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26 ähnliche Ergebnisse für MorphOS
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Ähnliche Wörter:
Moros, Morphem, Morpheus
Ähnliche Wörter:
Morpheus, amorphous, morphed, morphia

Flussmorphologie {f} (Gewässerkunde) river morphology; fluvial morphology (hydrology)

Formenlehre {f} [ling.] accidence; inflectional morphology

Genitalmorphologie {f} [anat.] [zool.] genital morphology

Gestaltentwicklung {f}; Gestaltbildung {f}; Gestaltwandel {m}; Morphogenese {f}; Morphogenie {f} [selten] [biol.] development of morphological characteristics; morphogenesis; morphogeny [rare]

Gewässermorphologie {f} morphology of waters

Kristallmorphologie {f} crystal morphology

Landformenkunde {f}; Geomorphologie {f} [geol.] study of landforms; geomorphology; geomorphic geology; morphological geology; orography; physiography

Morphismus {m} [math.] mosphism

Morphodynamik {f} morphodynamics

Morphologie {f}; Wortbildungslehre {f} [ling.] morphology

pathologische Morphologie {f}; Pathomorphismus {m} [med.] abnormal morphology; perverted mophology; pathomorphology; pathomorphism

Morphonologie {f}; Morphophonologie {f}; Morphonemik {f}; Morphophonemik {f} [ling.] morphophonology; morphophonemics; morphonology

Morphospezies {f} [biol.] morphospecies

Zellmorphologie {f} [biol.] cell morphology; cytomorphology

anders aufgebaut; morphologisch verschieden {adj} [biol.] anisomorphic

gestaltbildend; morphogenetisch {adj} [biol.] morphogenetic; morphogenic (relating to the development of morphological characteristics)

morphologisch {adj} morphologic; morphological

morphophonologisch {adj} [ling.] morphophonological

morphologisch {adv} morphologically

Bruchstufe {f} (morphologisch) fault scarp; fault cliff; kern but

Kuppe {f} (Morphologie) dome; top; head; knoll (of ocean floor) [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Morphometrie {f} morphometry

Eiweißstoff {m}; Eiweißkörper {m}; Eiweiß {n}; Protein {n} [biochem.] protein; albuminous substance [anhören]

Blutplasmaeiweiß {n}; Bluteiweiß {n}; Plasmaeiweiß {n}; Blutplasmaprotein {n}; Plasmaprotein {n} blood plasma protein; blood protein; plasma protein

Chromoprotein {n} chromoprotein

Gerüsteiweiß {n}; Strukturprotein {n}; Skleroprotein {n} structural protein

konjugiertes Protein; Proteid [frühere Bezeichnung] conjugated protein; proteid [former name]

Mikroprotein {n} microprotein

morphogenes Protein; Morphogen {n} morphogene protein; morphogene

Mucoprotein {n} mucoprotein

Nukleoprotein {n} nucleoprotein

Pflanzeneiweiß {n}; Pflanzenprotein {n} plant protein

Rekombinationsprotein {n} recombination protein

Rohprotein {n} raw protein

Schutzeiweiß {n}; Schutzprotein {n} protective protein

Sirtuin {n}; Sir2-Protein {n} sirtuin; Sir2-like protein

Stachelprotein {n}; S-Protein {n}; Oberflächenglycoprotein {n} spike protein; surface glycoprotein

Stressprotein {n} stress protein

Trägerprotein {n}; Schlepperprotein {n} carrier protein

Transportprotein {n} carrier protein

Virusprotein {n} virus protein

Ganzkörperanzug {m} [textil.] morphsuit

Ganzkörperanzüge {pl} morphsuits

Taxon {n} [biol.] taxon; taxonomic unit

Taxa {pl} taxa

Formtaxon {n}; Formgattung {f} [frühere Bezeichnung]; Organgattung {f} [frühere Bezeichnung] (Paläobotanik) form-taxon; morphotaxon; fossil-taxon; form genus [former name]; organ genus [former name] (palaeobotany)

Lazarustaxon {n} (für ausgestorben gehaltenes, wiederentdecktes Taxon) Lazarus taxon (thought extinct and rediscovered)

Schwestertaxa {pl} sister taxa

das ursprüngliche Taxon (in der Evolution) the basal taxon (in evolution)

das ursprünglichste Taxon (in der Evolution) the most basal taxon (in evolution)

Zwitter {m}; Zwitterwesen {n}; Intersextypus {m}; Hermaphrodit {m} [biol.] hermaphrodite; morphodite [slang] [anhören]

Zwitter {pl}; Zwitterwesen {pl}; Intersextypen {pl}; Hermaphroditen {pl} hermaphrodites; morphodites
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