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17 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Howland
Tipp: Umrechnen von Maßeinheiten

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Holland, Ellsworth-Hochland, Heiland, Hochland, Hochland-Ameisenschlüpfer, Hochland-Wollrücken, Hohlhand, Hohlwand, Homeland, Lolland, Vorland, holend
Ähnliche Wörter:
Holland, lowland, Lolland, Poland, bogland, cowhand, downland, homeland, howled, howling, lowlands, plowland, toyland

Oranje-Sender {m} [hist.] Dutch Radio; Radio Holland (from Britain during WWII)

Tiefebene {f}; Tiefland {n} [geogr.] lowland plain; lowlands

Unterländer {m} lowland

Holland {n} [geogr.] Holland [anhören]

Norddeutsches Tiefland {n}; Norddeutsche Tiefebene [geogr.] North German Plain; Northern Lowland

Hoek van Holland (Stadt in den Niederlanden) [geogr.] Hook of Holland (town in the Netherlands)

Schnäpperrötel {m} [ornith.] lowland akelat

Blauflöter {m} [ornith.] lowland rail babbler

Braunrücken-Waldhuscher {m} [ornith.] lowland mouse warbler

Waldpeltops {m} [ornith.] lowland peltops flycatcher

Geradschnabel-Honigfresser {m} [ornith.] lowland straight-billed honeyeater

Burg {f}; Kastell {n}; Feste {f} [veraltet, bes. in Eigennamen] [arch.] [anhören] [anhören] medieval castle

Burgen {pl}; Kastelle {pl}; Festen {pl} medieval castles

die Engelsburg (in Rom) the Holy Angel Castle; the Castle of the Holy Angel (in Rome)

Flachlandburg {f}; Tieflandburg {f}; Niederungsburg {f} lowland castle; plains castle

Höhenburg {f} hill castle

Kastellburg {f} courtyard castle; quadrangular castle

Trutzburg {f}; Trotzburg {f}; Gegenburg {f}; Belagerungsburg {f} [hist.] counter-castle; siege castle (castle built for the purpose of besieging an enemy's castle)

Niederungen {pl}; tiefliegendes Land {n}; Tiefland {n} [geogr.] low-lying land, lowland; bottomland [Am.]

überschwemmungsgefährdete Niederung flood-menaced land

Tannenbäume {pl}; Tannen {pl} (Abies) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] fir trees; firs (botanical genus)

Algier-Tanne {f}; numidische Tanne {f} (Abies numidica) Algerian fir

Balsamtanne {f} (Abies balsamea) balsam fir

Baishanzu-Tanne {f} (Abies beshanzuensis) Baishanzu fir

Blautanne {f}; blaue Edeltanne {f} (Abies procera glauca) blue fir

bulgarische Tanne (Abies borisii-regis) Bulgarian fir

Edeltanne {f}; pazifische Edeltanne {f}; Silbertanne {f} (Abies procera / Abies nobilis) noble fir

Fabers Tanne {f} (Abies fabri) Faber's fir

Felsengebirgstanne {f} (Abies lasiocarpa) subalpine fir; Rocky Mountain fir

Formosa-Tanne {f} (Abies kawakamii) Taiwan fir

Fraser-Tanne {f} (Abies fraseri) Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir

Goldtanne {f}; Prachttanne {f} (Abies magnifica) red fir; silvertip fir

Grannentanne {f}; Santa-Lucia-Tanne {f} (Abies bracteata) Bristlecone fir

Grautanne {f}; Kolorado-Tanne {f} (Abies concolor) Colorado white fir

Guatemala-Tanne {f} (Abies guatemalensis) Guatemalan fir

griechische Tanne {f} (Abies cephalonica) Greek fir

heilige Tanne {f} (Abies religiosa) sacred fir

Himalaya-Tanne {f} (Abies spectabilis) East Himalayan fir

kilikische Tanne {f}; zilizische Tanne {f} (Abies cilicica) Syrian fir; Cilician fir

Korea-Tanne {f} (Abies koreana) Korean fir

Korktanne {f} (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica) corkbark fir

Küstentanne {f}; Riesentanne {f} (Abies grandis / Abies excelsior) grand fir; giant fir; Western/lowland white fir; Vancouver fir; Oregon fir

Maries-Tanne {f} (Abies mariesii) Maries' fir

Min-Tanne {f} (Abies recurvata) Min fir

Momi-Tanne {f} (Abies firma) Momi fir; Japanese fir

Nadeltanne {f}; mandschurische Tanne {f} (Abies holophylla) needle fir; Manchurian fir

Nebrodi-Tanne {f} (Abies nebrodensis) Sicilian fir

Nikko-Tanne {f} (Abies homolepis) Nikko fir

Nordmanntanne {f}; Kaukasus-Tanne {f} (Abies nordmanniana) Nordmann fir; Caucasian fir

ostsibirische Tanne {f} (Abies nephrolepis) Khinghan fir

Pindrow-Tanne {f} (Abies pindrow) Pindrow fir

Purpurtanne {f} (Abies amabilis) Pacific silver fir; red fir; lovely fir; Cascades fir

Sachalin-Tanne {f} (Abies sachalinensis) Sakhalin fir

Schensi-Tanne {f} (Abies chensiensis) Shensi fir

schuppenrindige Tanne {f} (Abies squamata) flaky fir

sibirische Tanne {f} (Abies sibirica) Siberian fir

spanische Tanne {f} (Abies pinsapo) Spanish fir

Veitchs Tanne {f} (Abies veitchii) Veitch's fir

Weißtanne {f}; Silbertanne {f} [ugs.]; Edeltanne {f} [ugs.] (Abies alba) European silver fir

Yunnan-Tanne {f}; Delavays Tanne {f}; (Abies delavayi) Delavay's fir

Ziyuan-Tanne {f} (Abies ziyuanensis) Ziyuan fir

Tapire {pl} (Tapirus) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] tapirs (zoological genus)

Flachlandtapir {m} (Tapirus terrestris) lowland tapir; South American tapir; Brazilian tapir

Schabrackentapir {m}; Asiatischer Tapir {m}; Malaysischer Tapir {m} (Tapirus indicus) Asian tapir; Malayan tapir

Tragelaphus-Antilopen {pl} (Tragelaphus) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] tragelaphus antelopes (zoological genus)

Bongoantilope {f}; Bongo {m} (Tragelaphus eurycerus) bongo antelope; bongo

Großer Kudu {m} (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) greater kudu

Kleiner Kudu {m} (Tragelaphus imberbis) lesser kudu

Nyala-Antilope {f}; Flachland-Nyala {m}; Nyala {m} (Tragelaphus angasii) nyala antelope; lowland nyala; nyala

Berg-Nyala {m} (Tragelaphus buxtoni) mountain nyala; balbok antelope; balbok

Sumpfantilope {f}; Sumpfbock {m}; Wasserkudu {m}; Sitatunga {m} (Tragelaphus spekii) sitatunga antelope; sitatunga; marshbuck

Senegal-Schirrantilope {f} (Tragelaphus scriptus) kewel antelope

Südliche Schirrantilope {f} (Tragelaphus sylvaticus) imbabala antelope; imbabala; Cape bushbuck

Wüste {f}; Trockengebiet {n} [geogr.] [anhören] desert [anhören]

Wüsten {pl}; Trockengebiete {pl} deserts

Hitzewüste {f} hot desert; warm desert; lowland desert; flat desert

Küstenwüste {f} coastal desert

tropische Wüste hot desert

kiesbedeckte Wüste gravelly desert

tote Wüste harsh desert

winterkalte Wüste cold desert
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