic

Karyatide {f} (tragende weibliche Skulptur) [arch.] caryatid

Virus {n}; Virus {m} [ugs.] [med.] virus [anhören]

Viren {pl} viruses

abgeschwächtes Virus attenuated virus

Adenovirus {n} adenovirus

adeno-assoziiertes Virus adeno-associated virus

amphotropes Virus amphotropic virus

aviäres Virus; Virus, das bei Vögeln auftritt avian virus

bakterienpathogenes Virus bacterial virus

Croup-assoziiertes Virus croup-associated virus

dermatotropes Virus; dermotropes Virus dermotropic virus

DNS-Viren DNA viruses

Epstein-Barr-Virus Epstein-Barr virus; EB virus /EBV/

humanpathogene Viren human pathogenic viruses

humanes Cytomegalie-Virus human cytomegaly virus /HCMV/

humane Papillomviren/Papillomaviren /HPV/ human papillomaviruses /HPV/

(humanes) respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus; RS-Virus /HRSV/ /RSV/ human orthopneumovirus; (human) respiratory syncytial virus /RSV/

Impfvirus {n} vaccination virus

karyotropes Virus karyotropic virus

krebsauslösendes Virus; onkogenes Virus cancer-producing virus; oncogenic virus

langsames Virus slow virus

mesogenes Virus mesogenic virus

neurotropes Virus neurotropic virus

nicht filtrierbares Virus filter-passing virus; non-filterable virus; non-filtrable virus

respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus; RS-Virus respiratory syncitial virus

Retrovirus {n} retrovirus

Rhinovirus {n} rhinovirus

synzytiales Virus syncytial virus

tierisches Virus animal virus

Varizella-Zoster-Virus {n} varicella zoster virus

Wildvirus {n} wild virus; live virus

Zellkern {m}; Nukleus {m} [biol.] cell nucleus; nucleus; cytoblast; endoblast; karyoblast; karyon [anhören]

Zellkerne {pl}; Nuklei {pl} cell nuclei; nuclei; nucleuses; cytoblasts; endoblasts; karyoblasts; karyons

diploider Zellkern diploid nucleus; amphykarion

großer Zellkern macronucleus

kleiner Zellkern micronucleus

Zellkernteilung {f} (mit Chromosomenausbildung); indirekte Zellkernteilung {f}; Karyomitose {f}; Mitose {f}; Karyokinese {f} [biol.] mitotic division; karyomitosis; mitosis; karyokinesis

krankhafte Zellkernteilung; pathologische Mitose pathological mitosis [Br.]; pathologic mitosis [Am.]
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