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11 Ergebnisse für Kings
Tipp: Suche nach mehreren Wörtern (ODER verknüpft): Wort1, Wort2

 Deutsch  Englisch

Thronrede {f} [pol.] throne speech; speech from the throne; Kings's/Queen's speech [Br.] [anhören]

Thronreden {pl} throne speeches; speeches from the throne; Kings's/Queen's speeches

Netzmagen {m}; Haube {f} (Reticulum) (bei Wiederkäuern) [anat.] [zool.] [anhören] honeycomb tripe; kings-hood; bonnet; reticulum (in ruminants) [anhören]

die drei Weisen aus dem Morgenland; die heiligen drei Könige [relig.] the three Wise Men from the East; the three Kings; the Magi

Artaxerxes I. (persischer Großkönig) [hist.] Artaxerxes I (Persian king of kings)

Herumtreiber {m}; Landstreicher {m}; Stadtstreicher {m}; Tramp {m}; Tippelbruder {m} [Dt.] [ugs.]; Stromer {m}; Streuner {m}; Heckenpenner {m}; Vagabund {m} [veraltend] [pej.] vagrant; tramp; down-and-out; king of the road [coll.]; knight of the road [coll.]; dosser [Br.] [coll.]; hobo [Am.]; bum [Am.]; bagman [Austr.] [NZ]; sundowner [Austr.] [NZ]; swagman [Austr.] [NZ]; derro [Austr.] [NZ] [coll.]; derelict [formal]; vagabond [dated] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Herumtreiber {pl}; Landstreicher {pl}; Stadtstreicher {pl}; Tramps {pl}; Tippelbrüder {pl}; Stromer {pl}; Streuner {pl}; Heckenpenner {pl}; Vagabunde {pl} vagrants; tramps; down-and-outs; kings of the road; knights of the road; dossers; hobos; bums; bagmen; sundowners; swagmen; derros; derelicts; vagabonds

jugendlicher Herumtreiber; ausgerissener Jugendlicher; Trebegänger [Dt.]; Treber [Dt.] young vagrant; teenage vagrant

Immobilienkönig {m} [ugs.] property king

Immobilienkönige {pl} property kings

König {m} [anhören] king [anhören]

Könige {pl} kings

König {m} (Schachfigur) [anhören] king (chessman) [anhören]

Könige {pl} kings

Quotenkönig {m}; Quotenkönigin {f} (Medienbranche) ratings king; ratings queen (media industry)

Quotenkönige {pl}; Quotenköniginnen {pl} ratings kings; ratings queens

die Bücher des Alten Testaments [relig.] the Old Testament Books

das 1. Buch Mose (Genesis) the Book of Genesis

das 2. Buch Mose (Exodus) the Book of Exodus

das 3. Buch Mose (Levitikus) the Book of Leviticus

das 4. Buch Mose (Numeri) the Book of Numbers

das 5. Buch Mose (Deuteronomium) the Book of Deuteronomy

das Buch Josua; Buch Joschua the Book of Joshua

das Buch der Richter the Book of Judges

das Buch Ruth the Book of Ruth

das 1. Buch Samuel the 1st Book of Samuel

das 2. Buch Samuel the 2nd Book of Samuel

das 1. Buch der Könige the 1st Book of Kings

das 2. Buch der Könige the 2nd Book of Kings

das 1. Buch der Chronik the 1st Book of Chronicles

das 2. Buch der Chronik the 2nd Book of Chronicles

das Buch Esra the Book of Ezra

Märchenkönig {m} fairytale king

Märchenkönige {pl} fairytale kings
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